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Tear Jerker / A.I.: Artificial Intelligence

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  • Monica abandoning David in the woods as he begs his mommy to come back will unlock whatever sort of parental instinct you may have, whether or not you're a parent, and make you want to grab the kid and tell him everything will be okay.
    • The robot nanny tries to soothe David, she even mentions that she has excellent references, and the Flesh Fair destroys her anyway. Another pleads that he was Time's "Mecha of the Year" while being scrapped.
  • By the end of David's journey, he sits alone with Teddy, trapped underwater in front of the Fairy statue in hopes of granting a wish that will never be - being turned into a real boy so he can go back to Monica, loved.
  • Professor Hobby's scene with David.
    David: I thought I was one of a kind.
    Hobby: (holding back tears) My son was one of a kind.
    • When Hobby first shows up, he tries to stop David from his tantrum by instinctively comforting him, like he no doubt would and did try for the real David.
  • The scene when David discovers the other Davids. Think about it for a second. All children are told that they are special and unique. Robot or no robot, David is just a kid and he gets so upset...
  • David went across the earth and waited two thousand years to see his mother again. But he can only see her for one day, and then she is gone forever. It's all so unfair.
  • The pool scene. Never has Rule of Pool been used to such a heartrending effect. The fact that you know it's coming makes it worse.
    • The ending of that scene is especially sad. While the other kid that David brought with him into the pool is taken out and checked to see if he's okay as everyone crowds around him, David is left underwater.
  • Joe: Goodbye, David. I am. I was.
  • The scene when David finally sees his mother for the first time in over 2000 years. David, being a robot who supposedly doesn't show emotions, cries tears of joy at the sight of her, saying, "I found you."
    • Also the last scene of the movie, when Monica says her last words before going to "sleep": "I love you David. I do love you. I have always loved you." This brings David to tears because it is all he ever wanted - for his mom to say she loved him. We then see David crying tears of happiness, hugging Monica as he goes to "sleep" with her.
      • Remember that after this scene, Monica will die and never, ever come back. Even worse, David follows after her. One of the greatest(?) Downer Endings ever.
  • Joe recognizing that his "lover" is lying there dead and the subtle change in expression, or lack thereof.
