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Recap / Plastic Addict S 1 E 11 Beast Wars Injector

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"Beast Wars was an adventurous time for Transformers. You had the rise of balljoints, a total change of direction, an awesome cartoon, and some daring concepts like Fuzors... but adventure always brings peril, and this I give you the most infamous of Fuzors in Aquasting!, I mean Injector. Or I would give it to you if some guy would stop calling me..."

Release: January 2, 2009


  • Brain Bleach: He has this reaction to some of Vangelus' statements.
  • Didn't Think This Through: TJ Omega chastises Hasbro for naming the toy Injector instead of Aquasting.
    TJ: "We had a chance to avoid one of the worst names I've ever heard of for a Transformer...and they didn't take it! Idiots! Injector sounds like a Cybertronian nurse, not a threatening Predacon."
