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Recap / The New Adventures Of Superman S 1 E 16

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The Two Faces of Superman: Several shocking thefts, committed by the Man of Steel himself, turn out to be the work of the Toyman, who has created a robot double to frame Superman.
Superboy's Super-Dilemma: A useless Kryptonite antidote causes Clark Kent to grow uncontrollably.
The Imp-Practical Joker: Superman faces off against the mischievous Mr. Mxyzptlk.

The Two Faces of Superman includes examples of the following tropes:

  • Evil Knockoff: The Toyman creates a robot Superman to use in crimes. That way, he can have a "toy" with Super-Strength and if anyone gets blamed, it will be the original.
  • Frame-Up: Toyman explicitly refers to his latest scheme as "the greatest frame-up of the century." Given that no one else has such powers, it's hard for anyone to figure out that the thief isn't Superman.
  • Neck Lift: One of Toyman's henchmen asks what will happen if someone gets close enough to the robot to tell that it isn't Superman. Toyman invites him to see. The robot grabs him by the collar and lifts him off the ground, leaving him begging for Toyman to let him down again.
  • Wounded Hero, Weaker Helper: Downplayed; Superman gives Jimmy guidance, but after Superman is downed by Toyman's Kryptonite beam, it's entirely up to the young reporter to cover it.

The Imp-Practical Joker contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Nobody Here but Us Statues: Mister Mxyzptlk hides among statues of gnomes on the roof of a carnival fun house.
  • Pun-Based Title: The title combines the phrase "practical joker" with the fact that Mr. Mxyzptlk is an imp.
