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Running Gag / RiffTrax

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Yes. Seriously. There are THAT many Running Gags in RiffTrax.

  • Perhaps the ultimate running gag, in reference to Mike's love of Road House, whenever you add an item to your checkout cart on the site, additional purchase suggestions are labeled as "Pain will not hurt if you order these."
  • Kevin and Bill feuding. The short American Thrift, Part 2 had Bill stating he had a restraining order on Kevin, and he was never to look directly at him, while Highway Mania had this gem when Kevin made a horrible siren noise:
    Bill: Kevin, don't take this the wrong way, but I will murder you and smile while doing it.
  • In what seems to be an MST hold-over... Lllllladies...
  • Another MST holdover: (X), you magnificent bastard, I READ YOUR BOOK!
  • Boundless irritation with Lost and its infamously ambiguous series finale.
  • Dogs or even references to dogs will inevitably get Mike to bring up the Baha Men and "Who Let the Dogs Out?".
  • If a dog needs to talk, it inevitably has Scooby-Doo speak.
  • Schnappi Das Kleine Krokodil.
  • The obesities of Horatio Sanz, Jorge Garcia, John Goodman and Louie Anderson.
    • Plus Chaz Bono. Credit where it's due, at least they don't bring up his being trans.
  • Nick Nolte. Any given shot of alcohol, garbage, rambling or flailing madmen/drunkards, people lying unconscious, derelict or crumbling buildings, squatters, muddy pools, cars speeding... there lies an insanely high chance of an elaborate joke about how utterly drunk and revolting Nolte is.
    • More recently, this is often accompanied by Mike's Nolte impression, in which he delivers a brief explanation/monologue as to why he's in whichever scene the riffers are mocking (e.g., finding himself in Oz after being flung there by a tornado made of his own excrement, or appearing in a town overrun with zombies in order to siphon an overturned truck full of benzine). This was also a running gag itself within Curse of Bigfoot, which features three or four rants.
      • Lampshaded in Breaker! Breaker! when Nolte (Mike's aforementioned impression) breaks into the studio to threaten the riffers, having developed a sixth sense as to when they're about to joke about him.
    • Similarily but not nearly as often, Gary Busey.
  • (X)?!? What do you think we are, MILLIONAIRES?!?note 
  • It stopped around the time of his 2016 death, but early riffs were nearly a given that there would be a jab at Abe Vigoda and his advanced age.
  • This started around 2018 or so: references (and understandable disgusted reactions) to lemon party.
  • Bill or Kevin getting bored and browsing IMDb or editing Wikipedia, much to Mike's annoyance. Most notably during the pod racing scene in The Phantom Menace.
  • Crispin Glover gets brought up if they need someone lanky and/or weird.
  • If a supporting/minor character is weird and/or crazy, they'll compare them to one of the other riffers, especially if said character happens to share one of their names.
  • Someone's wardrobe (or, in the case of The Apple, an extensively choreographed musical number before and during an orgy) is "an Eyes Wide Shut party".
  • Expect there to be at least one The Room reference in riffs made after they originally did a studio riff in 2009, but even moreso after the 2015 live. Especially anything set in/near San Francisco or involving an ethnically ambiguous character.
  • The WNBA.
  • Rip Torn's alcoholism.
  • Daddy Day Camp.
  • "Sam, you made the pants too long."
  • They seem to have a special fondness for well-known shouted quotes:
  • If a character wakes up from a nightmare or has a premonition of doom, it's always about a low point in their actor's career.
    • Similiarly, they will state that they refuse to take advice from/take seriously/etc. anyone who was in [Movie X].
  • Any scene filled with wreckage or desolation is "Detroit".
    • Any snowy scene, especially if in the middle of a raging blizzard, is Minnesota in July.
  • They make a lot of jokes about Minnesota, since Mike, Bill, and Kevin all lived there at one time or another. And if Jesse Ventura is in a movie they're doing, they will frequently remind the viewers that he was once Governor of that State.
  • Any male character removing his shirt is going for ''The McConaughey look".
    • Often accompanied with a drawling "Alright alright!" Sometimes a marijuana/hippie reference is chucked in for good measure.
  • Any monkey is mistaken for Chris Kattan.
  • Tom Waits, especially if Kevin's involved.
  • Threats of physical violence for bad puns.
  • Mike's (and the others' to a lesser extent) obsession with bacon, though even this is tested during their viewing of the inside of a meat factory in This Is Hormel.
  • Scornful references to According to Jim.
    • Interestingly, one of the sitcom's first mentions (Firewall) had Kevin speaking well of it. When the positivity ended is unclear.
  • References to Kelsey Grammer's car accident.
  • "Cerebro?" "Yes, Magneto?"
    • They spend a lot of time guessing what different characters' superhero names were, by making a bland—and often wordy—description of the character's mutant ability and/or appearance, and adding the letter O to the end. This despite the fact that there are only two characters whose names end in an O (Magneto and Pyro). Not to mention that both those names are real words. It even carries over to The Dark Knight, where they guessed that Scarecrow's name was "Gunny-Sack-Head-O".
    • For a bit of running-gag-ception, this is a riff only used by Bill and Mike, who targeted X-Men (this was before Bill and Kevin officially joined). When Kevin tries to use it during the first Harry Potter, they yell at him.
  • In perhaps another holdover from MST, whenever a character says "What's happening?", Bill will break into the strains of the What's Happening!! theme, on at least one occasion being soundly silenced by Kevin.
    • Happens twice in less than two minutes during Night of the Living Dead.
    • Kevin takes the reins on this gag during The Grudge. Granted, Bill is absent.
    • This arises in the form of "What's going on?" during Fairy King of Ar and towards the end of Yesterday's Target.
    • It all culminated in a short called "What's Happening?", wherein Bill was allowed to indulge himself, spending the entire runtime humming the theme song while Mike and Kevin completely ignore him.
  • Bonesaw references. Often variations on "BONEsaw is REA-DYYYYYYY!" and other examples of Randy Savage's Grade A hamminess.
  • The Twilight Saga: The trio insert "Line?" whenever Bella and Edward have a moment of awkward silence, which is at least half the film. This also carries over to other riffs with excruciating amounts of silence between dialogues, including The Last Airbender (which features Harpo from Twilightnote ).
    • Speaking of Airbender, "I'm Harpo, I'm Harpo, boo-hoo."
    • Taken up to eleven in the second part of Breaking Dawn when they keep cutting back and forth between all the people ready for the final showdown, and every cut is accompanied by a 'Line?'
    • New Moon: They keep trying to guess whether Bella's next line will be a full sentence.
    • Eclipse: They interpret the characters' excessive pausing as contempt for their own dialogue.
    • Breaking Dawn: Part 1: This is mostly exchanged for reminders of how the book couldn't possibly fit in one film during the numerous time-wasting/padding montages.
    • They get "Hey, Arizona, how you likin' da rain, girl?" into each movie at least once.
    • Every film gets at least one joke about how much they hate Arby's.
  • In the second half of Breaking Dawn, Part 1, whenever someone greets Jacob for the first time:
    "Sorry about Abduction."
    • In Part 2, from the moment it's revealed that he imprinted on Renesmee, every single joke involving Jacob is about him being in love with an infant.
      • This plot point has filtered into non-Twilight riffs as well.
  • Black Friday.
  • For Harry Potter, jokes about how mind-numbing and soul-sucking Quidditch matches are.
    • They do the same with pod racing during The Phantom Menace but since then, the running gag has been that other soul-sucking sequences are so bad it makes them wish for pod racing.
    • The "wizards are minions of Satan" jokes throughout the franchise.
      • This gag is also picked up throughout Twilight and other works with supernatural elements. For example, at Edward and Bella's wedding, they remark that the priest's Bible burst into flames, and when the wedding guests disappear so that Bella and Edward can have a surreal romantic kiss, their "unholy union must have caused the Rapture".
    • For the first two films, when Richard Harris plays Dumbledore, they constantly make wheezing, old-man noises whenever he speaks to emphasize how elderly he is. This ceased after he was replaced by Michael Gambon following Harris' death, who gives Dumbledore a significantly more energetic performance.
    • Ever since the term "Mudblood" is introduced in Chamber of Secrets, they go out of their way to ensure this is referenced every time Hermione is onscreen, typically by calling her "Muddy". Strangely enough, this is absent in Order of the Phoenix.
  • Pointing out that a sequence in the movie is similar to a video game, except they don't get to play it
  • Budweiser American Ale bashing.
  • Supporters of Congressman Ron Paul include Sauron, the Joker and Darth Vader. Voldemort is often said to be Paul in disguise.
  • Having two of them make a similarly-themed joke about a character, then have the third one drop the ball.
    (From 300)
    General: ...Sons to carry on their name.
    Bill: Though Johnson's son may not be the marrying type, If you know what I mean.
    Mike: He's considering moving to Athens, if you catch my drift.
    Kevin: We think he may be a homosexual, if you can read between the lines.
    Mike: Yes, thank you, Kevin.
    • Also from 300, many, many jokes about "This! Is! SPARTA!!" and the blatant homoeroticism.
  • Star Wars:
    • Throughout the original trilogy, the guys get a lot of mileage out of referencing things from the prequels that change the way one looks at the original, including R2-D2's ability to fly, the revelation of C-3PO's creator, and facts about Anakin and Padmé.
    Leia: I was very young when [my mother] died.
    Bill (as Leia): Like hours old, but I did know her.
    Leia: She was kind but sad.
    Bill (as Leia): Yeah, sure did learn a lot about her in those few hours.
    • Luke never did get those power converters from Tosche Station in A New Hope, a fact repeatedly lamented all the way to Return of the Jedi. And extends to non-Star Wars riffs.
    • Not to mention Anakin's Freudian hatred for sand (in the prequels at least).
      • Anything involving Vader will inevitably be accompanied by a reference to said hatred; e.g., in The Star Wars Holiday Special, his very brief scene is accompanied by "I saw a grain of sand in my office. Eliminate it immediately."
    • During the prequels, whenever Ki Adi Mundi is onscreen, there will be an obligatory reference to the fact that his head looks like a penis.
      [During the scene where he is fatally shot]: "Oh please, no, not in the junk... well, seeing as I'm nearly all junk, do your worst!"
    • They often refer to Count Dooku as "Count Dookie" and every other funny and/or stupidly named entity as something even more nonsensical and ridiculous.
      • Taken to the logical extreme during the Holiday Special when at one point Mike randomly yells "Damn you, Count Dookie!", prompting Kevin to remind Mike that it's pronounced "Dooku" and that he doesn't even appear in the special. At that point, Mike clarifies that he had been on the phone with his septic tank plumber, Count Dookie, who had apparently given him an enormous estimate for some septic tank work. Kevin then lampshades the coincidence of him getting that call when they're in the middle of riffing a Star Wars film.
    • They demand that Porkins be avenged throughout Empire and Jedi, and later riffs featuring airplanes come with the hope that Porkins will emerge from the cockpit alive and well.
    • Also, a fair number of riffs during the original trilogy that only make sense if you've seen (or at least read about) the Holiday Special.
    • From Return of the Jedi, "Security is tight after a terrorist tried to smuggle some sand on board. Turned out it was just a dude coming back from the beach." "And now he's dead." This also appears in non-Star Wars riffs, including Twilight and The Hunger Games.
  • Mary Poppins seems to have just been murdered anytime they spot a lone umbrella.
  • Cloverfield: Every time the camera is dropped, the guys are glad the movie fell into a coma and trying to get away before it wakes up.
  • The Last Airbender: Constant jokes about Aang being a Jawa. "Utinni!" And arguing whether it's pronounced "A-vatar" or "Ah-vatar". Also whenever any kind of water is mentioned, they wonder if it's connected to the ocean.
  • References to The Wizard of Id.
  • For superheroes with animal motifs, (like Wolverine, Batman and Spider-Man) referencing the abilities they have that don't fit the motif and (typically unpleasant) abilities/behaviors they lack from their animal motif.
    Mike: Do Wolverines like cigars? Is that a fact I somehow missed out on?
    Bill: Oh! His retractable metal claws can cut through hardened steel. Just like a real wolverine.
    • Especially disgusting with Spider-Man, where Bill complains that Spidey doesn't liquify the insides of his enemies to slurp them.
    • The Twilight werewolves get a similar treatment.
    • And the Wizard in The Batman.note 
    Mike (as Batman): As long as the Wizard has even the smallest thing about him that is even remotely wizard-like, I'm sure we'll track him down soon.
  • Jack Nicholson's golf clubs.
  • Blatant product placement. For instance, the giant posters advertising Dramamine (and later the huge banner for Thrush Performance Products) are paid a lot of attention during Mutant.
    • Alternatively, they'll claim that the appearance of some local, small business is shameless product placement. For example, during one scene of Over the Top, Mike endlessly praises Kathy's Florist, a store dimly seen in the background.
  • "Please, call me ___."
    • They'll also turn a nickname and/or Awesome McCoolname into something absurd, such as "Robert Townsgate Smasher III" (Over the Top) and "Morpheus J. Orpheus" (The Matrix).
  • Done primarily after riffing the movie of the same name in 2018 but talking feline jokes are often present when a cat is onscreen. Practically a goldmine throughout Cats.
  • Fast food restaurants are ruthlessly mocked:
    • Arby's, especially their Big Montana sandwich.
    • Taco Bell used to get heat, such as when the humans are fed green paste-like "food" in Battlefield Earth, but not so much anymore.
    • Denny's.
    • Wendy's, particularly references to their Baconator sandwich.
    • This tends to be cyclic. After references to the above restaurants tapered off, Golden Corral has since been given the "honor".note 
    Rey (about the Millennium Falcon): The garbage will do!
    Kevin: "The garbage will do", Golden Corral's new slogan.
  • "So you're really going to go with that performance."
  • References to Cheers in anything set in a bar and/or featuring Woody Harrelson.
  • Most wardrobe and/or footwear gets a Sex and the City joke.
  • Any scene of people walking and talking is inspired/directed by Aaron Sorkin.
  • A high-pitched/screeching animal often gets compared to Kelly Clarkson.
    (The Nazi monkey from Raiders of the Lost Ark screeches to let the Germans and their Egyptian minions know that Marion is hiding in a basket)
    Bill: Ah, it's doing its Kelly Clarkson impression. Spot on, I'd say.
    (One of the Germans says resembling "over there!" in German)
    Mike (in a German accent): Over there, underneath pop star Kelly Clarkson!
  • "Aargh, a (something absurd yet hideous and scary)!" "Oh wait, it's just (less-than-attractive actor)."
    • "Aargh, even worse!!"
  • If the riff happens to feature a song throughout the end credits, Disembaudio will perform the song in (more or less) its entirety.
  • References to terrible travel conditions that are still preferable to Northwest flights.
    • Northwest may be no more but the joke lives on through Delta.
      • Or United Airlines.
  • Noting the similarity of film characters and situations to 'an average day at Comic-Con.'
    Ron: Third year, he fought off about a hundred dementors at once.
    Bill: Well, I've done that in the snack line at Comic-Con.
  • If a character reacts with surprise to something off-screen, it's almost always "two dogs humping".
    • And/or the scene was guest directed by Steven Spielberg.
    • If the expressions on their faces are closer to a scowl, then they can't believe that an off-screen character is mooning them.
  • Noting phrases, technology, tactics, etc. we will apparently still be using in the future.
  • Dramatic public speeches will often get a "You're not funny!", possibly followed by something along the lines of "Bring on Gallagher!"
  • Anything involving long-winded scenic shots and/or scenes that make little to no sense are directed by Terrence Malick.
  • Any time a crowd begins shouting or chanting, the riffers will chime in "Attica! Attica!"
  • When characters are sitting around doing nothing, the riffers will try to inform the actors that the camera has been rolling for a while now.
  • Whenever someone dies by falling or being launched, the riffers provide their dying message. Said message usually involves something the dying person regrets doing/not doing, or a request to tell someone/something that he loved them.
  • "Crebain from Dunland!", a reference to the giant black birds used as spies by Saruman whenever the sky is filled with anything that can fly.
    • The Young America Films shorts have a black bird as their logo, so this gag can be expected.
  • Throughout The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, whenever Gollum refers to "The Precious":
  • Although most prominent in the movie it's from, the impending arrival of BIM occasionally pops up on other riffs.
    • Also within The Apple, after the moment Alphie grabs his stereotypical Jewish landlady from behind by the bosom, the trio doesn't let go of this for the rest of the movie where she or Alphie are concerned.
    "Motorboat me, bubbala."
  • Particularly throughout Star Trek, they miss no opportunity to use Mike's excellent George Takei impression, the best instances being when voicing Sulu's daughter as Takei and rejecting John Cho as the new Sulu. This impression extends to Oblivion and its sequel.
    • On the topic of Star Trek: "Spoooooock..."
    • Also, Chekov is an all-purpose Chew Toy, verging on Butt-Monkey status, in both incarnations.
      Bill: Yakov Smirnoff's calling him from Balki's house, telling him to tone it down..."
    • Scotty's weight gets brought up quite a bit. Any joke about Scotty that doesn't involve food will have him drunk. This doesn't happen in the 2009 reboot, since Simon Pegg, like James Doohan in TOS, is thin.
  • The Kansas City Royals take a lot of abuse (especially before their win at the 2015 World Series).
    • They also make jabs at the Chicago Cubs as well, and the Green Bay Packers (or at least their fans). All part of their general mockery of the Midwest.
  • During Inception, nonstop Titanic jokes are made at Leo's expense, especially regarding his young looks.
  • Moreso than pretty much all the other running gags on this list, Monty Python quotes. They do it better than most geeks do.
  • The plot and characters of Eragon are repeatedly compared to Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix.
    "Kids are all the same. They beg and beg for a pet and then it gets old and they argue about who has to walk it. Then they end up banishing it to the furthest reaches of the Shire, urh, Tatooine, urh, wherever the hell we are."
    (as Eragon and Murtagh are swimming) "If they run into Jar Jar Binks, I'm gonna put my head through the wall."
    "Well, if Lucas was directing this guy would now say I've got a bad feeling about this, at which point, I'd put my head through the wall."
  • Mike mixing up the current movie with one they've done before, prompting the others to beg him to take a vacation.
  • Kevin provides a multitude of vehicle sound effects, to the others' annoyance.
  • A character in a hopelessly remote location encounters a (or several) Starbucks.
  • In earlier riffs, disturbing sexual content and/or sex scenes will be greeted by Disembaudio wandering in, reacting with sheer horror, and fleeing. It was a running gag within The Room (studio riff only).
    • And since then, they come with comments about Tommy Wiseau guest directing.
  • Kevin singing along to any notable background music, after which Mike and/or Bill threaten him with severe bodily harm. This is almost Once an Episode when it comes to the shorts.
  • Weirdly, many of the shorts cite anti-Semitic propaganda whenever someone starts reading or learning something, although it's clear that they're just mocking it.
    • For instance, Willy going on about how the Jews and the Queen of England control the economy in "Paper and I". Only by RiffTrax can The Protocols of the Elders of Zion be used as a Running Gag.
    • Independence Day: They have Judd Hirsch mention Jews running the banking system when rattling off conspiracy theories. This is especially noteworthy because Hirsch plays a walking Jewish stereotype, making him come off as a Boomerang Bigot as well as a conspiracy nut.
  • Mike has a distinctive "Standard '50s Father" voice, which he loves to break out during works that were produced around that time. From the "Dining Together" Thanksgiving short:
    Mike: (unbearably hearty and upbeat) How's that turkey, kids?
    Kevin and Bill: (coughing and gagging noises)
  • (I dare you to) Diagram that sentence!
  • Giving ridiculously broad responses to vague statements. For instance, in "Down and Out", when the narrator starts talking about "stumbling over an object, large or small", Kevin gives the examples "Like a bobby pin, or an airplane hangar".
  • Whenever a film is inconsistent about something's name (or the pronunciation of said name), Bill calls back to Over the Top by impersonating that movie's villain and screaming the hero's name, "Hawk! Or, Hawks!" Even though his name is clearly written on his goddamn truck ("Hawk Hauling"), Lincoln Hawk's name is both said and written elsewhere in the movie as "Hawks". This will also come up on the less frequent occasion wherein a semi truck is prominent in a scene (as in the opening to Fast & Furious), and sometimes when actual hawks are onscreen (as in Treasure of the Amazon).
    • What's especially weird about this is that Bill always fields it, even though Mike flew solo on Over the Top.
    • This also becomes a running gag within Psycho II, as it features Robert Loggia (the villain in Over the Top). Later, when a lot more time is spent on Loggia's character, Bill goes for broke by applying the joke to things that rhyme with "hawks".
    • Another aspect that recurs in other riffs now and then: the constant reiteration of the arm wrestling tournament being double-elimination (that is, you have to lose twice to be out of the competition). Whenever the rules of a game are being explained or something is being repeated incessantly, expect a reference to this.
  • Any unsafe situation is more often than not accompanied by Mike intoning "Shake hands with danger!" and Kevin singing the opening part of that short's theme.
  • Managing to shoehorn in singing and/or referencing "Poker Face".
    • It has since branched out to other pop songs, like a crook in the 1940s Batman serials singing "Get Lucky" to himself. Or the club singer in Neutron the Atomic Superman singing "Rehab". The general trend seems to be to include songs that are anachronistic (ones that came out decades after the movie).
  • After one of the three makes a particularly groan-worthy comment, one of the others will come up with an inventive and unique way to tell him to "go straight to Hell".
    Bill: Kevin? Get on a plane and go straight to Hell.
    • Occasionally, it will be something about the movie or short they're watching that will be encouraged to go to Hell.
      • During "Join Hands, Let Go!"
        Mike: (with revulsion, as a bottle spurts gobs of ketchup all over one of the actors) Eww! Go to Hell, short.
      • Attack of the Clones:
        Mike: (when Jar Jar appears and starts talking) Go to Hell, go straight to Hell!
      • At the end of The Force Awakens, when Luke turns around and sees Rey...
        Kevin (imitating Jar-Jar): Meesa waited LINGY LONG TIME FOR YOUSA!!!
        Mike and Bill: OH NO! GO TO HELL!
      • From The Shape of Things to Come (after the lights return following rapid shaking):
        Mike: (relieved sigh) Lights are back. Cat Stevens will be happy they can once again make moonshadows.
        Kevin: Hey, Mike? Go immediately to hell.
  • Birdemic: Whenever things get slow, one of them will just yell BIRDEMIC!
    • They've done this several times during slow sequences with dramatic titles. It goes all the way back to the Manos: The Hands of Fate MST.
    • Similarly, during its countless slow scenes, they'll shout "SHOCK! TERROR!" from its subtitle (Birdemic: Shock and Terror).
    • This can also be substituted for Indiana Jones theme music during Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, when nothing is happening.
  • In older riffs, usually near the end, one of them will make a terrible pun, and the other two will slap him (complete with sound effects). Often, they comment on how well they synchronized their slaps.
  • Using the lyric "Turn around, bright eyes" from "Total Eclipse of the Heart". This reaches its zenith in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which actually features a character named Bright Eyes.
  • Nicolas Cage in The Wicker Man isn't wearing a suit, it's a sport coat and slacks! To be fair, Mike is correct.note 
  • "Sorry, Ft. Worth!"note 
  • They are merciless whenever a movie invokes Let Me Tell You a Story, only to fail to live up to the tightness of narrative that device implies.
    "And then, children, executive producer Armand Cerani hired Barry Mahon to direct. Isn't that wonderful?"
  • They will frequently state that any given scene has more (X) than "(X): The Movie", or some variation on that theme. For instance, during a chase scene in Eclipse:
    Kevin: I once watched The Running Man while on my treadmill, and it still had less running than this!
    • Subverted in Nightmare at Noon; Kevin, complaining about a long helicopter chase, does this in reference to the 2000 Australiam film Chopper. This leads to a discussion about the fact that Chopper didn't feature any helicopters at allnote , which Kevin doesn't seem to understand.
  • Firing shots at Blue Thunder.
  • Often, one of the riffers will say a line as though speaking for one of the characters onscreen, and one of the others will respond as if it were serious.
    Mike (as Leonidas): So, as I was saying, how does my ass crack look from fifty feet away? Still a nightmare?
    Bill: Yes, Mike.
  • It's rare when they don't reference Phil Spector and his 2003 conviction of second-degree murder. It's tapered off since earlier riffs, but it does still pop up now and again.
    • His earlier, uh, escapades also get referenced sometimes. In the "Drugs Are Like That" short, when one kid asks the other what he would do if he "had to" take drugs, Mike adds, "You know, like if Phil Spector forced you to."
    • The 300 riff is a subversion, though it doesn't seem that way at first since the joke still involves corpses. The guys refer to a huge pile of dead bodies as "Phil Spector's wall of guys", a reference to the "wall of sound" technique he pioneered as a music producer.
  • Anyone posing in a way that looks like they could be cheering and/or charging on screen, Bill will usually shout "Packers!", referring to the Green Bay Packers American Football team. Especially if they look monstrous or savage in some way.
  • If any character has a mustache, it will instantly become their primary character trait, with jokes regarding the said mustache every time they're on screen. The biggest example would be Charlie, AKA Mustache Dad.
    • This is so ingrained in their very nature that when a clean-shaven Chuck Norris starred in Breaker! Breaker!, there are numerous jokes about how he did not have his mustache.
  • Actors whose accents don't match the one the character should have. Examples: Gerard Butler in 300, Alicia Silverstone in Batman & Robin, and Sam Worthington/Arnold Schwarzenegger in... well, anything.
  • Children or the like are often confused with Tom Cruise or Al Pacino, and occasionally George Stephanopoulos.
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Characters respond to surprising or awkward situations by casting the Killing Curse.
  • An Ass Pull is usually replied to with "It's a Shyamalan twist!"
  • Occasionally, someone will mention how a character resembles another celebrity (occasionally of the opposite gender), usually "Just around the eyes".
    • More often they'll point out how a character looks like someone else, usually someone obscure, which they've been doing since MST.
  • Mr. Bungle, the hand-puppet who teaches good lunchroom manners, became a veritable mascot for the shorts.
  • Another MST holdover but far more frequent is pointing out that someone is a "puss".
  • When a scene features a group of soldiers, they will speculate on whether or not there will be a shout of "Move, people! Go go go!" When or if there is, they will grade its delivery.
    • Similarly, when a military or police commander approaches a group of subordinates, they will comment on how they hope to hear "Talk to me, people!"
    • Any scene involving computer hacking, lockpicking or safecracking will feature a joke about the line "We're/I'm in." Generally the joke takes the form of either mocking the script for including such a cliche, or incredulity at not using such a ubiquitous line.
  • Any shot of a lake, with fog-shrouded mountains in the distance, is invariably right next to Hogwarts.
  • They often accuse people of doing "Kubrick eyes", even (especially) when that's clearly not intended.
  • Bill's Hilariously Abusive Childhood, which usually involve Irish stereotypes. They tend to be framed as fond memories.
    • Anything particularly abusive happening onscreen is often accompanied by "Ah, my wedding night/wedding vows", etc.
  • "Sure they argue a lot, but the sex is great!"
    • And almost as often subverted: "...but the sex is terrible, and that may be why they fight!"
  • Films taking place in New York tend to have jokes about their ban on trans fats. Particularly in FantasticFour.
  • Jokes about the McRib being back, or coming back soon, and treating it as Serious Business.
    Black Widow: Doctor, we're facing a possible potential global catastrophe.
    Mike: The McRib is being delayed.
  • Kevin spends the entirety of The Sixth Sense under the impression that the Twist Ending is that Bruce Willis' character is a woman in drag.
  • Numerous jokes are made that Orlando Bloom is a woman during The Lord of the Rings. This even carries over into other riffs, such as the short A Christmas Dream.
  • Lykke Li, generally "There's a possibility..."
  • If characters are standing at/near a cliff with a waterfall, expect one of the guys to bring up Sherlock Holmes fighting Moriarty, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and/or The Fugitive. Post-New Moon riffs will mention werewolves jumping off said cliff.
  • While sitting through something particularly torturous (i.e. Battlefield Earth or Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny), the riffers will start wondering if they died and went to Hell, and their eternal torment is to keep watching.
  • When a film has a slow Fade to Black, the riffers tend to assume it's over. This became a Running Gag within Return of the King as the film seemed to have four or five endings. Sometimes they'll think the film has ended before the main title has even displayed, resulting in them commenting on how short it was.
  • Often, when a character is passed out drunk, looking like they might be passed out drunk, or is pouring a drink, one of the guys will comment that it reminds them of one of the other riffers. "Look familiar, X?" is a common format, as is "How'd they get footage of you, X?" The person being accused of alcoholism will usually object, sometimes about a useless point such as "I don't wear an eyepatch!" (from Frankenstein Island).
  • Obvious, flashy displays of knives will generally bring on "Crocodile" Dundee jokes/impersonations, usually centered on questioning whether that qualifies as a knife or not. In the short "Don't Be a Bloody Idiot", they kept trying to cajole the Tasmanian host into showing them a knife. They were rather furious when the knife he finally does produce is a small Swiss Army knife.
  • Kevin saying "She can (X) my (Y)/I'd (X) her (Y) anytime" when an attractive female (not always human) makes the scene.
  • The Roomba is often treated as the pinnacle of human technology.
  • During quiet scenes, one of the riffers will mention how they once experienced something just like the scene they just watched (such as waking up with amnesia or getting stabbed with a sword). When pressed for details, it will usually turn out to actually have been something very mundane only vaguely related to the original claim (falling asleep during a car ride and was disoriented upon awakening, getting poked with a sharp stick).
  • "If they start (doing something from a previous riff), I'm leaving/I'm going home."
  • Someone hovering over another person who has been mortally injured is always leaning on the person's wounds and/or vitals. This occurred most notably in The Matrix Revolutions, where they kept the joke going during Trinity's three-hour-long death sequence.
  • Clowns (and anything even slightly resembling clowns) are almost always reacted to with screams of terror and pondering what unspeakable crimes said clowns are guilty of. This is especially clear in the shorts where they tend to appear far, far too often for the riffers' comfort (e.g., Old "pile of torsos" Bobo from "The Creeps Machine" or the "living clown erection" from "Story-Telling; Can You Tell It in Order?".). Strangely, this did not apply to The Joker. Then again, given that The Joker is already a Monster Clown, it probably wouldn't be as funny.
  • The guys will often reference a character's hatred of something by saying that said person has a bumper sticker of Calvin peeing on it.
  • Whenever the guys riff a franchise they seem to genuinely like (i.e., Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Harry Potter and Star Wars), it results in endless in-jokes and fairly obscure references to said franchise's universe/EU (e.g., referring to Cade Skywalker, Beedle the Bard, obscure Thor storylines and pretty much every other joke in LotR).
  • When a sufficiently well-known and/or prolific actor is sitting in front of a computer screen and typing away, the guys will provide an Internal Monologue where the actor is writing about how underestimated his career has been. This has happened twice to Joe Pantoliano alone (Daredevil and The Matrix).
  • Any sketchy, questionable and/or dangerous parenting decisions are met with "(parental figure) or the year!"
  • In book-to-film adaptations (especially Harry Potter), they have a tendency to point out adaptation induced plot holes.
    • Order of the Phoenix: They comment on how weird it is that Harry and Arthur Weasley take a magic elevator disguised as a broken phone booth to get to the Ministry of Magic, even though people can be seen Apparating and using Floo Powder all over the entrance hall. They chalk it up to a need for more whimsy. In the book, it's explained that Arthur felt that since Harry was in trouble for underage magic in front of Muggles, it would make a good impression on the court if Harry arrived in as non-magical a fashion as possible.
    • The Hunger Games: Rue and Katniss demonstrate how mockingjays are perfect mimics. The guys comment on how it's fortunate that the birds don't go and repeat Katniss and Rue's plans to their enemies. In the books, it's explained that mockingjays can only reproduce music, not speech.
  • Anytime a character says "Have it your way", the guys will respond with "at Burger King!"
  • Continued references to the more notorious characters in past riffs under increasingly (and occasionally ludicrously) thin pretenses.
    • Anakin Skywalker and his pathological hatred of sand tend to be referenced whenever they see sand or hear anything sounding like "Anakin" (anaphase, anacin, etc).
    • Bella and her inability to form a sentence are liable to be referenced whenever there is a long pause or an awkward romantic moment.
    • Should there be any mention of someone called Tommy (or Mark) or a shot of San Francisco, it will be almost certain that they'll chime in with "Oh HAI (X)!"
      • They even find ways to stick it in when neither the name Tommy nor San Francisco are brought up. One of the most inspired has to be "Oh HIGHLANDER!"
    • The Ice Cream Bunny has become the benchmark of nightmarish creepiness cited whenever something especially unsettling happens, and the plot of the perverted old Mr. Digger and his forced marriage to Thumbelina sometimes gets a Shout-Out when they see someone or something digging in the ground.
  • In almost every movie (or short), there will be repeated segues into the riffers taking a very Alternate Character Interpretation or Flanderization to the various heroes and villains, from Shelob being a saintly mother, cancer researcher and humanitarian, to Ron Weasley being a pathetic, barely functioning degenerate, to Bella pretty much being the platonic ideal of mumbly, pause-filled idiocy, to the Ice Cream Bunny being depicted as a cackling and unspeakably evil Humanoid Abomination.note 
    • As a subset to this, they like saying that thuggish, stupid-looking Mooks are actually highly educated, employed in some humanitarian career, and/or runs their church's youth group. Examples include the moronic buffalo hunter in Buffalo Ridernote , the misshapen giant in 300note , all the arm wrestlers at the climax of Over the Topnote , and both the hairy viking in Jack the Giant Killer and the "batch handler" in This Is Hormelnote . Likewise, Bonesaw got his wrestling name because he's an orthopedic surgeon.
      • As a subset of that, they like to defy the uncultured hillbilly stereotype e.g., joking that the belligerent bully redneck in Mutant had a bad break at the pool table because he was "distracted pondering the excellence of Jean-Didier Wolfromm's prose!" Or how one of the construction workers in "Shake Hands with Danger" is famous for his black walnut biscotti recipie.
  • Any time there's an Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene, the riffers will start joking about how the action is exploding across the scene.
    • "THRILL as [character performs very mundane task]!"
    • Alternately, "(Three banal activities): this summer, one movie has it all!"
      "Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll do his taxes in front of us."
  • They make damn sure to point out every single time the camera lingers on someone parking or pulling into traffic in Birdemic. And in true fashion, they now reference Birdemic every time they see a similar scene in anything else.
  • Seinfeld references.
    Mike (as Odin): Of ELAINE BENES'S SPONGES!
  • The trio often display extensive knowledge of The Simpsons' single-numbered seasons.
  • During action riffs, one of the guys will comment on how tense they are, can't wait to see what happens next, etc. It will then turn out they're not actually paying attention to the movie, and are commenting on whatever else it is they're focusing on (day trading, nursing an injured joint, etc).
  • Grim scenes have a tendency to be labeled the Werner Herzog version of [insert warm family film here].
  • If an actor appears in a cheap animal/robot/etc. costume, the riffers will more than likely comment that the person inside is Sir Laurence Olivier.
  • Mike mocking Kevin for being "ancient" (he's four years older than Bill and eight years older than Mike) because of more obscure, seasoned riffs.
  • Norman Krasner, the hapless loser star of a series of bizarre "comedy" shorts. Two things about Norman get mentioned in other riffs: 1) The fact that no human or animal could ever like him, and 2) his catchphrase, a groan that very clearly communicates that he knows nothing but despair.
  • Since Birdemic, the guys have made a habit of transposing the newscaster's line "...such as seals," into as many riffs as possible. Sometimes it will have something to do with what a character just said (like if they mentioned an animal or are giving an example of something) and sometimes it's just peppered on as flavoring to make a dull sentence funnier.
  • Henry Slinkman, the man who bought three pints of oysters on an impulse buying spree in the "Buying Food" short, gets mentioned in some subsequent food-related shorts.
  • Since Nightmare at Noon, which, according to "Talkin' RiffTrax", advertised its helicopter stunts heavily and claimed to have blown those in Blue Thunder out of the water, any time a helicopter is shown Mike will praise [whichever movie they're watching]'s helicopter stunts and disparage Blue Thunder's. Or just disparage Blue Thunder in general. Also, they have a tendency to hum the M*A*S*H theme when they see a helicopter. note 
    • Night of the Lepus: Mike admits that he's never actually seen Blue Thunder. Bill also brings up that the bit originates from Mutant with Wings Hauser, which Nightmare at Noon was pretty much a Spiritual Sequel to.
      • Speaking of Mutant, they like to call back to Hauser's character calling out to his brother in a drawn-out, throaty whisper. Miiiiiiiike...
    • Lampshaded during Kill and Kill Again, when a helicopter explodes:
    Bill: Nooo! It exploded before we could do our unpopular running gag where we disparage Blue Thunder for some reason!
    Kevin: Sorry, Bill.
    Bill: Uh! The tragedy!
  • Having someone sound (more) stupid by saying "I LIKE TURTLES!"
  • Referring to "breeder hogs" when calling someone or something loud and/or disgusting. And in keeping with their Self-Deprecation tendencies, Kevin once joked that he snores like a breeder hog.
  • Mistaking an obvious Establishing Shot of a certain city for a different one.
    (shot of London) Ah, Seattle! Jewel of the Pacific Northwest!
    (shot of the Eiffel Tower) So, not Shakopee, Minnesota, huh?
  • People running hysterically from danger or trauma tends to elicit a reference to either Grown Ups 2 or Nick Swardson.
    • Pre-2013, it was generally Daddy Day Camp, or sometimes Norbit. Basically any comedy they thought were (and were widely considered to be) awful.
  • Dead people with their mouths agape will invariably be singing (usually Kevin sustaining a single note).
  • "(X) ain't gonna (Y) itself." Usually said while a character is turning to leave.
  • (Starting with Viva Knievel!) Going to Tijuana to see the zebra-painted donkey.
  • Pointing out drudgery of sitting through a Standard Establishing Spaceship Shot. Typical with one riffer asking another how many times it took him to become bored with the imagery.
  • During Buffalo Rider, the narrator explains that buffalo tongues were a hot commodity in the Old West. For the rest of the first act, the guys go out of their way to make jokes that somehow incorporate tongues.
  • "The (X) sketch, ladies and gentlemen." Used either just after a particularly bizarre scene (e.g. "The Watch Ownership Sketch" from Buffalo Rider), or after an especially complicated riff (e.g. "The Amway Bit" from Avatar, or "The Pirates World Breakup Sketch" from Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny).
  • The first "At Your Fingertips" short asked the all-important question, "is corn grass?" (and never actually answered it).note  Later shorts in the series will inevitably come with "Is (X) grass?"
  • Extreme closeups are generally met with shrieks of horror from the guys, often followed by them admonishing the movie to not do that. If the camera zooms tightly in on an actor, they wonder if the camera is going to go right up their nose/pores/other orifice.
  • During the title cards for the shorts, constant riffs regarding the relationships between the various film producers that made them. According to them, Coronet rules the shady shorts underworld due to sheer volume of content they've produced, and all other producers owe Coronet money, are on the run from them, or in poor Sid Davis's case, his wife left him for Coronet.
  • Kevin being aroused by the evil female Terminator in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Mike becomes increasingly horrified as Kevin states that the murdering and shapeshifting gets him even hotter.
  • The mook wearing the Asahi Beer T-shirt in Radical Jack. The guys make him sound completely obsessed with Asahi to the point that he talks about literally nothing else.
    • This gag carried into Icebreaker, where the same actor appears early in the film.
  • Flubbed lines tend to be followed with one of the riffers, as the actor, saying "Cut! I said <flubbed line here>." One of the other riffers, as the director, will say "Keep rolling!"
  • Anyone watching something dangerous happening without acting on it wants "to see where he's going with this."
  • Anytime something was made with incompetence or breaks immediately: "I didn't know KIA made (X)!"
  • The Room has several running gags in it. Many involve side-plots that get brought up and dropped within the same scene, as well as Lisa's beauty not quite matching up to the film's hype. The many, many pointless establishing shots of San Francisco get called out pretty much every time one occurs. They also manage to at least double the amount of OH HAIs heard in the film proper.
    Mike: Is there anyone he's not surprised to see!?
  • The short in the first live show led to a Take That! against Ft. Worth, Texas, followed by a sheepish "Sorry, Ft. Worth!" when they remembered people from said place were watching. Taking digs at Ft. Worth has appeared in several live shows since.
  • They make a crack roughly every five minutes about how Super Mario Bros. (1993) is an In Name Only adaptation. There is exactly one instance where they joke that the change is for the better (i.e. flamethrowers are a lot cooler than fire flowers).
  • They notice an odd trend in 2017, wherein a number of riffs feature a bear for some reason. Even instances where there are no bears - see Uninvited - they pretend that the monster in it kinda looks like a bear so it counts.
  • Comparing a lackluster fight scene (or any given shot of a craggy desert) to Captain Kirk's iconic battle with the Gorn Captain in "Arena".
  • Often when a boring, repetitive bit of soundtrack is playing, one of the riffers will start humming along with it until one of the others yells at him to stop.
  • Pointing out when one of the turkeys they're riffing has an acclaimed actor in it. A common format for the gag is "Academy Award winner (X), ladies and gentlemen," usually while the actor is Chewing the Scenery or looking ridiculous.
  • Speaking of Chewing the Scenery, any ranting and raving characters have a tendency to get compared to Al Pacino.
  • Elderly people onscreen are pretty much guaranteed to elicit a joke about coffee coupons, and possibly a reference to driving through a farmer's market.
  • New Jersey is mentioned in quite a few riffs, usually being used as a comparison to a bad place in the film. For example, in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, after the Quidditch World Cup is destroyed, the aftermath is compared to New Jersey.
    • Flint, Michigan gets a lot of heat too. And this was even before their problems with potable water.
  • Shots of comets, or even something burning as it enters the atmosphere, causes the riffers to mention the Heaven's Gate cult from the 90s.
  • Something insane, violent or confrontational happening with or involving a couple? Mike will compare it to his own wedding.
    • He also likes to claim that any statement from one person regarding the eventual death/maiming of the person they're talking to was in his wife's wedding vows.
  • After The Dark Knight, they like to ponder if a character ever asks some variation of "WHERE ARE THEY!?" in a loud, gravelly voice.
  • Alien: Kevin would notice some stuff similar to MST3K. And when he enthusiastically points them out to Bill, who always assumes Kevin's referencing something else.
  • A number of earlier titles involved jokes about female characters being transgender and/or actually male. Negative fan feedback and a later apology from Bill about a joke at the expense of transpeople led to these jokes stopping.
  • Almost any time a motorcycle pops up, someone will mention Sturgis, South Dakota.
  • David Carradine just happens to be in many riffs. As such, a common joke is joking about David's death via autoerotic asphyxiation.
    • David's father John appeared in a lot of cheesy movies, too. The riffers will occasionally use that as an excuse to mention David and his manner of death.
  • They love bringing up shows from ABC's 90s TGIF programming block, especially Family Matters and Dinosaurs.
  • If an actor in a movie has a more (or equally) famous relative, comparisons will abound — usually unfavorable. Especially if it's a particularly low budget cheesefest, such as Joe Estevez (younger brother of Martin Sheen) in Rollergator. A twofer example occurs in Radical Jack, which stars Billy Ray Cyrus (father of Miley Cyrus) and Dedee Pfeiffer (Michelle Pfeiffer's younger sister).
  • Numerous in The Guy from Harlem:
    • Al Connors's love of New York strip steaks.
    • "You've got TWO questions!" and variants thereof.
    • Mocking the set design, or lack thereof.
    • Also mocking Harry for saying that nobody knows what Big Daddy looks like, and then immediately giving a detailed description of him.
    • They get a lot of mileage from pointing out the various loud 70s outfits people are wearing. Especially the frumpy bedclothes that both of Al's sexual conquests put on.
    • Parodying the theme song.
      • The beginning of the theme sounds like it has late '70s video game sound effects in it, prompting the riffers to always think there's an arcade nearby.
  • Early riffs had a tendency to reference Mike's old job at TGIFriday. In the same vein, a joke in Casablanca makes Rick's cafe sound like a similar novelty bar and grill, with loads of jokes involving appetizers with goofy names and such.
  • If a villain/mook is Affably Evil (especially if they laugh a lot), the riffers will comment on how infectious their chipper attitude is. Or they'll say that despite being evil, they're probably fun to hang out with.
  • Ghosthouse: Kim Basinger vs. Kelly LeBrock in Denver.
  • Copper Mountain: Early in the film, a cover version of the Creedence Clearwater Revival song "Lodi" is sung; since the film is practically a concert film, Mike, Kevin and Bill riff that each new song that begins is a reprise of "Lodi":
    "Just about a year ago..."
  • While far less common now, many early riffs involved Mike mocking Kenny Loggins. This may have peaked with the Rifftrax of Top Gun (which featured Loggins' megahit "Danger Zone"), where not only was Loggins relentlessly dragged, but the riffers were constantly questioning whether an on-screen situation constituted a "danger zone."
    • This has spiraled off into movies that have nothing to do with Loggins. If a movie features an aerial shot of a highway, there's a good chance that someone will ask if it leads to the "danger zone."
  • Mike and Kevin's riff of Casino Royale (2006) include that everything James Bond touches is worth $11,000.
    Kevin: That Aston Martin? $11,000, right?
    Mike: Probably a bit more.
  • In Ator, the Fighting Eagle, they get a lot of mileage out of how the title character wanted to marry a woman whom he thought was his own sister.
  • Responding to unimpressive, incompetent or disgusting camera shots with an appreciative "Ahhh, the cinema."
  • Spy High:
    • The superior never stops crossing his arms.
    • The super long office hallway.
    • Making fun of the late '90s/early 2000's technology, such as Iomega Zip Drives.
    • One of the characters supposedly being an ephebophile.
  • Whenever a horse appears in a scene, one of the guys will impersonate it in the style of Mister Ed.
