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Recap / The Facts Of Life New York New York

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Blair and Jo visit old friends in New York City, and not only discover just how much they've changed, but also how valuable their friendship is as well.

This episode contains examples of

  • Bittersweet Ending: Leaning more on the sweet side, Blair and Jo sever all ties with their former friends, but now they appreciate each other much more because of it.

  • Et Tu, Brute?: Dina and Jessie react this way when Blair and Jo rightfully show disgust at how rotten they are.

  • Evil Former Friend: Dina and Jessie are slowly revealed to be this. Dina practically abuses her maid, not showing the woman an ounce of empathy despite the fact that she was suffering from a medical issue. Jessie is cruel and rude to the elderly, while also being very racist to the Hispanic Community in the Bronx.

  • Generic Graffiti: Jessie tries to deface a mural painted by a group of children, but Jo stops her.

  • Lots of Luggage: Blair takes 2 big suitcases with her for her trip.

  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Jessie is vehemently opposed to the fact New York is becoming a melting pot. After bumping into some Asian men, she spitefully refers to them as boat people, and then goes on a Hispanophobic rant during her last scene with Jo.

  • Shadow Archetype: This is what Dina and Jessie are to Blair and Jo. Dina is what Blair would be if she never developed kindness or sympathy for others, or a desire to do any kind of work. Jessie is what Jo would be if she never opened her mind to the world outside of the Bronx.
