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Recap / Seven Mortal Sins

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Recap page for the Seven Mortal Sins series.

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Original Series

    Episode 1: "The Proud Fallen Angel"("Gōmantaru daten-shi 傲慢たる堕天使):'' 
The angel Lucifer is cast out of Heaven by being tied to a cross and dropped from the sky. She briefly stops falling when she reaches a church on Earth. A girl named Maria Totsuka tries to help her, but she falls again until she lands in Hell. Leviathan, the Demon of Envy, unties her and fawns over her luscious body. Satan, the Demon of Wrath, and Belial, the Demon of Vanity and self-proclaimed leader of the Seven Mortal Sins, attack Lucifer, accusing her of being the vanguard of an invasion from Heaven, but she fights them off and shatters Belial's sword, Dáinsleif, as well as her clothes. The other Mortal Sins join the fight and they overwhelm her. Belial removes her wings and applies the Garb of Punishment to her, a magical tattoo that is linked to the Mortal Sins that will reduce her powers and cause her pain. However, removing her wings causes Lucifer to turn into a demon. Calling herself the Demon of Pride, she and Leviathan escape from Hell and arrive in the church. When Maria runs into them, Lucifer suddenly impales her with her spear.

    Episode 2: "Driven Wild by Envy" (Shitto-yue no bōsō 嫉妬ゆえの暴走) 
Lucifer extracts Maria's heart and puts it in a container. Her injury heals up and Lucifer explains that as long as she keeps the heart, Maria is immortal, but now Maria must be her slave forever. The trio moves into the presidential suite of a hotel and Lucifer forces Maria to join her and Leviathan in Skinny Dipping in the pool. Leviathan becomes increasingly jealous of Maria because Lucifer pays more attention to her while Maria keeps begging Lucifer to let her go. Lucifer forbids Leviathan from harming her and goes for a walk. Leviathan interprets this as allowing her to do other things and traps Maria in an elevator being ridden by a man. Remaining invisible, Leviathan molests Maria with invisible tentacles to try to humiliate her while ranting about how envious she is of Maria since Lucifer won't even look at her. While struggling to keep her composure, Maria admits she is jealous of Leviathan, because at least she found someone to love, while Maria hasn't found anybody. Filled with self-doubt, Leviathan releases her and she faints into the arms of the man, who is revealed to be Lucifer in disguise. She forbids Leviathan from doing anything to Maria. Later, Lucifer starts licking Maria's breasts, causing her to have a vision of Miami. Lucifer says that is their next stop.

    Episode 3: "Beach of Lust" (Shikiyoku no Nagisa 色欲の渚) 
As the trio flies to Miami in a private jet, Lucifer explains she discretely inserted some of her angel blood into Maria the first time they met. Now they can use it to track down the Mortal Sins so she can get her revenge for humiliating her. They find Asmodeus, the Demon of Lust, seducing people at the beach. Leviathan tries to fight her, but since she draws strength from people's lust, she is too strong and they are forced to retreat. At a nightclub, Leviathan challenges Asmodeus to a pole dancing contest, but with no idea what she is doing, she eventually slips and falls off the stage while also getting her lust for Lucifer amplified so much that she can't do anything except writhe and moan on the floor. Asmodeus kidnaps Maria and strips and ties her up, saying she noticed Maria is unaffected by her lust-inducing powers, but she likes a challenge. She starts molesting Maria and urges her to submit to lust. She doesn't and then Lucifer arrives. Asmodeus restrains her with a plant monster, then sprays her with aphrodisiac pheromones to try to make her submit, but Lucifer points out lust is nothing but a natural body reaction, so it isn't really a sin. Awestruck by how beautiful Lucifer is, Asmodeus surrenders, causing her portion of the Garb of Punishment to disappear. Lucifer spares her life, then the trio later relaxes at the beach.

    Episode 4: "The Town of Fog Where Greed Brews" (Gōyoku ugomeku kiri no machi 強欲うごめく霧の街) 
The trio goes to London to track down Mammon, the Demon of Greed. They find her running a potion shop, but when they try to sneak in after hours, Maria accidentally triggers a booby trap that locks them in a cage. Mammon arrives and teleports herself and Lucifer to one of her castles for a duel, but when Lucifer breaks a window, Mammon angrily defeats her, then straps her into a torture device and says she will stay there until she pays for the damage. Leviathan and Maria escape the cage and find a list of addresses for Mammon's castles, so Leviathan flies off to find Lucifer. Maria lingers and finds real estate contracts that say the buyer owes Mammon their souls and all their assets. Mammon returns and paralyzes her. Leviathan finds Lucifer, but she refuses her help because as the Demon of Pride, she wants to prove she can escape on her own. Mammon revives Maria, then after listening to her story, comforts her and lets her drink from her breast. She then takes her into her realm and explains that she has 500000 babies, so she needs money to care for them and her breast milk hypnotizes people into seeing them as their own children so that they will babysit them forever. The milk doesn't affect Maria since she still sees them as monsters, but she notices the babies stop crying when Mammon is near. She lectures her that the babies need their real mother. Lucifer finally escapes, comes back, knocks Mammon out, and burns her shop to the ground, freeing the people she mesmerized and removing her portion of the Garb of Punishment. Later, Mammon invests in Bitcoin, giving her more money than ever and letting her spend more time with her children.

    Episode 5: "The Languid Diva" (Yūutsuna Utahime 憂鬱なる歌姫) 
  • The trio tracks Astaroth, the Demon of Melancholy, to her apartment, where she has been uploading music videos on the Internet. Lucifer challenges her to a fight, but after seeing how she operates, instead challenges her to get the most followers. Lucifer uploads a cover of one of Astaroth's songs with Maria's help, then an original song, which get many followers. Belial visits Astaroth, commenting that she hasn't been in Hell in ages, then when she learns what is happening, offers to help her. Belphegor, the Demon of Sloth, calls her and begs her to come home. She releases a music video that quickly outdoes Lucifer's videos. Lucifer becomes depressed and remembers how the angel Michael banished her for her pride, before realizing Astaroth's song is causing her depression. Belial visits Lucifer and demands to know why she fell from Heaven, but she refuses to say. Maria and Leviathan join Lucifer in her next music video that is a huge hit. Astaroth starts to falter, but Belial and Belphegor visit her and offer to fund and direct her next video, which becomes a huge hit. Belial books her into a live concert, unaware that she suffers from stage fright. She refuses to go on the stage, making the audience boo, so Lucifer goes on and performs. Belphegor encourages Astaroth until she finally goes on stage and takes Lucifer on in a musical battle. Lucifer proves more popular, so Astaroth admits defeat. Back in her apartment, Astaroth admits she doesn't really care about Hell and likes to sing, but she will support Belial, then tells Lucifer if they meet again, they will fight for real. Lucifer tells Maria that she should relax more because they are friends, stunning her.

    Episode 6: "Sloth Online" (Taida Onrain 怠惰オンライン) 
Belphegor runs a multiplayer online game to tempt people into sloth. People start to get bored and quit the game, so she decides she needs something new. Lucifer is relaxing in her hotel room when Belphegor suddenly pulls her into the virtual world of her game. She challenges Lucifer to play the game's new Big Bad, and she accepts. The players like this new challenge, but she effortlessly beats everyone she faces, and even Belphegor is forced to retreat from her. Maria is shopping when Belphegor pulls her into the game. Not letting her know she is in a game, she tells Maria she summoned her to save this world from Lucifer. She materializes a suit of armor around Maria, but it is too heavy for her to walk in. She makes the armor and Maria's clothes disappear, embarrassing her, before equipping her with lingerie armor. After Maria slays a dragon, Belphegor sends her after Lucifer, but the Demon of Pride effortlessly destroys Maria's armor and humiliates her. Belphegor takes her into the jungle for some Training from Hell while making her wear a Garden Garment that is really itchy. When her training is complete, Maria is sent to a cave behind a waterfall to retrieve her new armor, and is surprised to find Leviathan cosplaying as an angel. The armor looks exactly like the old one, with Belphegor saying she was lazy in designing it. Maria faces Lucifer again, and with her new strength, gets her on the ropes. Belphegor tells Maria to finish her off, but she notices something and refuses. Lucifer then releases so much power that the game crashes, making all the players quit and sending Lucifer and Maria back to the real world. Belphegor throws a tantrum at losing, but decides getting revenge would be too much work. In their hotel room, Lucifer teases Maria for thinking the game world was real and thinking she was actually a hero. Maria says she eventually figured out it was a game due to the staged events. They notice Leviathan is missing. She is hiding due to being embarrassed at being caught cosplaying as an angel.

    Episode 7: "Guiltless Gluttony" (Toga naki bōshoku 咎なき暴食) 
Beelzebub, the Demon of Gluttony, holds an erotic feast in Paris. The trio arrives and Lucifer challenges her to an eating contest. When the time limit expires, they ate the same amount, so it ends in a draw. Lucifer rushes to the restroom to throw up, then passes out, so Maria and Leviathan take her to the hospital. She is diagnosed with stomach flu. Maria fills out her paperwork, while Lucifer gets annoyed that she is too weak to walk by herself and cannot eat anything. She has a miserable night since the other patients keep coughing and the bed is uncomfortable, so she lashes out at Maria and Leviathan when they visit the next morning. Her doctor applies a painkiller through her anus, humiliating her and making her order the two girls to leave. The doctor is Belial in disguise, and when Lucifer is asleep, she reads her mind to try to learn her secrets. She finds out about Maria's heart and steals it from the pocket dimension it was kept in. The next day, Beelzebub gets sent to the hospital for overeating and is put next to Lucifer. She says this happens to her a lot and says despite being a demon, she likes to share food because she thinks eating makes people happy. Leviathan gives her a bath and cries, ranting that she truly loves her and she has been doing everything she could to help her, but Lucifer never gives her anything in return. Touched, Lucifer lets her share her bed, only to be disgusted when Leviathan wets the bed. Lucifer starts to share Beelzebub's point of view when they eat some porridge and she becomes happy to eat it even though it is bland. They are both released from the hospital and go to a restaurant. Leviathan becomes jealous when Lucifer feeds Beelzebub. Beelzebub surrenders to Lucifer and allows her to lead her around on a leash. Suddenly, Belial kidnaps Maria.

    Episode 8: "Unleashed Wrath" (Tokihanatare ta fundo 解き放たれた憤怒) 

    Episode 9: "Ye Abandon All Hope" (Nanji, issai no kibō o suteyo 汝、一切の希望を捨てよ) 

    Episode 10: "Love Your Enemies and Pray for Those Who Persecute You" (Nanji no teki o aishi, nanjira o seme sha no tame ni inore 汝の敵を愛し、汝らを責むる者のために祈れ) 

    Episode 11: "Ask, and It Shall Be Given to You" (Motomeyo, saraba atae raren 求めよ、さらば与えられん) 

    Episode 12: "God's in His Heaven, All's Right With the World" (Kami wa ten ni imashi, subete yo wa koto mo nashi 神は天にいまし、すべて世は事も無し) 


    Episode 1: "I, Who Am Easily Riled Up" (Kantan ni makiage rareru watashi 簡単に巻き上げられる私) 
Leviathan convinces Lucifer to come up with a victory pose. She tries several, and they become sexier and sexier. When Lucifer notices Leviathan is recording her with a video camera, she beats her up.

    Episode 2: "I, Who Am Honest About My Hobby" (Watashi no shumi ni shōjikina watashi 私の趣味に正直な私) 
While Lucifer takes a shower, Leviathan sneaks in and takes her panties, celebrating by sniffing and licking them. However, she forgets to wait until she left the bathroom, so an irate Lucifer beats her up.

    Episode 3: "I, Who Am Kind" (Watashi, shinsetsuna hito 私、親切な人) 
Asmodeus tries to seduce Maria with cosplay. Maria refuses her as a Playboy Bunny and dominatrix, but accepts her as a nurse. Asmodeus gives her a massage and prepares to use a vibrator on her.

    Episode 4: "I, Who Am Strict With Quality" (Hinshitsu ni kibishī watashi 品質に厳しい私) 
Mammon takes pictures of herself and the other Sins in states of undress and sells them for profit. Greedy for more profit, she makes 3D models of them, only to realize the cost of making the models is too great, leaving her in debt.

    Episode 5: "I, Who Am Busy With Work" (Shigoto de isogashī watashi 仕事で忙しい私) 
Astaroth participates in a photoshoot and is uncomfortable with constant cosplaying and finding that many of the photographers are perverts. She asks Belial and Belphegor to help her, only to find they are photographers too.

    Episode 6: "I, Who Am Frugal" (Watashi, shissona hito 私、質素な人) 
Astaroth is low on money. Belial visits her and says since it is summer, just go naked like she does to save on laundry and get more viewers. Astaroth attempts to do a live show naked, but becomes too embarrassed when she is surrounded by gawking men.

    Episode 7: "I, Who Takes Care Of Cute Things" (Kawaī mono no sewa o suru watashi かわいいものの世話をする私) 
Satan finds some stray kittens and takes them in, bathing and caring for them. She wakes up to find they clawed up her clothes and gets angry, only for her heart to melt due to their cuteness, so she forgives them.

    Episode 8: "I, Who Am Active" (Watashi, akutibuna hito 私、アクティブな人) 
Belphegor orders liquor on the Internet, but loses patience and goes directly to the store to get it. While viewing the cherry blossoms, she decides to fish for and cook a cherry snapper. After a nap, she finds sake on the Internet and orders it.

    Episode 9: "I, Who Am Stupid" (Watashi, orokamono 私、愚か者) 
Lucifer and Belial are sunbathing in Hell when they decide to compete to see who can rip out a mandrake first. They race to it, but slip on the ice. They decide to forgo the contest and just fight. They rip each other's swimsuits off and wrestle. Belphegor records them and lustily gloats that the footage will attract a lot of followers.

    Episode 10: "I, Who Will Make You Happy" (Watashi, anata o shiawaseni suru hito 私、あなたを幸せにする人) 
Lucifer and Satan serve Beelzebub a large slab of meat and she enjoys it in her thoughts. However, her face remains stoic. Satan amazes Lucifer by being able to tell what Beelzebub is thinking.

    Episode 11: "I, Who Am Playing" (Watashi, asonde iru hito 私、遊んでいる人) 
Mammon and Belial play Twister and Mammon wins. Mammon then plays against Belphegor, but Belphegor uses her tail to reach a spot, which Mammon says is cheating.

    Episode 12: "I, Who Am XX Xing" (Watashi, XX Xing 私、XX Xing) 
The Sins and Maria go to a hot spring. Belphegor gets drunk and Lucifer wins a leg wrestling match with Satan.

Confession Specials

    Episode 1: "I, Who Does Not Like To Lose" (Maketakunai watashi 負けたくない私) 
Lucifer and Belial play tug of war with the rope attached to tape fixed to their naked genitals. As Leviathan and Astaroth cheer them on, Belphegor, who wasn't paying attention, tosses away an empty sake bottle. The bottle lands on the rope hard enough to tear the tape off, making the two scream in pain.

    Episode 2: "I, Whose Panties Are Amazing" (Pantī ga sugoi watashi パンティーがすごい私) 
Leviathan buys a pack of bandages. In the bathroom, she painfully replaces the bandage over her genitals, then gloats that it was worth it.

    Episode 3: "I, Who Am A Saint" (Seijindearu watashi 聖人である私) 
On Christmas Eve, Satan dresses as Santa Claus, wanting to make children happy. When she tries to go down a chimney, she gets stuck. When she struggles, she rips her clothes and falls to the bottom naked.

    Episode 4: "I, Who Does Not Clean Up" (Katadzuke o shinai watashi 片付けをしない私) 
Astaroth visits Belphegor and berates her for her extremely messy room. She is shocked to find a hentai video game, then Belphegor suddenly seduces her and they start having sex. This is revealed to be a daydream Astaroth is having. Embarrassed, she tries to leave, only to get buried under a pile of junk.

    Episode 5: "I, Who Am Eager To Work" (Hatarakita gatte iru watashi 働きたがっている私) 
In either a fantasy or virtual world, Mammon seduces an adventurer who finds that rubbing her breasts increased his strength. He thanks her with gold. Seeing a business opportunity, she opens a booth charging people for access to her breasts.

    Episode 6: "I, Who Am Worrying" (Shinpai shite iru watashi 心配している私) 
Beelzebub, Belial, Mammon, and Asmodeus relax in the hot spring, but Beelzebub is depressed because her breasts are tiny while the others are huge. The other three combine their powers to enhance Beelzebub's bust size, cheering her up, but her new breasts turn out to be fake when they fall off.

    Episode 7: "I, Who Am A Devil" (Watashi wa akumadesu 私は悪魔です) 
Asmodeus captures, strips, and ties up Maria. She tries to make Maria submit by feeding her an aphrodisiac, but now maddened with lust, Maria breaks her bonds and overpowers her. Maria ties Asmodeus up and makes her her slave, which Asmodeus enjoys.
