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Recap / Sponge Bob Square Pants S 13 E 10 Captain Pipsqueak Plane To Sea

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Let's face it, someone knew this would happen.
Captain Pipsqueak

Original air date: 7/22/2022 (produced in 2021)

Plankton joins the League of E.V.I.L., hoping that they can help him steal the secret formula.

"Captain Pipsqueak" contains examples of:

  • All There in the Script: Notodoris's name is never said in the episode. It's only revealed in the credits.
  • Alliterative List: The narration after Plankton is trapped in a bottle of hot sauce: "Holy habanero! Is Plankton forever doomed to be bound by a bottle? Grounded in glass? Enveloped by extra evil sauce!?"
  • An Arm and a Leg: Plankton loses an arm when he shakes his fist at Mr. Krabs.
  • Atrocious Alias: Plankton's supervillain name that E.V.I.L. chooses for him, "Captain Pipsqueak", isn't exactly intimidating. Plankton questions if he'll get to change it later.
  • Burning Bag of Poop: Plankton is ordered to put a bag of burning snail poop on the doorstep of a superhero who's just a foot. It explodes his house, because Plankton added some chum mixture to the bag.
  • Call-Back: Like before, E.V.I.L. stands for Every Villain Is Lemons.
  • Canon Immigrant:
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: For his plan turning out to be a disappointment, Man Ray punishes Plankton by dropping him in a bottle of Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: Almost every bad guy who’s ever shown up in the show makes a cameo here- and a few who aren’t bad guys, too!
  • Continuity Nod: The ending — with Plankton being trapped and saying "well, this stinks" — is the same thing that happened in Plankton's debut episode, "Plankton!"
  • Costume-Test Montage: When Plankton tries to find an outfit that'll impress the other villains. His first one, a clown with an exploding pie, doesn't go over well with Karen. Next, he wears a snake-like outfit, but his vampire teeth come out of his mouth and chase after him. His final one, inspired by Magneto, goes over well with Karen, but he trips over his cape while exiting.
  • Eye Scream: When Plankton gets a cucumber stuck on his eye, his attempt to pull it out yanks his entire his eyeball out.
  • Mandatory Line: SpongeBob only gets two lines in this episode: "Mr. Krabs!" and "Ooh, that is a nice costume, Plankton!"
  • Missing Steps Plan: Plankton's presentation to E.V.I.L.: he steals the secret formula, the world falls into chaos and destruction, then the third and final scene is him sitting on a throne on a mountain of bones and skulls. When Man Ray does steal the formula, he realizes that it's just a sandwich recipe and asks Plankton how stealing this can lead to that. Plankton can't come up with an answer.
    Jumbo Shrimp: Some criminal genius he is!
    Notodoris: Right? "Massive evil intellect", my eye!
  • Shout-Out: Plankton's outfit resembles the one worn by Magneto.
  • The Smurfette Principle: All of E.V.I.L.'s members are male, except Notodoris, who is female.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: The Sinister Slug is replaced by another slug character named Notodoris, who has never been seen before this episode.
  • Terrible Interviewees Montage: E.V.I.L.'s auditions, mainly run by Man Ray. First up, Nosferatu. The Strangler tries to go first instead, but Man Ray blasts him to ashes. Nosferatu fails to impress them by just doing a dance routine. The Robot Mantis does the same thing, and is also blasted. Finally, Plankton shows up and manages to win them over.
  • Title Drop: "Captain Pipsqueak" is the name that the villains give Plankton.
  • Villain Episode: The episode centers on Plankton along with the villains in E.V.I.L.
  • You, Get Me Coffee: Plankton's first task as part of E.V.I.L. is to get them hot dogs for lunch. E.V.I.L. has already been banned from the restaurant in the past, but Plankton manages to sneak away and bring the food back.
There's backseat drivers, and then there's this.
Plane to Sea

Original air date: 7/22/2022 (produced in 2021)

After winning a trip to Bora Bora Bottom, Squidward must endure a plane ride with SpongeBob and Patrick.

"Plane to Sea" contains examples of:

  • Adults Dressed as Children: SpongeBob and Patrick dress like this while pretending to be Squidward's kids.
  • Big "NO!": By Squidward at the very end of the episode as the plane flies back the way it came.
  • Cruel Twist Ending: Turns out that the plane was on auto-pilot, and it starts pulling away before Squidward can get off at the resort, because the trip was to only see the resort briefly. Cue SpongeBob and Patrick, as the new pilots, announcing that there's a 24 hour flight back home.
  • Disposable Pilot: All the staff on-board the flight (the two flight attendants and the pilots) end up getting thrown out the airlock by Patrick. Squidward has to man the plane to avoid crashing it, but it turns out the plane was on auto-pilot anyways.
  • Episode on a Plane: Most of the episode takes place on a plane that Squidward, SpongeBob, and Patrick taking to Bora Bora Bottom.
  • Exact Words: SpongeBob mentions near the beginning the trip Squidward won was "an all-expenses paid trip to see beautiful Bora Bora Bottom." The ending of the episode reveals the trip was exactly for that reason.
  • Idiot Houdini: SpongeBob and Patrick spend the episode annoying Squidward and subsequently hijacking the plane after accidentally throwing out the staff, and get off scot-free.
  • Iris Out: The episode closes on one, courtesy of the plane disappearing into the distance as Squidward screams.
  • Is That Cute Kid Yours?: SpongeBob and Patrick act as Squidward's kids to get on the plane. Before boarding the plane, the receptionist wants to take a picture of the "family" for the in-flight brochure, to Squidward's embarrassment.
  • Plane Awful Flight: Squidward gets his seatbelt wrapped around him, effectively being unable to move. The flight attendant slams his face into the seat, Patrick pours hot coffee into his mouth, a baby hits him with a rattle, and SpongeBob and Patrick ram into him with food carts.
  • Planes, Trains, and Imbeciles: The flight attendant ties Squidward's seatbelt very tight and slams his head into the seat in front of him, also threatening to beat him up if he sits in a different seat in the same row.
  • Potty Emergency: Patrick needs to use the restroom, and heads to the back of the plane. He gets confused over which door is which, and accidentally sends the flight attendant out of the emergency exit.
  • Screaming Plane Baby: Parodied. Squidward begins crying on the plane, and a nearby baby gets mad at him for it, even hitting him with her rattle.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Turns out the trip to Bora Bora Bottom was not really a vacation; it was only a trip to see Bora Bora Bottom, and the plane suddenly turns around and goes back the way it came seconds after arriving.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: After enduring many hours on a plane with his obnoxious neighbors, Squidward finally reaches his destination...until the plane turns back before he, or any of the other passengers, could get off.
