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Tear Jerker / Dragon Ball Multiverse

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  • U16 Pan's death, which cruelly averts Improbable Infant Survival, and the anguished reactions of her family afterwards.
  • When Universe 16 and 18 decide to eat together at the end of the first round, the two Videls can be seen next to each other, one of them patting U18 Pan on the head. This is presumably the Videl that lost her own daughter.
    • And of course, Raichi had to rub it in by summoning the spirits of the contenders killed in the tournament against Super Saiyan King Vegeta. Including U16 Pan, sitting on the arm of Bojack, her killer. The entirety of Universe 16 is shocked.
  • The Universe 8 Special Chapter has such a moment. After a chain of Moment of Awesome after Moment of Awesome including beheading Vegeta, killing Appule with one kick, and inflicing good damage on Zarbon, Krillin doesn't survive being near the blast of Zarbon's Elegant Blaster, and dies in Gohan's arms.
    • To top it off the rest don't survive for much longer, as Freeza blows up the planet when he realizes that Porunga has been summoned after Nail distracts Freeza for a short while so that Gohan could steal the Dragon Balls.
    • What makes it even worst is the big Hope Spot that they got right before, when they are about to wish Piccolo back and have the Earth Dragon Balls again. They don't make it in time. Gohan and Bulma even die mid thumbs-up.
  • While both of them were monsters, it is a little sad when Cell kills the first Cell Jr. that happily calls him "Dad" just to produce another one with more power.
  • In one of the chapter illustrations, we see Kakarotto wander off to Universe 9’s Area, and asking their universe’s Krillin if he’s the real deal. Despite the disdain that the elderly Krillin shows him, the look on Kakarotto’s face is bereft of his usual Ax-Crazy sadism and seems to reflect a tinge of what seems to be regret. Even after untold years, it’s clear that killing one of the few genuine friends he had still sticks with him even now.
  • Surprisingly, Bujin gets one such moment during the special detailing the Bojack gang's creation. Essentially, his people were under attack by the Frost Demons and were losing badly. So, their government decided to draft some of their people into an experiment to make an army of super soldiers. While there were some volunteers, a good portion of these were criminals that had no choice. Bujin, however, was an orphan who was "volunteered" by his government to be part of the experiment. And considering Bojack mentioned that he was essentially tortured by the scientists in charge, Bujin likely didn't get much better treatment. Just look at his picture in this strip and tell me you don't feel bad for him.
  • Hatchiyak as the avatar of all the hatred Raichi has born witness to, bringing intense emotional pain to everyone listening to him scream. One can't help but feel sad for such a wretched being, since at least in this incarnation he was more of a Well-Intentioned Extremist who actually brought good to his universe.
  • Bardock getting turned into a Majin, and getting a brief moment of emotion shining through the brainwashing as he sees Raichi eradicated by Gast. However, this pang of sadness as he realizes his friends are dead forever is quickly squashed mercilessly by Babidi who reasserts control.
  • One of the U19 warriors getting brainwashed and locked in a Mexican Standoff with his friends. They attempt a very heartbreaking "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight, to no avail, and this ends up with three people dead, ignored in the face of emergency and of Death Is Cheap.
  • U16!Gohan has to witness both Videls and both Piccolos getting killed mercilessly by Majin Cell.
  • U16!Gohan is about to break down in tears seeing Bra got brainwashed, and is sporting a purely demonic look on her face, as she prepares to fight.
  • U16!Gohan's death both because of the event itself and what lead to it. U16!Gohan after seeing Majin Bra recover a direct hit from his strongest move and kill U16!Piccolo just ....... breaks down crossing the Despair Event Horizon, crumbling to his knees and lamenting that the fight is endless and no matter how hard he tries he can't do more than merely draw out what appears to be a losing battle, while the people he loves are picked off one by one. Majin Bra takes advantage of this breakdown and slices him in half. U16!Gohan dies at the hand of his Brainwashed And Axe Crazy surrogate sister, after seeing said sister murder his teacher - closest friend with the extra pain that this happens not long after he saw his beloved wife murdered twice over.
  • U16!Gohan's last words are addressed to Majin Bra, he comments that he expected her to hesitate a little more when it came to killing him, which makes Majin Bra drop her perpetual Slasher Smile, and with his last breath sadly notes that Babidi's will is stronger and Word of God is that there is no humanity left in Bra. The chapter ends with Majin Bra, her demented grin back in place and energy blade fired up, commenting that with U16!Gohan that makes three people she's killed, no remorse or regret is evident.
  • U18!Bra breaking down in tears over a maybe dead U18!Gohan desperately begging him to Please Wake Up and not give up hits pretty hard. The poor girl has been through one long Trauma Conga Line during the Majin Rebellion being held hostage, battered around by stronger foes and watching people she knows die while she's helpless to stop it. The sight of one of the strongest, if not the strongest, person in her universe someone she's known all her life broken and defeated is just the cherry on the top of it all. The fact her U16 counterpart's reaction to this sight is mockery adds punch since it both comes of as pointlessly cruel and sells just how far gone U16!Bra is at this point, that the sight of her alternate self weeping over a brother who U16!Bra in her normal state of mind respected deeply, can only inspire mockery and Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humour from her now.
  • While it's hard to feel sorry for her after everything she's done the look of pain, horror and shame on U16!Bra's face in page 1742 inspires some sympathy. All the thoughts and feelings Babidi's magic suppressed have begun to return and readers can tell it hits her like a truck.
    • After a protracted and cutting "Reason You Suck" Speech talk from U18!Bra gets through to U16!Bra, she musters the will to destroy the Majin brand on her forehead and completely break the hold of Babidi's magic, but instead of a joyous victory her immediate reaction is to start crying as the full scope of what she's done as a Majin sinks in.
  • Chapter 79 gives us with the returning participants being stunned and horrified by the death toll of the Majin Rebellion with scenes such as South Supreme Kai cradling the body of his fallen counterpart and U18!Pan's horrified reaction to the corpse of her father.
    • U16!Bra's opens the chapter by continuing her breakdown over her actions as a Majin. She more or less says My God, What Have I Done?, begins Inelegant Blubbering as what she did to U16!Gohan sinks in, calls herself a murderer and says that she can’t be forgiven now.
    • The pain train continues when in the middle of a confrontation between a murderously furious Vegetto and Bra, which has Vegetto outright trying to kill Bra, a crying U16!Pan confronts Bra over the death of Gohan emotionally demanding to know *how* could she have killed Pan’s father. U16!Bra looks like she’s dying inside at this and responds by reaffirming that It's All My Fault and tells Gast, who is currently restraining and trying to talk down Vegetto, to just let him kill her and be done with this.
  • Chapter 80 has an atmosphere of helplessness all over, reminiscent of a Disaster Movie. The title outright confirms what we have known, it will be a Class X-4 apocalyptic event.
    • So far we have seen a few reactions to Broly's onslaught, and it is so swift that there is not yet a fight but an ongoing Class 6. Every human under the level of strength of the Z-team is pretty much guaranteed to be dead, as they could confirm firsthand with their weaker family members.
  • Chapter 87 shows the sad fate of the Universe 3 Z-Fighters, with them being killed by the onslaught of the Saiyans under Raditz, with Krillin, Yamcha, Master Roshi, and even Grandpa Gohan being killed by an invasion they had no chance of stopping.
  • Chapter 93 offers an understated but surprisingly melancholic moment. After seeing Goku and Vegeta fight it out in their recreation of the Ultimate Form - True Mastery of their energies/bodies state. Vegetto doesn't praise them for the stunning achievement, he isn't eager to fight them or interested in learning how to obtain the state himself, he can only stand there seething, clenching his fists and calling the two souls that merged together to create him "little bastards". It's sadly reminiscent of how pre-character development Vegeta reacted to Goku surpassing his expectations.
    • Post Majin Rebellion Vegetto has for the most part stopped having any kind of fun, he's perpetually scowling and ill tempered snapping at others, irrationally complaining to himself about how he isn't appreciated by the rest of the tournament participants, seeing the man who was enjoying himself so much at the start of the tournament decay into this bitter, insecure and unpleasant person is rather sad.
