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Recap / The Boondocks - S2 E9: "Invasion of the Katrinians"

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"Invasion of the Katrinians" is the 9th episode of the 2nd season of The Boondocks, and the 24th episode overall. It originally aired on December 10, 2007. It is loosely based on the comic strip's September to October 2005 storyline.

After Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, the Freemans have distant relatives rendered homeless by Katrina move in with them, much to their annoyance.


  • Adaptational Nice Guy: The little girl who tried to drink Granddad's orange juice was more of a Spoiled Brat in the comic strip storyline. In the comics, she was a lot more demanding and selfish, such as complaining that the Freemans don't have HBO and Cinemax on their TV. She also refused to leave with the rest of her family when they departed back for New Orleans, until Granddad kicked her out.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Jericho successfully earns his FEMA check for $200,000, but he doesn't share this info with anyone except his son; and leaves without paying Robert back for all the expenses he and his family charged Robert with for staying at his house for three months, and eating all his food and using up all his water and power.
  • Butt-Monkey: Robert endlessly suffers being exploited by Jericho's laziness and slobbery. Which was completely avoidable if Robert simply kicked him out, let alone turned him away in the first place.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Riley loses his temper over Granddad taking Jericho and his family under his wing and demands Robert kick them out so they can regain their house and privacy.
  • Dumb Blonde: The blonde news reporter. She keeps thinking that Robert invited random strangers into his house, when he keeps spoonfeeding her the news that they're related to him. The reporter just keeps thinking Robert means it figuratively, not literally.
  • Fat Bastard: Uncle Ruckus's role as being this gets usurped in this episode by Jericho and his wife who complains to Huey and Riley that she hates grape Kool-Aid and whines to them for not buying any soul food.
  • Funny Background Event: May double as a Meaningful Background Event. When Robert discovers all the electricity in the house back on, Jericho and his family are watching the "Eff Granddad" music video.
  • Hate Sink: Jericho and most of his family is very much so, they're rude, lazy, and very ungrateful; not to mention that both Huey and Riley agrees that they really needed to go.
  • Idiot Houdini: Tom for providing Jericho and his family with everything they need (food, cash, water, power) to keep staying at the Freemans' place after Granddad cuts off all their power, water and food as punishment for freeloading off of him.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • Uncle Ruckus points out how much of a freeloader Jericho is. Though this doesn't excuse Ruckus from openly mocking the misfortunes of (black) New Orleans residents displaced by the hurricane though.
    • Riley when he complains that all Jericho and his family do around the house is watch TV and eat.
  • Lower-Class Lout: Jericho's family embody the "poor and lazy" stereotype. They want to exploit welfare programs and get handouts from the government instead of finding a job. Robert is frustrated that Jericho will do nothing in return for leeching off him like a parasite.
  • No FEMA Response: Although Jericho and his family managed to escape New Orleans without injury, they keep waiting for FEMA... to bring them their welfare check.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: This is the whole plot of this episode. Jericho and his incredibly large family crash at the Freemans' house and make Robert pay for all their living expenses such as food, water, and electricity.
    • In the comic strip this episode was based on, the Freemans also became this to the Dubois family when they got sick of their relatives taking over their house.
  • What Would X Do?: Robert when he decides to finally kick Jericho and his relatives out.
    Jericho: Robert! Wait, Robert! What would your mama say if she knew you was kicking out your family?
    Robert: She'd say get them broke-ass niggas the FUCK out!
