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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Charge S1E10 The Royal Rangers

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The museum gets a new exhibit, "The Treasures of Zandar", including an item called the Stone of Zandar... which the Rangers soon discover is in fact the Gold Energem. Disguising themselves as a Prince and Princess of Zandar and using a fake copy of the Energem as bait, Tyler and Shelby lure Fury to the museum in an effort to reclaim the Ptera Charger from him. Despite their best efforts, they are unsuccessful, but in the process, witness the gold spirit again. Tyler, believing this spirit to be his father's, cannot bring himself to destroy Fury, allowing him to escape with the Ptera Charger once more.

Tropes used in this episode:

  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: The Gold Spirit emerges long enough to show the rangers a glimpse of its face, with Tyler musing that it could potentially be his dad trapped inside; therefore until they can release the spirit, they will not destroy Fury.
  • Elite Mooks: Spikeballs, the guards to Sledge's prison assist Fury in the quarry battle.
  • Evil Counterpart: The Ptera Charge Megazord, complete with Badass Cape.
  • Foreshadowing: Tyler thinks that his father is the spirit of a Gold Ranger. He'll eventually discover that his father became the Aqua Ranger.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: The Gold Energem is the Stone of Zandar.
  • Hurricane of Puns: Used by almost everyone during the quarry battle.
  • Ignored Aesop: The crew plans on tricking Fury into stealing a fake Energem by disguising themselves as foreign royalty and entourage. It works, but Shelby didn't want to play a "spoiled princess." After the whole thing, Keeper ends the Episode by stating that "princesses don't have to be spoiled." It seemed like an attempt to address negative stereotypes; except said stereotypical portrayals were what tricked Fury in the first place. Plus, only Shelby's case is addressed in detail.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: The Dino Drive Mode is introduced in this episode, alongside the Para-Stego Megazord configuration.
  • Race Lift: In-universe example: No one seems to notice that a Latino guy and an African-American girl are trying to pass as fake European royalty, even though the real prince, who we meet in the very next episode, is as white as you'd expect.
  • Ship Tease: The Tyler/Shelby ship continues developing, with Shelby changing her mind about being a princess when she sees Tyler in a military outfit, and when the reporters ask for a kiss, Shelby kisses Tyler on the cheek, both giving a sheepish grin.
