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Recap / Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters

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TV series

  1. Mission 1: Special Ops Sentai, Assemble!
  2. Mission 2: A Promise Made 13 Years Ago
  3. Mission 3: GT-02 Animal, Deploy!
  4. Mission 4: Special Ops and Determination
  5. Mission 5: Dangerous Overheated Rampage!
  6. Mission 6: Combine! Go-Buster Oh
  7. Mission 7: Bad Maintenance on the Ace?!
  8. Mission 8: Protect the Machine Blueprints!
  9. Mission 9: Usada Recovery Strategy!
  10. Mission 10: The Reason We Fight
  11. Mission 11: The Targeted Weakpoint
  12. Mission 12: You Like Going Undercover?
  13. Mission 13: A Surprising Day Off
  14. Mission 14: Ça va? Rescue Strategy
  15. Mission 15: The Golden Warrior and the Silvery Buddy
  16. Mission 16: The Man Who Came From Subspace
  17. Mission 17: Its Name Is Go-Buster Beet!
  18. Mission 18: Cooperative Operations 3,000 Meters In the Earth
  19. Mission 19: My Combination! Buster Hercules
  20. Mission 20: Five-Part Concentration! Great Go-Buster!
  21. Mission 21: Farewell, Blue Buster
  22. Mission 22: The Beautiful Avatar: Escape
  23. Mission 23: Those Who Follow Their Intent
  24. Mission 24: A très bien Summer Festival
  25. Mission 25: Pursue the Mystery of the Avatars!
  26. Mission 26: The Tiny Enemy! Control Room SOS
  27. Mission 27: An Out of Control Combo to Escape the Labyrinth!
  28. Mission 28: Beware of Chickens!
  29. Mission 29: Breaking Into Subspace!
  30. Mission 30: Messiah Shutdown
  31. Mission 31: Space Sheriff Gavan Arrives!
  32. Mission 32: Friendship Tag With Gavan!
  33. Mission 33: Morphin! Powered Custom
  34. Mission 34: The Enemy Is Beet Buster?!
  35. Mission 35: Roar, Tategami Lioh!
  36. Mission 36: Go-Buster Lioh, Kaching!
  37. Mission 37: The Black and White Brides
  38. Mission 38: Event! Ace Deathmatch
  39. Mission 39: Finishing Blow! Messiah's Fist
  40. Mission 40: Covering J and the Messiahloid
  41. Mission 41: The Thief Pink Buster!
  42. Mission 42: Attack! Within the Megazord
  43. Mission 43: Christmas Determination
  44. Mission 44: Christmas Eve: Time to Complete the Mission
  45. Mission 45: Happy New Year: A Small Formidable Enemy, Again
  46. Mission 46: The New Fusion and Overheated Rampage!
  47. Mission 47: Reset and Back-Up
  48. Mission 48: Setting the Trap
  49. Miaaion 49: Preparation and Selection
  50. Final Mission: Eternal Bonds


