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Recap / The Dick Van Dyke Show S 3 E 31 Id Rather Be Bald Than Have No Head At All

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Believing he is going bald, Rob goes to Buddy's barber and is given a concoction to stop his incipient hair loss. What follows is a spectacular dream sequence addressing Rob's anxieties.

This episode includes examples of the following tropes:

  • All Just a Dream: The second half of the episode.
  • Anxiety Dreams: The dream arises from Rob's anxieties about going bald combined with Laura's anxiety over the concoction he put in his hair.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The entire dream is from Rob's perspective and seems to reflect his anxieties which Laura had been pooh-poohing, but at the end it's revealed to have been Laura's dream, not Rob's.
  • Baldness Angst: Rob fears he is going bald due to what he perceives as an increasing amount of his hair falling out, even though he shows no visible signs of hair loss.
  • Dream Episode: One of several examples on the show, though only takes up the episode's latter half.
  • Dream Within a Dream: Rob apparently is woken up from the dream by Laura, but when they go to the bathroom to remove the towel from his head, they discover he's still bald, causing Laura to faint and Rob to realize he's still dreaming—except when the dream finally ends for real, we discover it was all Laura's dream, not Rob's.
  • Off with His Head!: When Buddy says Mel would be happy if Buddy lost his hair, Mel retorts that he would, as long as the hair were still attached to Buddy's head.
  • Ominous Hair Loss: The dream involves Rob repeatedly waking up to this.
  • Plot Hole: If it was all Laura's dream, how did she know what the barber who sold Rob the concoction looked like?
  • Prematurely Bald: What Rob fears is going to happen to him.
    Rob: A boy my age shouldn't be getting bald already.
  • Vanity Is Feminine: Lampshaded and gender-flipped. When Rob wakes her up due to anxiety about his hair falling out, Laura comments exasperatedly that people say women are vain about their looks.
