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Recap / Sealab 2021 S 1 E 5 Lost In Time

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And there's another Quinn (and Stormy) outside Sealab

Quinn and Stormy are seen working on a pipeline, while Murphy tells them they're running out of time. Quinn succeeds in his task-which was hacking into the cable line to pirate cable. The cable company promptly blows up Sealab in retaliation, and the shockwave somehow sends Quinn and Stormy back in time (after some initial confusion because Stormy sets his watch fifteen minutes fast).

However, when they go to Sealab to try to prevent the Quinn and Stormy of the new timeline (henceforth known as Quinn and Stormy 2) from hacking the cable, Murphy and Marco promptly accuse them of being doppelgängers, knock them out, and imprison them, leaving them incapable of preventing Sealab from exploding and Quinn and Stormy 2 from going back in time.

Quinn and Stormy 2 prove just as incapable of preventing history repeating as the original Quinn and Stormy, and so do subsequent Stormies and Quinns. Every 15 minutes history repeats itself, each time adding an additional Quinn and Stormy to the cell. As the increasing number of Quinns try to think of a solution, with some arguing involved, the increasing number of Stormies play dodgeball, harassing the Quinns. To make matters worse, the repeated loops, according to Quinn, are increasing the risk of chrono distortion. For example, Quinn and Stormy 9 are dressed in cowboy and Indian attire, Quinn and Stormy 11 are both pixies from a Zelda Overworld game, and Quinn 12 is the equivalent Jabba the Hutt and Stormy 12 is the equivalent of Salacious B. Crumb. Finally, one of the Stormies reveals that the watch they're wearing is also a two-way radio. Quinn 1, who has hung himself upside down in an attempt increase the blood flow to his brain and come up with a solution, uses it, to contact the Stormy and Quinn of the current timeline but is distracted by the Stormies treating him as a pinata.

It's enough to get the Quinn and Stormy of the current timeline to stop hacking into the cable and come back to Sealab. After explaining everything to Murphy and Marco, Quinn suggests that with so many Quinns working together, they could cure diseases, end world hunger, and terraform Mars properly. Murphy, however, has a better idea.

The Stinger: Murphy's idea is to have the Quinns and Stormies fight to the death gladiator style. Quinn and Stormy 12 are both mascots. A Stormy wins, but then Murphy has him put to death anyway.
