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Nightmare Fuel / A.I.: Artificial Intelligence

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"Eat your greens", they said... "They're healthy for you", they said...
  • When David eats spinach, his face starts to droop and sag in the most unsettling way imaginable.
  • The Flesh Fair scene; both the graphic destruction of the mechas and the unabashed sadistic glee displayed by the patrons as the violence unfolds.
  • David finding another prototype of himself and smashing it with a lamp, treating his copy as a rival. Hobby has already mass-produced David, so one hopes he patched that "feature" out.
  • One of the boxes they package the David robots in suddenly shook for a moment.
  • The thought of being trapped beneath the Atlantic Ocean for two thousand years is quite unsettling. David is a machine and probably couldn't care less, but for us humans however...
  • The very idea of the human race going extinct at some point after David is trapped underwater. What makes it worse is that it happens within the next two millennia, roughly the same amount of time it took for humans to actually become as advanced as we are now. Makes you wonder... what the hell happened to cause humanity to die off?
