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Self Demonstrating / Stages of Monster Grief

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Hey, You!! Yeah, you, the one drinking the rats' blood. Don't act so surprised, you're not the only freak in this town, and lucky you, I'm in a sharing mood.

You're new to this whole "being a monster" thing, so I'll cut you a break. You're probably thinking this is all some horrible nightmare, or you just have some exotic new disease... well, sorry to break it to you, but you ain't human no more and the sooner you realize it the better off we'll all be.

After noticing the first signs, most "people" (and I use the term loosely) prefer to live in Denial and act like nothing's the matter for as long as they can... but sooner or later the Horror Hunger kicks in and they take a bite from whoever is nearest. Not a pretty picture. Seriously, it's like waking up and seeing a Tomato in the Mirror.

If they aren't Depressed enough to take a walk in the sun or hide in the woods, they'll get angry. And I mean really angry, cut out your sire's heart with a rusty wooden spoon and burn his castle down angry. These Defiant SOB's usually can't keep it in their pants, either; before long they'll start gunning for the rest of us, as if dying once wasn't hard enough.

Me? I'm at what you'd call Acceptance (and if you have a lick of sense, you will too). You wake up one night, realize forever is a long time to mope, and decide to make the most of it. Most of us are sane, and some even do a good impression of Mahatma-bloodsucking-Gandhi. That's not to say we're all "nice" or never hurt anyone, we just don't see the point in beating yourself (or your food) up.

Speaking of which, try to avoid the loonies who jumped at the chance to Betray humanity. These types think being a monster is an excuse to act like one. (Well yeah, we are monsters, but there's no need to be a monster about it.) Thankfully, these idiots tend to burn out pretty fast, what with ignoring the Masquerade and acting all Horror movie monster. ... but those that don't? Yeah, watch out for those. I don't know why, but these bastards seem to actually get stronger from all that puppy kicking, though they usually stop even looking remotely human.

Anyway, nice talking to you kid. If you have any questions, need advice, or a shoulder to cry on... find someone else!
