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Recap / The Mask S 2 E 1 A Comedy Of Eras

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The Mask (and Stanley and Milo) do battle with a Mad Scientist named Amelia Chronos, whose new stopwatch sends Stanley forward to a Bad Future and backwards to the Salem Witch Trials.


  • A God Am I: Chronos believes that she is a god because she can control time and she does prove that she is one of the few of The Mask's enemies that can be an actual threat to him which gets The Mask to get completely serious with her.
  • Berserk Button: In the Bad Future the Coco Bongo is gone which for The Mask is one of his favourite places on the planet so losing it because of Chronos makes The Mask to get revenge on her.
  • Nice Guy: Masked Milo as always cares and loves his master very much which he decides to rescue him from the townsfolk.
  • Time Travel Episode: The Mask meets Amelia Chronos who can travel time and even alter time which she did when she travels to the time of the Salem Witch Trials that’s causes The Mask in one of the few times to get completely serious with her because it resulted in the Bad Future above.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Mask as usual changes his appearance which he turns into a angel cupid, a little boy, a baseball catcher, a dogcatcher, a modern boxer, a marine soldier, a teenage boy, a movie director in a brown shirt, in a bathsuit, a talk show host, a tourist in a blue shirt, a bodybuilder and then finally turns into a masked wrestler to get himself free.
