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Tear Jerker / Birdy the Mighty

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  • The death of Violin in Decode and Birdy's reaction to it.
  • The serial killer from Episode 7 turns out to be a prototype marionette that seeks out brunette women with glasses because its "mama," the engineer that created it, had those characteristics—and the killings are merely the result of the marionette trying to hug them.
  • Tute's death in episode 3.
  • In Decode 02, the flashback to the Ryunka Incident from Nataru's perspective. He's sitting at an outdoor restaurant with his good friend (or possibly even boyfriend), Yuichi. Then the blast wave hits, but Nataru's alien tech saves him... Yuichi and the other patrons aren't so lucky, and Nataru can only cry out as his dear friend literally crumbles before his eyes.
