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Recap / Primeval S 3 E 9

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While Danny infiltrates Christine Johnson's research centre and frees a captive who insists on being taken to the ARC, the team have to deal with a stampeding herd of Embolotherium about to trample a camp site...

  • Asshole Victim: Christine Johnson has been a proverbial thorn in the team's side since day 1. No one feels particularly bad when she's torn apart by a future predator.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted with Christine Johnson after Helen kicks her through an anomaly into the future; she re-emerges with her suit torn and her hair and makeup dishevelled, before being dragged screaming to her death by a slavering future predator.
  • Beneath the Mask: Once Eve arrives at the ARC, her mannerisms become a lot more snide and superior in contrast to her earlier, more demure and helpful attitude to the team, cluing Abby into the fact she's up to something.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: While reading through Eve's journal with Sarah and Becker, Connor finds several references to Claudia Brown, and only one person besides the deceased Nick Cutter knew about her...
  • Hell Is That Noise: While trying to drag Christine to safety, the all-too familiar clicking growl of a hunting future predator is heard. Cue a Mass "Oh, Crap!" from everyone in earshot.
  • Herbivores Are Friendly: Subverted: The Embolotherium are easily provoked and extremely dangerous when they are.
  • Hostage Situation: Helen grabs Christine and holds her at gunpoint to force the ARC team to give her what she wants.
    Lester: There's no escape, Helen.
    Helen: I killed Nick. You know I'm not bluffing.
    Lester: And you know I have absolutely no intention of letting you walk out of here.
    Helen: [sing-song] You're playing games with her life, James.
    Lester: Go ahead, shoot her. Perfectly fine with me.
    Christine: That is not funny, James!
  • I Did What I Had to Do: How Helen justifies killing Nick; although she still loved her husband, she'd seen that his work with the ARC would ultimately cause The End of the World as We Know It.
    Connor: (voice breaking) Just tell me how you could kill your own husband!
    Helen: ''(seriously) I had no choice. I loved him, Connor...but he was part of all this. This is the beginning of the chaos.
  • Immune to Bullets: Abby tells Becker and his men not to bother shooting the Embolotherium, since they're so big and their hides so well armoured, it'll have little effect.
  • Invisibility Cloak: It turns out that Eve is one for Helen Cutter.
  • Invisibility Flicker: Abby's first clue that something is not right about Eve is seeing a flicker of distortion across her face.
  • Mama Bear: An Emblotherium calf has gotten separated from the herd, and its mother is determined to find it, regardless of what or who gets in the way.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Danny allowing Helen Cutter in her guise as Eve access to the ARC. She even lampshades it.
    Eve: [while holding Christine Johnson at gunpoint] Thanks for bringing me here, Danny, I dunno what I'd do without you!
  • Save the Villain: Danny tries to pull Christine Johnson to safety, but unfortunately, the future predator that's got her by the legs is too strong.
  • We Can Rule Together: Christine tries to offer this to Helen, but Helen isn't interested in a deal.
    Christine: Listen Helen, we're on the same side. We have the same goals. We can share all of this. We have the artefact, control of the anomalies. Think of the power.
    Helen: If you think this is about power, then you're wrong!
    Christine: Then what is it about?
    Helen: It's all about you. You started all this. One ambitious little civil servant who ends the world.
    Christine: What are you talking about?
    Helen: I've seen the future...and it's all your fault.
  • Wham Line:
    Eve: You know I'm not bluffing. [her voice and face become distorted] Now give me the artefact, or she dies.
    Abby: Helen?!
  • Wham Shot: Eve using an unknown device to open an anomaly in front of a charging herd of Embolotherium.
    • Also Eve's face crumbling to reveal Helen Cutter's under it.
