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Referenced By / Casper the Friendly Ghost

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Film - Live-Action

Live-Action TV

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: In the second season episode "Halloween", Buffy encourages Willow to dress up in something outrageous for Halloween, but Willow is scared of doing this, so she opts for the simple ghost costume. When Buffy sees this, she calls Willow "Casper".
  • Family Matters: In the prologue to "Miracle on Elm Street", Steve Urkel accidentally gets Carl Winslow covered in flour in an attempt to bake gingerbread cookies. When Urkel tells Carl that he looks like Casper the Friendly Ghost, Carl tells Urkel "Get Out!" Urkel then tells Carl "I said friendly.", to which Carl says "Get out!" in a spooky voice.
  • Homicide: Life on the Street: In a first season episode, Howard thinks the ghost of a murder victim has been contacting her in her sleep to tell her who did it. Naturally, when Crosetti and Lewis hear about this, they sing the theme song to "Casper the Friendly Ghost".

Video Games

Visual Novels

  • In Kindred Spirits on the Roof, Yuna Toomi agrees to help two ghosts, Megumi Nagatani and Sachi Enoki, enable same-sex couples to get together. When Megumi proudly says ghosts don't have to take exams, Yuna thinks, "I get it, Casper."

Web Video

Western Animation
