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Tear Jerker / Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

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  • On Eirika's route, Joshua is reunited with his mother, Queen Ismaire, just in time for her to die from the injuries Caellach inflicted. It's even worse if Joshua's dead by the time Ismaire dies, or on Ephraim's route, in which Joshua never gets to reunite with his mother.
  • Myrrh having to fight against and kill her zombified father Morva during the last map before the endgame.
  • The ending reveals that the earthquake Lyon predicted happened, and Grado is devastated. Not only was Lyon's attempt to call on the Demon King's power to avert this disaster All for Nothing, but it only made things worse, as the war devastated Grado and left it as a pariah among the other nations, meaning that it'll likely be decades before the country's even remotely close to stable again.
