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Recap / 30 Rock S3 E17 "Cutbacks"

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In this episode, after their fiftieth episode, Jack explains Liz that the company is undergoing cutbacks, and she would have to choose who will stay, which she doesn't want to and tries to talk it out with the consultant. Meanwhile, Tracy and Jenna believe that Kenneth is a serial killer due to the behavior he was getting during the time he was Jack's assistant.

Tropes present in this episode:

  • Apology Gift : After what happened with Kenneth's bird, and receiving his politely angry speech, Tracy and Jenna realize that they messed up big time, and decided to make a little something to make it up to Kenneth.
    • How? By getting all of the birds they could in his house.
      • Kenneth happily starts to name them, indicating that he accepted their apology.
  • Actor Allusion : Don Pardo as Sid. The long time Saturday Night Live announcer was famous for almost never flubbing the names of the performers when he announced for SNL.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot : The Serial Killer plot could have been avoided if Tracy would have asked Kenneth why he didn't want him to go to his bedroom
  • Mistaken for Murderer : Tracy thinks that Kenneth is a Serial Killer, after being curious to know what's inside Kenneth's bedroom, because Kenneth told him not to go there, in a really serious tone.
    • His suspects increase when Jenna tells him the 3 signs to know if someone is a serial Killer:
    Jenna: "Cruelty to Animals..."
    Tracy: "He grew up Killing Pigs!"
    Jenna: "Bed-Wetting..."
    Tracy: "No wonder he's fascinated when I do that!"
    Jenna: "And an inability to read human facial cues..."
    Tracy: "I admonished him for that earlier! 3 out of 3, he's a monster!"
    • They increase even more when they talk with Kenneth, and he answers with a slow and serious tone, letting them know that he has made "Some mistakes lately" and that "He can't let them getting him into trouble"
      • Also, saying that Johnathan is not with them anymore.
  • New Job Episode : Kenneth replaces Jonathan for this episode since the latter is fired due for the cutbacks
  • Not So Stoic: Jack tells Liz, after the whole situation being heard, that the budget review will be restored, but only with him as a supervisor, while giving a "wink" to her.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business : Kenneth is truly the case in this episode, after knowing that Tracy and Jenna killed his bird, he got pretty mad and made a politely-mad speech to them.
  • Poor Communication Kills : Whether it was for Kenneth never explaining why he didn't want Tracy to go to the bedroom, or him not explaining why Jonathan was gone, the communication here was poorly enough to make Tracy think that Kenneth, of all people, was a Murderer.
  • Running Gag: Characters comparing the current situation to The Pelican Brief. (It was on Showtime that month.)
  • Snap Back : Thanks to Jack's intervention, everyone in TGS gets their jobs back, only with a 2 week without pay.
    • Also, Jonathan is back, making Kenneth come back to his page duties.
  • Shout-Out Theme Naming : The last names we heard as Kenneth names his new birds are Lorne and Michael, while the Executive Producer's name appears on screen: Lorne Michaels.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech : Kenneth's speech when he explained to Tracy and Jenna how wrong their judgment was, after thinking he was a serial killer, killing his bird in the process
    Kenneth: "May you wait just one minute?! I am sorry to be using my barn voice in the form of a lady, but I am Riled Up! It is not enough that you killed the bird that I had for almost sixty years... but the fact that you didn't trust me... is unforgivable. But what should I expect...? Look at you two walking around, without a care on the world, as budgets are slashed and people keep getting called into Mr. Donaghy's office to be fired?! I may be a non-special, but what you two did... is inexcusable... Good Day!.
