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Recap / The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy S 2 E 4

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"Who Killed Who?"

Original Air Date: July 4, 2003

After excluding Mandy from their board game "Who Killed Who?" for being a girl, Billy and Irwin mistakenly throw their dice into the backyard of a haunted house. Grim warns them about the ghost of Mrs. Doolin, a lady that lived there.

Mandy dares to go inside to retrieve the dice, and she befriends Mrs. Doolin, who is alive and well, and who says that all the stories told about her (that anything that went beyond her fence into her garden never came back) are just made-up by Grim, who she beat long time ago in a staring contest.

Deciding to get the dice back himself, Billy also ventures into the house, but Mrs. Doolin and Mandy scare him away by posing as ghosts. However, it appears that Mrs. Doolin is in fact a ghost, and when she said she had "beaten Grim", it meant that she had "beaten death".

"Who Killed Who?" contains examples of…

  • Always Someone Better: Mrs. Doolin has beaten Grim at all sorts of things, including staring contests, golf, poker, and the heavyweight championship. She beat him at everything.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Mrs. Doolin appears to be laughing manically amid the sound of knifework, but she's just enjoying a bit of fencing with Mandy. Later, she grabs a knife, as if she's going to slice Mandy up for dinner, but she's just getting a slice of mango for her pet spider.
  • Berserk Button: Mrs. Doolin is outraged when she learns that Billy and Irwin wouldn't let Mandy play with them because she's a girl. She helps Mandy scare Billy silly as payback.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: It's pretty odd to see Irwin willing join Billy in shunning Mandy due to her gender considering his massive crush on her that would come to define him starting later this very season. To compare, the future episode "The Bad News Ghouls" shows him crying being pressured into doing the same.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • When Mandy disbelieves Billy and Irwin's claim that Mrs. Doolin's house is haunted, Grim responds that it is. When Mandy asks him how he knows this, he replies, "Oh, I know, Mandy. I know everything there is to know about that house." It's mainly the bitterness in his voice that hints at the long history he has with Mrs. Doolin.
    • Mrs. Doolin says that Grim never forgave her for beating him at everything. Turns out, she really did mean everything. She found a way to beat Death itself. Furthermore, she provides photos of her and Grim taken decades ago and decades apart from each other, yet she largely retains the same appearance she does throughout the pictures and in present day.
  • Girls vs. Boys Plot: Downplayed. The reason the plot gets set into motion is because Billy and Irwin won't let Mandy join in their board game for the simple reason that she's a girl.
  • Lost Him in a Card Game: We see Grim putting up a Lost Dog sign for his dog Lucky. We later learn that Lucky was never missing; Mrs. Doolin won him off of Grim in a poker game.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Billy has one about how he seemingly left Mandy at the mercy of Mrs. Doolin's ghost.
  • Retcon: In "Meet the Reaper", when Mandy challenges Grim to a game, he brags that he never loses. This episode proves that to not be the case, as Mrs. Doolin has beaten him multiple times.
  • The Reveal: Billy and Mandy weren't the first ones to beat Grim in a challenge. Mrs. Doolin had beaten him in everything, and as a result, beaten Death. Oh, and she really was a ghost.
  • The Rival: Mrs. Doolin is this to Grim, having beaten him in "just about everything".
  • Shout-Out:
  • Wham Shot: The entire ending scene. After Mandy and Mrs. Doolin scare Billy, Mandy looks back inside the house to find Mrs. Doolin gone and the place looking like it's been abandoned for decades. Mandy walks in and once again looks at the portrait of Mrs. Doolin, but now there's a mirror behind her that wasn't there before. And in the mirror's reflection, glaring at Mrs. Doolin... is Grim.
    Mrs. Doolin: (voiceover) Ha! He's never forgiven me for beating him, in just about everything!
    Grim: (voiceover) I know everything there is to know about that house…
    Mrs. Doolin: (voiceover) Beating him, in just about…
    Mandy: Everything! Wow! Mrs. Doolin beat Grim! She beat death!
"Tween Wolf"

Original Air Date: July 4, 2003

After Grim fails to pull a werewolf out of his hat, Irwin is bitten by said werewolf. Then, Billy takes Irwin as his new pet dog, he asks his mother if he can keep the "puppy", but she refuses. Billy asks his father if he can keep the so called puppy. His father, not paying attention, says yes. Billy names the "dog" Sprinkles, and enters him in the Endsville Dog Show to compete against Mandy's dog, Saliva. At the contest, Sprinkles is about to win, so Grim releases a "were-flea" whose bite causes the werewolf to revert to a naked Irwin. In the end, it appears that Irwin won the contest anyway.

"Tween Wolf" contains examples of…

  • Brain Bleach: Mandy has this reaction when Irwin is cured... and is naturally naked as a result.
    Mandy: Ugh! My eyes!
  • Naked People Are Funny: When Irwin is cured of his lycanthropy, he naturally only has his bow tie and glasses on, getting a laugh out of the audience at the Dog Show, and Mandy needing some Brain Bleach.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: After Irwin’s initial transformation, he doesn’t change back during the day. And it’s not silver or killing the werewolf that bit him that cures him, but being bitten by a “Were-flea”.
  • Pull a Rabbit out of My Hat: The plot of the episode is kicked off by Grim attempting to pull a werewolf out of his hat.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The title is a reference to the movie Teen Wolf.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Near literal example. Even after Irwin is turned back to normal following winning the Dog Show as a werewolf, he's allowed to keep the winning title.
  • Werewolves Are Dogs: When Irwin turns into a werewolf, Billy ends up adopting him (naming him "Sprinkles") and entering him into a dog show.
