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Recap / Smallville S 01 E 12 Leech

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Originally aired February 12, 2002

Written by Timothy Schlattmann

Directed by Greg Beeman

A lightning strike and a piece of Kryptonite results in Clark's powers being transferred to a classmate, Eric Summers. While Clark gets to enjoy being a normal teenager, Eric starts to abuse his new powers. Lex turns the tables on the Hardwicks' bid to take over LuthorCorp.

Tropes present in the episode:

  • Abusive Parents: Eric's parents. Mr. Summers (who's also his science teacher at Smallville High) is a total asshole towards his son (for the most part, he's emotionally and psychologically abusive, though physical abuse is strongly implied), while Mrs. Summers does little to help Eric.
  • Alliterative Name: Harry Hardwick.
  • Antagonist Title: Eric unintentionally "leeches" Clark's powers and eventually becomes the Villain of the Week.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Eric, who loses the respect of the community and the girl he loves due to stealing Clark's powers and falling victim to Drunk with Power.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • Mr. Summers gets hoisted up against a wall by Eric after he announces his intentions to have his son studied by a former colleague at Metropolis University.
    • Brent, who bullied Eric earlier in the episode, ends up on the receiving end of torment by his former target.
  • Badass Longcoat: Eric starts wearing a black leather one after he gets Clark's powers.
  • Blessed with Suck: While it is a pain for Clark having to deal with being human, it gives him the ability to see how his powers are interpreted by others. And, throws Lex off his scent
  • Break the Haughty: Lex out-gambits the Hardwicks, leaving their company vulnerable for takeover by LuthorCorp; this comes sometime after Sir Harry cheerfully boasts to Lex about buying Cadmus Labs, which turns out to be useless, using the (fake) info that Victoria stole from Lex.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Clark, for much of the episode. It doesn't stop him from confronting an out-of-control Eric in the final act, though, and he does get his powers back by the episode's end.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Sir Harry Hardwick, though he's nowhere near the Luthors' level of magnificence.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Eric crosses this after being rejected by Holly and his parents.
  • Fallen Hero: Eric goes from being a small-town hero to public enemy number one within a span of a few days.
  • Foil:
    • Eric, to Clark. Both are unpopular boys at school. Both were picked on by a Jerk Jock. Both had a Love Interest who happens to be the girlfriend of the Jerk Jock who antagonizes them.
    • Mr. and Mrs. Summers, to Jonathan and Martha. The Kents are warm, loving, and protective of Clark; the Summers are cold, distant, and exploitative of Eric.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Had Eric's parents been more supportive and caring towards him, he may not have gone down the path of evil.
  • Gaslighting: Lex is on the receiving end of this from Clark. After figuring out that Clark has superpowers, he simply asks for Clark to tell him the truth, and that it will stay between them. Clark then gives Lex his work hammer and tells Lex to hit him with it, since while Lex is correct, Clark doesn't have superpowers at the moment. Lex refuses, not wanting to hit Clark even if it couldn't hurt him. The bluff works, but it still stands out as a case of emotional manipulation.
  • Hope Spot: After attacking Clark and Brent, a remorseful Eric tries to seek his parents forgiveness and support, there rejection and calling the police prompts Eric's Despair Event Horizon.
  • Ironic Echo: After beating the Hardwicks, Lex remarks to Sir Harry, "That's what you get when you trust family" (because Sir Harry sent Victoria to get cozy with Lex so she could dig up information he could use in his takeover of LuthorCorp). In the final act, Lionel tells Lex the exact same thing... right before Lex receives evidence that he set up the whole thing.
  • Jerkass: Mr. Summers is a selfish, abusive prick who makes unrealistic demands of Eric and, after Eric gets Clark's powers, plans to have his son studied by an old colleague at Metropolis University. It's kinda hard to feel bad for the guy when Eric hoists him up against a wall.
  • Jerk Jock: Brent, who bullies Eric in the teaser and later ends up being bullied by a super-powered Eric.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: In this case, lightning, along with a nearby chunk of Kryptonite, can transfer Clark's powers to another human being.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Chloe gives Eric the moniker "Superboy."
    • A human gaining superpowers by being struck by lightning as it passes through a Kryptonian? These are elements shared with Livewire's origin story.
    • In Lois & Clark, lightning duplicated Clark's powers into other people, but didn't take them away from him as well.
  • Out-Gambitted: Lex beats Victoria and Sir Harry in their bid to take over LuthorCorp and ends up absorbing their company into LuthorCorp.
  • Smug Snake: Sir Harry, who prematurely buys Cadmus Labs which turns out to be worthless, leaving his company vulnerable for takeover by LuthorCorp.
  • Smug Super: What Eric becomes after gaining Clark's powers. It's even lampshaded in a conversation between Clark and Jonathan:
    Clark: I don't think Eric's a bad kid.
    Jonathan: Neither do I. He's just a teenager who's in way over his head, that's all.
  • So Proud of You: Lionel congratulates Lex on outmaneuvering the Hardwicks, but Lex doesn't act like his father is being sincere.
    Lionel: I'm proud of you.
    Lex: [flatly] Thanks, Dad. That means a lot coming from you.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Victoria, to Lionel. If the photographs were any indication.
  • Useless Bystander Parent: Eric's mother witnesses Eric's father abuse him and does little to stop it.
  • Villain of the Week: Eric Summers, a nerdy kid who receives Clark's powers thanks to lightning and Kryptonite.
  • We Can Rule Together: Invoked by Victoria, after she slaps Lex (see Kick the Son of a Bitch).
    Victoria: We could have been great together.
    Lex: I plan on being great all by myself.
