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Recap / Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin - Chapter Eleven:

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The Liars wait for A's trial verdict and a needed break only to learn that they have to go to summer school.

  • The Bus Came Back: Dr. Anne Sullivan from the original series returns as the primary therapist for the girls, and she's been helping them through their collective and individual traumas since the previous season's events.
  • Death Row: To the girls' relief, A will receive the death penalty and be on death row, stopping him from having any chance to escape a low-security mental institution.
  • House Squatting: Noa has been living in Shawn's house because her mother has been in rehab the past six months with his mom scolding her for sneaking into his room at night and passive aggressive about her having free room and board for so long.
  • Summer School Sucks: Because their grades suffered and they failed their end of semester keystone exams thanks to the stress and aftereffects of what the girls went through because of A they have to complete summer school. They're horrified to learn that's how they're spending their summer but glad to know it's only in the morning for a month.
  • Take That!: Imogen and Dr. Sullivan have an individual therapy session where Imogen mentions that she didn't let Ezra and Aria adopt her baby because she got weird vibes from Ezra.
  • There Are No Therapists: Averted. The girls are not only shown attending therapy sessions, they also engage in group therapy to work through their trauma from their conflict with Archie Waters and Principal Clanton.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: A gentle case of it from Dr. Sullivan to Imogen. The latter is understandably terrified that Archie would escape from prison and go after her baby who she had given up for adoption. Dr. Sullivan points out that the adoption records are sealed and he wouldn't have any way to find them, except for one thing: he could follow her to where her baby is. Imogen takes it to heart.
