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Recap / X Men Evolution S 4 E 1 Impact

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A strange phenomenon occurs in the wake of Apocalypse: A jungle-covered Mayan pyramid takes on a technological appearance and an impenetrable force shield surrounds it, even down into the ground underneath. The X-Men receive permission from the government there to study the base. However, Magneto, in an act of revenge, makes an attack upon it. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler tries to revive his mother Mystique who is still trapped in stone, much to the dismay of Rogue.

Tropes included:

  • Bullying a Dragon: Barking orders at Colossus, Magneto says he'll never see his family again if he doesn't improve. Colossus immediately flips out and attacks him. Magneto initially has the advantage because of his powers, so Colossus Fights Like a Normal and throws him around.
  • Cassandra Truth: Nightcrawler notices a tear from the petrified Mystique, believing that she has emotions about her children. Xavier believes it's just condensation and that she has no such feelings for anyone.
  • Downer Ending: Magneto is apparently killed by Apocalypse. Rogue's decision to "kill" Mystique has caused a major rift between her and Nightcrawler for the next couple of episodes.
  • Eviler than Thou: Apocalypse effortlessly takes down Magneto.
  • Fights Like a Normal: Colossus is well-aware that his power makes him easy pickings for Magneto, so he powers down and rushes him. Gambit stops him before it goes too far, though.
  • Little "No": Wolverine and Xavier after seeing what Apocalypse does to Magneto.
  • Only Sane Man: Gambit keeps Colossus from pummeling Magneto because they need him to stand against Apocalypse.
  • Papa Wolf: After being threatened with the harm of his family, Colossus attacks Magneto. It's only Gambit's interference that stop it before the fight gets worse.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • Wolverine tries to reassure Rogue that her actions in the previous two-parter weren't her fault.
    • Wanda is ready to roast Nightcrawler for sneaking around the Brotherhood's house, but after learning he's only there for the statue of his mother, she lets him leave without incident.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Despite being offered the opportunity to revive Mystique, Rogue who is too distraught and angry over what her adopted mother put her through, pushes her stone corpse off a cliff.
  • Wham Shot: Magneto being vaporized by Apocaylpse.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Rogue over Nightcrawler bringing the statue of Mystique back to the mansion and demands he take her out.
