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Tear Jerker / Birdie Wing

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For an anime about golf, there are a surprising amount of moments that cause heartache.

In General

The main drama in Birdie Wing is the fact that Eve and Aoi never had a proper match after that first meeting. It doesn't seem like much at first, but then improper planning, interventions, and critical problems seem to get in the way before that match can take place. For context, Episode 2 is the first time they faced each other, and the next time they faced as rivals is in Episode 24, and by that time it could be Aoi's Last Match.

Episode Four- Vipère

  • Eve thinks to herself how prior to meeting Aoi, there were times she didn’t even want to wake up.
    Eve: My life is shit. I hated getting up in the morning.
  • Unfortunately, Eve does not make it to her and Aoi’s meeting. Aoi leaves behind a ball with a tear and the word “liar” written on the back. Eve sends up some Blue Bullets to Aoi’s plane. When she sees them, she tearfully calls Eve and liar three times.

Episode Five- VR

  • Aoi desperately wants to return to Nafrece after seeing Eve was there but is reminded by Amane that she has responsibilities to tend to.

Episode Eight- Final Bullet

  • It is rather tough to see Rose curl into a ball and cry after losing her arm and her mentor. It is also the last time we see Rose alive after Eve defeats her.

Episode Eleven- No Matter How Tall a Weed Grows, It Will Never Reach the Sun

  • Kinue’s situation and attitude is quite tragic, especially when it’s revealed her beloved mentor is secretly behind her golfer’s elbow.
