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Recap / Runescape Elemental Workshop I

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In a certain bookshelf in Seer's Village, there is a book called The Elemental Shield. It talks about a magical ore discovered in the early Fifth Age, called Elemental Ore. A workshop was built to obtain and work it, but it was eventually closed down and hidden. The workshop is underground, but the entrance is behind a false wall in a building nearby, and the key is hidden in the spine of the book.

The workshop's been shut down for a while, so it's up to you to get it going again. There are four areas, corresponding to the classical elements, that need to be active in order to smelt elemental metal. The Earth section is filled with earth elementals which need to be defeated to mine the ore. The Water section has a water wheel that needs to be repaired to work the bellows in the Air section, which also need to be fixed to help heat up the forge in the Fire section, which needs to be filled with lava to reach the required temperature. Once all that is done, you can use the knowledge within the book to create your own elemental shield.

Congratulations, quest complete!

Elemental Tropes I

  • Elemental Embodiment: Each area of the workshop is filled with the corresponding elemental. They don't do anything, except the earth elementals that show up when you try to mine elemental ore.
