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Recap / Spider Man The Animated Series S 05 E 02 Six Forgotten Warriors Chapter I

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As Aunt May prepares to sell her house, Keene Marlowe, an old friend of Uncle Ben, comes along to keep that from happening. Meanwhile, when a World War 2 German scientist is kidnapped in Moscow, the Kingpin reassembles the Insidious Six, and Peter discovers a shocking secret about his parents.

This episode provides examples of:

  • Chekhov's Gunman: Dr. Groitzig's daughter, who revealed his identity to report her father’s kidnapping to the police, she is sought by Peter and Robbie, and the Kingpin to gain information about the doomsday weapon in the next episode.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • The fact Richard and Mary were believed to traitors was foreshadowed when the Chameleon had told the Kingpin and his son something "interesting" about them when they framed Peter for treason.
    • The Kingpin has the Vulture replace Mysterio, who seemingly died in an explosion alongside actress Miranda Wilson, as part of the Insidious Six.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In the comics Richard and Mary Parker in died plane crash in Algeria, but in the cartoon the plane crash was in Russia.
  • Double-Meaning Title: The arc's tile doesn’t signify the reformation of the Insidious Six, but also return of Captain America and the American Six.
  • Dramatic Drop: May once sees that Dr. Wolfgang Groitzig is alive and has been kidnapped in Moscow.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: When Peter seeks to go to Russia so he can get answers about his parents, he wonders how when he barely makes enough money with his freelance work for the Daily Bugle, then he gets an idea, and tells Jameson that Spider-Man is going to Russia.
  • Oh, Crap!: Robbie when learns about how Dr. Groitzig has kidnapped.
  • Properly Paranoid: After Dr. Groitzig is kidnapped, a man named Lentz believes that he will be kidnapped next to get information on the Doomsday device.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: Jameson mentions how the Russian government is chaotic at the time with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • Shout-Out: Spider-Man once refers to the Insidious Six, as the Six Stooges, a reference to The Three Stooges.
  • This Cannot Be!: Doctor Octopus' reaction once when Spider-Man is revealed to be at S.H.E.I.L.D. headquarters.
  • Title Drop: Herbert Landon asks the Kingpin who will his sixth forgotten warrior, referring to the Insidious Six.
  • To Be Continued: The ends with Robbie and Spider-Man being left in Lentz's apartment with a bomb as the timer is counting down and Lentz being kidnapped by Silver Sable and the Wild Pack.
  • Wham Line: The reveal that Peter's parents were spies for Russia.
  • Wham Shot: When Nick Fury calls Keene Marlowe for help in stopping a person who is about unleash a force cable of destroying everyone, on Fury's computer it the person is revealed to be none other than Aunt May.
