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Shout Out / Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters

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  • Go-Busters takes a lot of cues from Power Rangers, apparently paying tribute to Saban's show on the eve of its 20th anniversary. Some of the specifics:
    • The use of "It's morphin' time!" and "Megazord" (Ironically, the latter is used for the evil mecha, rather than the Busters' mecha).
    • Civilian powers (from several Disney-era seasons, particularly Dino Thunder and Operation Overdrive). Further, the Busters got their civilian powers and were chosen to be Rangers because their parents are the ones who engineered the tech - right out of SPD. note 
    • Sunglasses as henshin devices (from Power Rangers Jungle Fury).
    • An evil computer virus as the Big Bad (from Power Rangers RPM). Also, being a Sealed Evil in a Can who commands the Vaglass as a disembodied head, he's more or less an evil version of Zordon.
    • The team takes their helmets off somewhat regularly, which does happen in Super Sentai (in Go-Onger for example), but is much more common in Power Rangers.
    • The arc with Enter successfully getting some of the items he was after, is awfully similar to the major arc of Power Rangers S.P.D., with Gruumm and Morgana getting one item after another in order to unleash their own Big Bad Sealed Evil in a Can.
    • That the gold member of the team is an eccentric genius scientist believed lost when the Big Bad was unleashed, but turns out not only to still be alive, but in possession of powers brings to mind Gem, only (hopefully) less insane.
