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Recap / Re Boot S 1 E 13 Identity Crisis Part 2

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Things are bad...very bad. Megabyte has an entire sector's worth of [PIDs] within reach, and Bob and Dot are trapped in the Fun House game! Can a vision of a possible future get Dot's spirit back?

Part 2 of the finale

This episode has examples of

  • Big "NO!": Dot, when her vision ends with seeing herself with a shaved head and a barcode imprinted on her forehead.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: After winning the game, Bob wonders why Megabyte's forces are still patrolling the sector borders if he has the PIDs. This causes Dot to remember that all the files on her organizer are encrypted- and that they might have time to retrieve the stolen PIDs before the Virals can break the code.
  • From Bad to Worse: The vision progressively gets worse for Dot: the city is completely under Megabyte's thumb, her diner has become a seedy dive, Enzo is a thug, Phong is insane, and Bob has been nullified.
  • Internal Reveal: Dot figured out Cyrus betrayed her when he happened to be Megabyte's lieutenant in her vision.
  • It's a Wonderful Plot: While not "What if X was never born", Dot's future vision shows what would happen if she just gave up.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Cyrus, who betrayed Dot's trust and tried to sell out his sector to Megabyte, is named by Dot as the one responsible for her getting the PIDs back. For this, Megabyte makes him a shoeshiner.
  • Meaningful Echo: After reclaiming the PIDs and freeing the sector from Megabyte, Dot gives a public speech very similar to the one Megabyte gave in the last episode.
  • Monster Clown: The User's character.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Dot, when she saw Mainframe becoming Megaframe because she gave up too soon.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Somehow, Phong is able to see what's happening in a game, and go in there as well for this episode.
  • Nintendo Hard: Inverted. The reason the Funhouse is so dreaded is because it's frighteningly easy for the User to win, due to a combination of lightweight challenges and brief length.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: In the Bad Future, Dot sees that Phong has been reduced to an insane homeless man barely able to maintain his train of thought. However, just as Dot understands what this is all about, he reverts to his true personality to help push her along.
  • Sanity Slippage: Phong in the Bad Future... supposedly.
  • She's Back: Seeing the Bad Future and getting a little pep-talk from Phong helps Dot regain her drive.
