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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Charge S1E17 World Famous! (In New Zealand)

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Chase comes into the museum with a newspaper citing a UFO sighting. The rangers identify as one of Fury's transport ships and decide to investigate, starting with questioning Albert Smith, the man who took the photograph. Much to Chase's delight, the sighting occurred in Auckland, New Zealand; meaning he's going home.

After arriving in New Zealand and doing a little sight seeing, the rangers seek out Albert Smith, discovering that he's obsessed with adventuring. He tells them all tales about his searches for creatures like Big Foot and the giant squid. He also shows them the various photographs where he saw Fury's ships. The rangers look over the pictures, noting the locations of each sighting on a map, but they're interrupted when a man steals someone's bike. They chase after him but as they round a corner, they are stunned to find the man already being tied up by...The Purple Ranger.

Realizing that Fury must have been sending ships to New Zealand to search for the Purple Energem, the group tries to greet the new ranger. Surprisingly though, he attempts to run away. However he's attacked by one of Fury's monsters and some Vivix. The other rangers arrive on the scene and fight them off, though he monster manages to retreat.

They attempt to talk to the Purple Ranger again (who curiously stayed out of the fight). He demorphs to reveal that he's Albert. Everyone celebrates at the reveal of the new ranger. Meanwhile, Sledge has Wrench revive Iceage and Stingrage in order to help the new monster go after the Purple Ranger.

Back on Earth, the rangers test Albert's physical capabilities to see how he'll manage as a ranger. After a rough start, he actually does very well. Tyler asks him how he bonded with the Purple Energem and he tells the story about how he found it while rescuing a girl off of a mountain during a snow storm. After becoming a ranger, he acquired a police scanner in order to do good deeds around his town. He's interrupted when the rangers get alerted to the monsters returning and they all head off. However, Albert seems worried.

They arrive on the scene and morph, but Albert still seems nervous. He runs off and hides, demorphing in the process. Tyler asks him what's wrong and Albert admits that he's too scared to fight. He also admits that he lied about all of his grand adventures. Tyler points out that the Purple Energem chose him for a reason. His saving of the little girl was the one thing that he didn't make up and Tyler points out that this means he's not a coward.

Tyler and the others defeat the new monster which grows to giant size. Tyler goes to make sure Albert is okay while the others form the Tri-Ankylo Megazord. However Tyler is ambushed by Iceage who freezes his leg. Albert helps him up, saying he knows a place they can run to.

The other rangers continue the fight, summoning the Pachyzord and forming the Ankylo-Pachy Megazord. Meanwhile, Tyler and Albert make it out into the woods, but get ambushed by the other two monsters. Tyler urges Albert to leave him and get to safety, but Albert refuses and morphs, engaging the monsters on him own. They aren't impressed, especially since Albert appears to have a bad back, but he surprises them, knocking them into a set of traps he had prepared earlier. Tyler congratulates him on his success and Albert in turn, thanks Tyler for helping him learn to be more courageous. However he also says he's learned that he can't be a Power Ranger.

The other rangers defeat the final monster with the Megazord. Keeper arrives to unbind Albert from the Purple Energem and he hands it over. The rangers thank him for finding it and keeping it safe for them. Albert says he intends to still keep his town safe, and the rangers return home, intending to find someone else for the Purple Energem to bond to.


  • Bare-Fisted Monk: The Ankylo-Pachy Formation is reminiscent of a shaolin monk wielding twin hammers.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The rangers get caught in one of Albert's traps early on. He uses another of his traps to stop Iceage and Stingrage at the end.
  • Continuity Nod: Chase mentions that even though he can't visit his family during this trip, he'll be flying home for Christmas thanks to the ticket he got from Chloe in "Rise of a Ranger".
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: During the Transformation Sequence, Albert is without his eyepatch on, a few minutes before he reveals it's fake.
  • Title Drop: When Albert introduces himself, he says that he's world famous. In New Zealand.
  • Scenery Porn: The brief tour of Auckland is definitely an attempt at this. Visit New Zealand, everyone!
  • Stock Footage Failure: The Megazord battle is from Brave 18, and as a result, the Rangers go from fighting Meteor in the city, to fighting him in the forest.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After being released from the trap, Iceage and Stingrage aren't shown destroyed and they vanish, not appearing in the next few episodes. Their fate remains a mystery.
    • Iceage is seen in a trailer for Super Charge, so he's still alive.
    • Stingrage also shows up in Super Charge later, so clearly the both of them escaped the traps and went back to the spaceship.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Albert believes he's too cowardly to be a ranger. Tyler reminds him of how he saved a little girl and bonded to his Energem in the process.
