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Recap / Yellowjackets S 2 E 9 Storytelling

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    Shorter recap 


The girls return from the hunt. Travis is relieved to see Natalie coming back but breaks down at seeing his brother's body. He mourns over it until Shauna and others come over and prepare Javi's body for butchering. He tells Van she should be ashamed but she is not; she is glad she is alive and implores Travis to not let his brother's sacrifice go to waste. Misty tells Lottie that Javi is on the menu. Lottie is horrified because this was not what she wanted. The Coach tells Natalie that he found the cave where Javi hid and tries to convince her to join him, saying she is not like the others. She admits to letting Javi die in her place and sends away the Coach, saying he is too good and does not belong with them. When Shauna brings over portions of fresh meat, Travis takes a bite of Javi's heart and throws it into the pan. The others follow suit. Misty orders Lottie to eat so she can regain her strength.

Lottie eventually comes down from the attic and joins the others. As Van tells a story about the Wilderness, Lottie announces to the others that she can no longer hear the wilderness and she never wanted to be the leader. As far as she is concerned, the Wilderness chose somebody else to be their leader and guide them through survival: Natalie. They all pay tribute to her, as the Coach grabs the ax and a box of matches.

In the episode's final scene, Shauna is in the attic writing about her feelings of not being the Chosen one, when she smells smoke. She gets down and wakes the others. The cabin is on fire and the doors and windows are stuck. It is heavily implied that the Coach is responsible. They barely manage to escape with their lives, blankets and whatever supplies they grab, and huddle up to watch as their only shelter goes down in flames.


Shauna pretends to agree with Lottie about letting the Wilderness choose one of them for sacrifice, but insists they should go old-school, with a proper hunt, masks, a deck of cards, etc. She tells the others that her intention is to buy them some time. Misty breaks open the closet with acolytes personal belongings, including her phone and syringe. Walter comes in with the intention of helping. Misty calls a mental health crisis team to bring in Lottie. Taissa however, at Van's urging calls off the team. Natalie finds Lisa and warns her to get out while she can, because things will be happening. Jeff and Callie drive to the compound, unaware that Kevyn and Matt are following them. Jeff sees Kevyn talking to Walter and sends off Callie to look for her mother. Then he asks Kevyn to arrest him for Adam's murder, only for Kevyn to drop dead, thanks to Walter and phenobarbital-laced hot cocoa. Walter offers his help to the freaked out Jeff. Callie has an unpleasant encounter with Matt, but he leaves her after he gets a phone call that appears to be from Kevyn. Except the call is faked by Walter and Jeff. They leave Kevyn's body in a car trunk.

At night the ritual takes place like in the previous episode, except this time it is Shauna who draws the Queen of Hearts. Seeing that the others are serious about hunting her down, she runs off. She is saved by the timely arrival of Callie, who shoots and injured Lottie. As Misty treats Lottie, she goes on as to how "it" is all around them. Just when a fed-up Natalie is about to stab Lottie, Lisa shows up with Natalie's gun, demanding she drop the knife. Behind her, Misty prepares to inject Lisa with her syringe, but Natalie, still haunted by her guilt over Javi, takes the blow in her place. As the others panic and try to figure out what to do, Natalie has a dying vision of being in an airplane, with the teenage Lottie telling her that "it" is not evil, "just hungry". Walter tells Misty that he took care of the Adam Martin thing (by coercing Matt into corroborating a narrative where Kevyn killed Adam AND Jessica Roberts), but she is inconsolable after killing her "best friend". Lottie is going to be taken away to a psych ward but Taissa promises that they will check on her. Lottie feels they gave "it" what it wanted. The Sadeckis reunite, with Shauna wondering what Lottie meant when she called her daughter powerful.

    Long recap 


The Cranberries's "Zombie" plays as Natalie and the others, toting Javi's strung-up body, are arriving. Travis is relieved to see Natalie, but the smile drops when he sees the others.
Natalie: Travis. It happened so fast. The wilderness chose.
Travis utters a few "NO!"s and cries over Javi. The girls leave him alone. In the attic, an awake Lottie hears him and asks Misty why is he screaming. Misty explains casually that they are going to eat Javi. Lottie is incredulous. Misty justifies it with a "We didn't even kill him... exactly," and tells Lottie that she conveyed Lottie's words (about not letting her body go to waste) to the others. "But... we need you, Lottie." She goes on to describe the Lottery of Doom, Natalie picking the "winning" card and escaping, and Javi dying in her place. She goes on to reassure a horrified Lottie that it's okay, and they have food now.
Lottie: No, Misty. I never meant... I didn't want this. How could you let them?
Misty: How could I? Lottie. You started this. It's done. And it's going to save all of our lives. So you better not start making people feel bad about it now.

Misty returns from the attic and lies to the others about Lottie being pleased with the wilderness's choice and saying that Javi would save them. Shauna picks up a knife and heads out. The others follow her to where Travis is still crying over his brother. When he sees Shauna, he releases a little No and heads inside. The girls set up a table outdoors, place Javi's body on it and remove his clothes. Natalie drapes his midsection with a blanket. A tearful Shauna pulls down her scarf over her eyes so she can slash his throat. Shauna sends Natalie, Tai and Van back to the cabin so she can butcher the body. The Coach arrives to the cabin. He gets close enough to see Shauna at work, blood at her feet and what's left of Javi's clothes. He turns around and tries to get away but he bumps into Natalie, who asks where he's been. He in turn asks what happened, but Natalie says nothing. So he tells her about finding Javi's hideout and proposes the two of them go there since together they could survive the winter. He goes on to tell her that she does not have to stay and that she's not like the rest of these girls.

Natalie: Actually, I'm worse.
Coach: How can you say that?
Natalie: I let him die in my place. It was supposed to be me. You're a good person, Coach. You really don't belong in this place.

Back at the cabin, Travis and Van are having a stare-off. Van shuts down Travis when he tells her she should be ashamed, which she is not.

Travis: The fact that you can even say that...
Van: I'm not ashamed, Travis. I'm glad I'm alive. Just like you are. And I don't think that any of us who are still here should feel ashamed of that. Ever. Let your brother save you, Travis. After everything he went through out here... don't you owe him at least that?

Back in the cave, the Coach tries to make fire. Back at the cabin, Shauna brings in a tray of Javi steaks, with his heart on top. She calls out to Travis, who puts the little figure of a wolf Javi made by the fireplace. He picks up Javi's heart and takes a bite of it, shocking everybody else and then he drops it in the pan. Everybody else grabs a piece and follows suit. In the attic, Misty tries to get the despondent Lottie to eat some and regain her strength:

Lottie: I thought it wanted what was best for us. Now I'm not so sure.
Misty: And? Your team needs you. Eat.
Lottie obeys and later comes down from the attic. The others are happy to see her. The Coach, outside, spies into the scene. Inside the cabin, they gather front of the hearth. Akilah asks Van for a story, a retelling of The Truth About Cats & Dogs. Others request While You Were Sleeping or The Princess Bride.
Van: What about something you haven't heard before? Once upon a time, there was a place called the wilderness. It was beautiful and full of life, but it was also lonely and violent and misunderstood...
Outside, the Coach grabs the ax and matches.
Van: So, one day, the wilderness built a house. It waited. Summers came. Winters came...
Lottie: (interrupting) I never wanted to be in charge. It chose me, I think, because... because I was the only one who knew how to listen. But I can't hear it anymore. I think that's because it doesn't need me anymore. You all learned how to hear it. To feel it. Maybe what it wants for us now is a leader who can help us survive for the rest of the time we're out here. And that isn't me.
There are some protests, but she continues:
Lottie: The wilderness chose who fed us. It's already chosen who should lead us. (Misty, Taissa, and Shauna perk up) Natalie. How else do we explain what happened out there? We tried to kill you. And it wouldn't let us.
Lottie kisses Natalie's hand. One by one, the others follow suit, bowing, curtsying, kissing and clasping her hand.

Outside, the coach stares into the cabin. Natalie smiles as they continue. Travis and Shauna are the last ones.

Episode's final scene: The cabin. Shauna is in the attic, writing about her feelings about not being the chosen one. Snippets: "How could it not have been me?" and "I used to think it was Jackie who made me feel invisible but..." Her musings are interrupted when she smells smoke. She yells at the others to get up, gathers her things and climbs down, still shouting. There's chaos and panic as they wake up to find the cabin is on fire. They try to escape but all the doors and the windows are stuck and won't open. Van starts kicking at the door. They grab anything they can, including blankets and the shotgun. Taissa tries to shatter the door with the ax until she succeeds. Wrapped in blankets, they run out with whatever they grabbed. Van, the last to come out, does it in the nick of time, because just then parts of the ceiling start collapsing. All they can do is stare helplessly as their only shelter goes down in flames.

"Killing Moon" plays.


The compound. Action picks up exactly where we left, with Lottie announcing that "it" chooses, and "It won't stop until it gets what it wants." She picks up one cup as the others shout at her to stop. She does when Shauna tells her "If we really want to give it what it's asking for... we have to do it the way we used to. We should give it a hunt." The others protest, but Shauna insists that Lottie is right: "Whatever it is that we communed with out there... it's still in us." Lottie runs up to Shauna and hugs her, thanking her for seeing the light. During the hug, Shauna pretends to agree but signals to the others to play along. The others get the hint, with Taissa chiming in that they need to stop fighting it. Shauna goes on to explain that if they are going to give "it" an offering, they need to do it right, with all the trimmings (masks, weapons, a deck of cards with the queen of hearts having crossed out eyes). Shauna tells Lottie to ensure that all her acolytes stay away from the woods. After Lottie leaves, the others wonder why Shauna is humoring Lottie, who in Natalie's words, is "homicidal".
Shauna: Exactly. I just bought us all some time to figure out what to do with her. You're welcome.
Misty suggests that they have her committed, given her history. Taissa agrees, as Lottie is a danger to herself and others. Misty, as a medical professional, volunteers to call Lottie's doctor. Natalie does not believe it's enough to just have her committed, given Lottie wanted the group to "play Russian roulette with poisoned fucking oolong". Van agrees, to Taissa's surprise. A suspicious Natalie asks why. Van explains that it's not just about Lottie's mental illness, but the trauma that she and the rest of them went through.
Natalie: Yeah, except we got over it. She thinks it's talking to her again. Have you all forgotten where that leads?

Opening theme.

Lottie's quarters. Misty snoops around and finds a pill bottle with the name of Lottie's doctor. She busts open the locked closet. It contains Natalie's shotgun and the box of phones and their belongings. Just then, somebody comes in and she hides. She tries calling Walter and hears his phone ring. The "somebody" is revealed to be Walter, who came to help Misty. The closet door is left unlocked.

Someplace else in the compound: Taissa and Van are making masks. Van has doubts about the plan and when Taissa says Lottie is sick, she disagrees: "Or if she is, then so are you. Tai, we have all felt it in our own way. Maybe we can reach her." Taissa says they tried:

Van: Well, then we need to try again. Do you really think that being locked up in some psych ward is gonna help her? Would it help you? We handle this ourselves. We protect each other. Didn't we all swear we would?
St. Vincent sings a cover of "Sad But True".

At the compound kitchen, Natalie tests the burning ability of a Queen of Clubs. Shauna assembles knifes and ensures they are sharp.

On the road, Jeff and Callie are driving to the compound. Jeff discusses the difficulties of disappearing: getting a bunch of fake passports, never again eating their favorite takeout food or google themselves. Callie sasses him by asking him whether he googles himself a lot, and whether his solution is to just let Shauna go to jail. Jeff does not know what to do. He confesses to the time they were carjacked and Shauna nearly shot the carjacker with his own gun. "She doesn't have it anymore. I made her leave it with me." When they arrive to the compound, Callie asks Jeff if he has a gun. Jeff is a Bad Liar like Shauna and tries to backtrack and convince Callie that the gun is most definitely NOT in the glove compartment. "No. No, I didn't say that. It's in a safe place. Just, uh, forget I mentioned it, okay? D-Don't open that." Upon arriving at the compound's main gate, the Sadeckis hesitate and look for another way to get in. They fail to notice that they were being followed by Wiskayok's finest, Det. Kevyn Tan and Matt Saracusa. An acolyte says hi upon seeing them. Matt snarks that the place seems fun.

Somewhere inside the compound. Natalie finds Lisa dyeing socks and warns her that that something will be happening. She tells Lisa to "leave while you still can." Lisa wants to know what's going on.

Natalie: Get yourself some regular clothes. Go have a life. You don't have to be one of these people. Just go, okay? (sighs) I appreciate you trying to teach me... (sighs, tries to smile) forgiveness. It's a nice idea.

The compound's kitchen. Walter is making hot cocoa and singing "Send In The Clowns". Kevyn comes in. Acting alarmed, Walter wields his whisk menacingly and threatens to call the police. Kevyn flashes his badge, and Walter turns into a Motor Mouthed fanboy at the prospect of talking to "an honest-to-God detective?" Kevyn gets him to chill about it.

Walter: What-what we... You see, I'm a detective, too. Not like you. Alas, I'm a lifelong asthmatic. But I am a citizen detective. Have you heard of us? [...] It's a wonderful community, very tight-knit... Oh, my gosh. My manners. You haven't even told me yet why it is that you are here.
Accepting an offer of hot cocoa, Kevyn states that he's there about Shauna. Walter confirms that Shauna is there, along with "practically a coven of them. All up to no good."

Someplace else around the compound, Callie and Jeff are skulking around:

Callie: Hmm. You're being awfully judgy about Mom, considering this all started thanks to your lame attempt at blackmail. Hey, maybe those sketchy loan people also do fake passports.
Jeff: The American family is crumbling, Callie. You try making a living in sectionals.

As they approach the kitchen, they see Kevyn and Walter talking. They overhear the latter talk about how "The money exchange wasn't on the books." Jeff orders Callie to go find her mother. He has a plan.

Back in the compound kitchen:

Kevyn: Sorry, th-this Jessica Roberts person, she was involved in all this how?
Walter: Mind you, my methods aren't exactly admissible in a court of law.
Kevyn: Oh, yeah? You'd get along with my partner.

Just then, Jeff appears, having figured out that Kevyn followed him and Callie. Kevyn justifies his actions on Jeff not telling them where Shauna was. Jeff asks Walter to leave him and Kevyn alone. Once he's gone, he raises his hands and asks to be placed under arrest, admitting to killing Adam Martin:

Kevyn: Jeff, what the fuck are you doing?
Jeff: It was a crime of passion. I, uh... I-I found out that Shauna was sleeping with him, and I went to confront him and... and I wound up killing the guy.

Oblivious to how Kevyn's lids appear to get heavy, Jeff continues to insist that he could not tell Shauna and that he did it to protect his family. And just then, Kevyn keels over and collapses with a THUD. Jeff freaks out. Just then, Walter pops back in with a "Hiya,", and Jeff freaks out some more.

Walter: Phenobarbital. Huh. Surprisingly fast-acting.
Jeff: What?
Walter: Walter Tattersall, friend of Misty's. It's okay if you haven't heard about me yet. Jeff Sadecki, I presume. I... That was a beautiful false confession. I could see it came out of real love.
Walter assures Jeff he is not an acolyte and asks for help to move the body. Jeff is a little shocked. He tries to get Jeff's attention by calling him "Jeffrey", which apparently nobody does.
Walter: Hey. It's okay, buddy. I know this is a lot. But I'm a friend and everything's gonna be fine. I just need your help now. So grab those legs for me. Can you do that?

"God Is Alive, Magic Is Afoot" plays while Lottie is in her quarters in the dark. She realizes the closet door was picked open. At the kitchen, Van watches Taissa make a phone call to the crisis team Misty requested earlier. Taissa lies to them, saying they've calmed Lottie down and will take her to the hospital themselves. Misty sneaks her syringe (last seen when she handed in her personal belongings) in her sleeve. At night, the women gather outdoors around a fire. Van and Taissa bring the masks they made. Shauna asks how soon is the crisis team coming, and Misty says "we told them it was urgent, so..." Natalie picks up on the "we" and asks what Misty meant by that, Lottie arrives and grabs a knife and the deck. "It's time."

Somewhere else outdoors. Callie, who at some point grabbed the gun from the glove compartment, looks for her mom. She bumps into Matt, who acts mock casual. "You seem a little lost." Upon learning he is also looking for Shauna, Callie orders him to get away from her. In return, Matt tells her to keep her hands where he can see them. Just them, his phone rings. It's Kevyn but there is a lot of static. Matt informs Kevyn he's with Callie, but all he can make out is fragments like "Okay, man," and "Shauna Sadecki. No. What the fuck you doing?" Unable to get a clear answer from Kevyn, Matt decides his partner needs him and leaves Callie unattended.

As it turns out, Walter recorded his and Jeff's conversations with Kevyn, and is using snippets to deep-fake his words to Matt. Jeff has doubts about Walter's plan working. So does Walter. "But he's panicking, so that's a start." They run off, leaving Kevyn's body and his phone on the trunk.

The ritual is about to begin. Lottie shows the queen of hearts card with crossed-out eyes and shuffles the deck. All acolytes are in bed. Shauna asks and is allowed to shuffle the cards some more. Taissa tries to get Lottie to talk things out, claiming she can trust them. To her surprise, instead of going along, Van tells Shauna to stop with the shuffling. Lottie takes the deck. Van is the first to pick a card, four of clubs and burns it. Taissa's turn comes:

Taissa: Is this what you wanted to happen?
Lottie: Taissa? Are you refusing the draw? Because you know what happens if you do.
They do a round, with everyone picking a Not It! Card and throwing into the fire. After Lottie picks her card, she orders them to restart. The scene cuts between their younger selves at the cabin and their older selves picking cards. Shauna finally draws the Oh, Crap! card. The others step away from her and grab masks and knives.

Shauna: Hey, Come on.
Lottie: Shauna. It's up to you. The way we used to, you can... you can submit. Or you can run.
Shauna calls for a time-out and tries to talk them out of it but they don't listen. Convinced they've all lost their minds, Shauna tries one more argument:
Shauna: You know there's no "it", right? It was just us!
Lottie: Is there a difference? Shauna? Are you running? Is that your choice?
Shauna: (exasperated) Oh, fuck off.
She starts walking away, then speeds up when she sees them chasing her.

Matt is trying to find Kevyn and hears the phone ringing inside a car trunk. He pries it open. Just then, Walter pops up and shoots Kevyn a few times.Walter has a proposal for Matt:

Walter: I'm the guy who's about to give you a choice. Now, imagine how impressed the Wiskayok police force will be when they realize their new recruit nearly lost his life uncovering his partner's involvement in a sordid police corruption scandal.
Matt: Sorry, come again?
Walter: It's called a narrative. Try and "yes, and" a little here. So when the police dig in, they'll discover a wealth of bank and phone evidence connecting your partner here not only to the murder of Adam Martin, the investigation of which he was trying to impede, but also to the recent death of a known political operative, Jessica Roberts. It's easy to see why Kevyn here would stop at nothing to prevent this from coming out.
Walter explains what the options are. Option 1: Matt cooperates with framing Kevyn as a dirty cop, and will look like "a real hero to the community". Option 2: Matt refuses, and all that evidence of guilt will point at him. And Walter has already called law enforcement, as shown with the sirens. "Uh, until you're ready to talk to them, you might want to close that [trunk]."

The compound's woods. The hunt continues. Shauna is being chased by the others, who are whooping. Out of nowhere, a gunshot hits Lottie in the arm/shoulder area, courtesy of Callie. She orders them to get away from her mom and points the gun at Lottie. Unafraid, Lottie takes off her mask and asks Shauna if that's her daughter. Shauna tells Callie to put the gun down. Lottie appears to be in awe of Callie:

Lottie: She's so powerful.
Shauna: Please put the gun down!
Callie: But she was going to kill you.
As the others unmask, Lottie is in full mad oracle mode, saying that "it" is there with them now. Shauna asks Misty where is the psych team they called. Taissa admits to calling them off, crediting/blaming Van.
Shauna: What the f...? How could you?
Van: It's not right. She's like this because of us.
Lottie: (eyes wild) Everyone, listen. What do we hear?
As Misty bandages Lottie's arm, the latter rambles on.
Lottie: You believe me now, don't you? It's still with us. It... it never left. Shauna... how can you think that it wasn't there when you killed your lover? And, Misty, when you kept that woman in your basement. And, Van, I saw it in your eyes just then, I did. And-and, Tai, Tai, it brought you to her so that she would bring you here to us, and it was in you, Nat. It was in you, even when you denied it, especially then. You were always its favorite.
Natalie: Why can't you ever stop?! (charges toward Lottie)
Just then, Lisa appears, Natalie's shotgun in hand, ordering her not to move.
Lisa: What did you do to her?
Natalie: I told you to leave.
Lisa: What is she talking about? You killed people? Tell me! Have you just been lying this whole time?
As Lisa demands answers, Misty takes out the syringe she'd hidden earlier in her sleeve. Natalie begs Lisa to leave, but Lisa insists that Natalie drop the knife, which she does. Misty charges toward Lisa, her syringe in hand. Nat has flashbacks to drawing the Queen of Hearts, Javi falling through the ice, admitting she let him die to the coach, and seeing Misty back at the keg party before the flight.

Shauna tells Misty to stop. Natalie puts herself between Lisa and Misty, taking the syringe just above heart level. Misty lets out Rapid-Fire "No!" when she realizes what she has done.

Natalie's dying dream starts. She is in a darkened airplane cabin all by herself. She can barely hear the muffled voices of the horrified others, Misty most of all. Taissa suggests calling an ambulance, but nobody has their phone on hand. "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" plays as Misty tries to hold up a swaying Natalie and lets her down on the ground. Crying, she confirms it is too late to do anything for Natalie

Back to the Dying Dream Airlines. Javi is sitting at Natalie's right:

Javi: There's nothing to be afraid of, you know?
Natalie: No. I'm not supposed to be here.
Teen Natalie: (on adult Natalie's left) We both know that's not true. This is exactly where we belong. We've been here for years.
Natalie starts crying. In Javi's place, the teen Lottie is now sitting next to Natalie:
Teen Lottie: (putting her hand on Nat's heart) Natalie. It's not evil. Just hungry. Like us. Just let it in.
Natalie takes Lottie's hand and gasps as a light overtakes the scene.

A police officer is heard calling a dispatch to announce "a middle-aged female, deceased of an apparent drug overdose". Natalie's body is wheeled to the medical examiner's van. Misty follows it. Lottie is escorted by two medics. Just then, a cheerful Walter pops in, unable to read the room.

Walter: Misty! I've taken care of the Adam Martin situation. You and your friends will be safe now.
Misty: (sobbing) Walter. I killed my best friend.
She tries to walk away but he holds on to her, letting her cry in his arms. We get a glimpse of her bloody hands.

A distraught Matt is talking to a uniformed officer, apparently having chosen option 1.

The Sadeckis are reunited. Jeff tells Shauna that "long story", but things are going to be OK, but Shauna tells him about Natalie. As medics tend to Lottie by the ambulance, Taissa gently explains to her that "They're gonna keep you for a little while, but we're gonna come check on you."

Lottie: (calmly) We gave it what it wanted. It is pleased with us. You'll see.
The camera focuses on Callie, whom Lottie had called powerful.

Tropes present in this episode

  • Call-Back: In "No Compass", when they are out on the expedition to seek help, Van entertains the others with a unique recap of While You Were Sleeping. In this episode, that movie is among those requested when Van is asked to tell a story. But Van opts to go with original material.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Misty's syringe, last seen in "Qui" when she turned in her personal belongings.
    • To retrieve the syringe and her phone, Misty picks the closet door lock. Leaving it open allows Lisa to grab Nat's shotgun later.
    • The gun Shauna stole from the carjacker in "Digestif", which is most definitely NOT in the glove compartment.
    • And one set up way back in season 1—cops have to account for all their bullets, so once three of Matt's wind up in Kevyn's body, there's really no way out for him.
  • The Chosen One: In the past, Lottie reveals to her fellow survivors that she can no longer hear the wilderness but they have learned how, and she tells them that Natalie is the one chosen by the wilderness to lead them through survival.
  • Dying Dream: Natalie finds herself alone aboard a plane, with Javi and her younger self showing up. Teen Lottie also appears:
    Lottie: Natalie, it's not evil. Just hungry. Like us. Just let it in.
  • False Confession: Jeff confesses to Kevyn that he, not Shauna, killed Adam Martin. Just then, Kevyn drops dead, thanks to Walter's poisoned hot cocoa. Walter compliments Jeff on his false statement.
    Walter: That was a beautiful false confession. I could see it came out of real love.
  • Frame-Up: Walter murders poor Kevyn Tan and tells his partner how to frame Kevyn for Adam's murder.
  • "I Can't Look!" Gesture: Before Shauna can bring herself to butcher Javi's body, she has to lower her headband so that it covers her eyes. As a result, she has to rely on touch to find where to cut the jugular.
  • Let the Past Burn: Out in the wilderness, the survivors barely manage to escape the burning cabin with little more than the clothes on their backs and blankets. All they can do afterwards is watch helplessly as the flames consume it. It is strongly implied by the matches he finds and Coach Scott's behavior that he is the one in burns it down, in disgust at the girls' actions.
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Averted notably, as when she is chosen as a sacrifice for "it/The Wilderness", Adult!Shauna angrily protests that there never was an "it", it was "just us!" The now fairly insane Lottie asks, "Is there is a difference?", in her later ramblings seeming to prove that her and the past survivors ultimately just had a form of twisted religious worship for the desire of violence and killing.
  • Murder by Mistake: Misty attempts to inject Lisa (toting a gun and demanding answers from Natalie) with her syringe full of phenobarbital, but Natalie ends up putting herself between it and Lisa, taking the injection in Lisa's place. Misty is horrified.
  • No Animosity in the Afterlife: Javi shows up in Natalie's dying dream and tells her that "there's nothing to be afraid of, you know?"
  • Only a Flesh Wound: During the hunt for Shauna, Callie shoots Lottie in the shoulder. The wound is quite minor.
  • Perfect Poison: The phenobarbital that Walter mixed with hot cocoa is enough to make Kevyn drop dead in the middle of Jeff's false confession. Walter even calls it "surprisingly fast acting".
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Lisa, after Natalie takes the fentanyl syringe Misty intended for Lisa.
  • Shoot the Dog: Coach Ben barricades the cabin's doors and windows and burns it down, likely in an attempt to save himself from the growing madness of the other survivors.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: After Lottie finishes her appeal for another Human Sacrifice to the adult Yellowjackets (who even with their various troubles aren't the mentally unstable, starved, scared teenagers trapped in a desperate survival situation that they were), Shauna plays along mostly to placate her. Once Lottie leaves, the group immediately concludes that she's insane, initially planning to get her re-committed for mental help.
  • Revealing Hug: Lottie is ecstatic to hear that Shauna agrees with her and wraps her in her arms. Meanwhile, Shauna is making the most obvious I'm Just Playing Along To Placate The Crazy Woman face at the others.
  • Taking the Bullet: Nat, who's spent 25 years eaten by guilt over Javi dying in her place, steps in to take the syringe Misty meant for Lisa.
  • Taking the Heat: Like he tried to do in "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi", Jeff confesses to murdering Adam Martin. Kevyn knows he is lying to protect Shauna. Fortunately for Jeff, that's when the poisoned hot chocolate takes effect and Kevyn just keels over.
  • Unwanted False Faith: Teen!Lottie is horrified to hear that the team have killed (well, allowed to die) Javi and intend to eat him for her. Misty acts indignant.
    Misty: Lottie, you started this. It's done. And it's going to save all of our lives, so you better not start making us feel bad about it now.
  • You Called Me "X"; It Must Be Serious: After watching Kevyn keel over dead, Jeff is shocked. To get his attention, Walter tries calling him Jeffrey:
    Walter: Jeffrey. Does anyone call you that?
    Jeff: Yeah, my mom. (stammers) No, she... she doesn't.
