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Recap / Stargate Atlantis S05 E15 "Remnants"

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Radek discovers an alien device that Rodney finds holds serious surprises. Sheppard runs into a reincarnated Acastus Kolya who plans to attack Atlantis. An IOC representative arrives to replace Woolsey who receives advice from a mysterious woman.


  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Played straight in Woolsey's case, and a little less obviously with Rodney, but averted with Sheppard.
  • Back from the Dead: Initially played straight with Kolya before it's ultimately revealed he's just a simulacrum drawn from John's mind by the AI.
  • Book Ends: The team eating in the Mess Hall.
  • Call-Back: McKay discovers the radiation emitting from the device is capable of inducing mass hallucinations similar to those seen on M1B-129, which refers to the events of the Phantoms.
  • Kiss Me, I'm Virtual: Woolsey is a little disturbed when the AI admits to taking the form of his idealised partner, based upon his sexual desires.
  • This Cannot Be!: John's reaction to Kolya's apparent resurrection. Justified, as he knows full-well (both from killing the rogue Genii and from Beckett's autopsy) that his old nemesis is gone and this can't be possible.
