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Recap / Runescape Cabin Fever

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Captain Bill Teach in Port Phasmatys has a problem. Another captain has sworn to kill him and his crew has all deserted in the face of the threat, and he needs to sail to the island of Mos Le'Harmless. The only volunteer he can find is you, much to his dismay.

While you drive him bananas with your attempts at talking like a pirate, the other captain makes good on his threat, and fires on your ship, The Adventurous. It's up to you to repair the ship, fire back, and steal some plunder, hopefully making the other pirates think twice before doing that again.

You finally make it to Mos Le'Harmless, where Bill is glad to be rid of you, but offers you a ride if you ever need to get there again. Congratulations, quest complete!


  • Talk Like a Pirate: Parodied- you try talking like this for the entire voyage, and it drives the real pirate Bill Teach up the wall.
