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Recap / Phineas And Ferb The Klimpaloon Ultimatum

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Phineas and Ferb and their friends must prove the existence of Klimpaloon, the Magical Old-Timey Bathing Suit That Lives in the Himalayas, to prevent Love Händel's song "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" from being disqualified from the "Best Fact-Based Song" award. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz wants to turn his brother Roger into a warthog so the Warthog Nepotism Act will prevent him from keeping his position as the Mayor of Danville.


  • Accidental Public Confession: After Phineas and co. prove Klimpaloon's existence, Mittington Random plots his revenge against Klimpaloon and profit from his own line with aid from his unsuspecting customers. However, he fails to notice a live microphone hanging nearby, broadcasting his monologue to the audience, until it's too late.
    Random: Was that thing on?
    Audience: Yes, yes it was.
    Random: My career's over, isn't it?
    Audience: Yes, yes it is.
  • Busby Berkeley Number: "Flashing Back to Fashion Forward" is this with male synchronized swimmers wearing green-and-white striped old-timey bathing suits.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: Ferb cuts off the power to distract Mr. Random. Unlike in "Blackout!", this trope is played completely straight.
  • Call-Back: Among the acts scheduled to perform at the Tristies are Love Händel, Tiny Cowboy, 2 Guyz N the Parque, Danny and the Jay-tonesnote , the Paisley Sideburn Brothers, and Marty the Rabbit Boy and his Musical Blender.
  • Catchphrase Interruptus: Doof is about to curse you-know-who, but then realizes he cannot curse him for this since he was sitting in with the band Swine Flute.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Candace joined Love Händel for the song as a prize for winning the contest mentioned in "Just Our Luck".
    • Candace also refers to the last time she saw Klimpaloon in "Summer Belongs to You!".
    • While Doof sneaks out as a seat filler, the Hockey Hooligans are heard performing "Hockey Z-9".
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Mittington Random intends to capture the Klimpaloon to increase old-timey bathing suit sales. He sponsored the music festival to trick Phineas and Ferb into leading him to Klimpaloon.
  • Disqualification-Induced Victory: Slamm tries to obtain the "Best Fact-Based Song" award by challenging the fact Love Händel's entry is based on.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: As always, Doof makes a pun about the trap for Perry being a wig and then explains it.
  • Ear Worm: Mr. Random attempts to pass off his campaign song "Flashing Back to Fashion Forward" as this.
    Mr. Random: Pretty catchy, don't you think?
    Buford: If by "catchy", you mean "sucks the life outta the room and makes me wanna puke"... then, yeah.
  • Exact Words: By "stop at nothing", Slamm Hammer meant doing "nothing and stopped".
  • Faux Affably Evil: Mittington Random enthusiastically and casually discusses his plans to kill Klimpaloon for his experiments to the protagonists while displaying the malformed results of his previous experiments nearby.
  • Funny Background Event: While Doof talks with the stage manager, some random acts pass by behind him such as a plate spinner, a trapeze artist and the inexplicable Giant Floating Baby Head.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Random loses his job after his actions are exposed to the audience, and get punished by having his head turned into that of a warthog's, thanks to an elixir spray created by Doofenshmirtz that was intended for Mayor Roger.
  • Left the Background Music On: Indian Raga music is heard when Perry enters a state of meditation to meet with Monogram. Turns out it is just Monogram playing the sitar and Carl and other agents playing the tabla.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Phineas and the gang recreate the original video almost word-for-word with Buford taking on the title character. He even holds a chicken wing in reference to the video's punchline, "At least I got chicken".
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Said by Candace after she and Stacy miss a high five.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: When Phineas sees the limo, he tells Ferb, "I know what we're gonna do tomorrow!" (since they are already going to the award show) and Ferb shows blueprints of adding a water park to the limo.
  • Morphic Resonance: Perry's transformation into a warthog apparently doesn't transform his beaver tail.
  • Mythology Gag: "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" was initially written for, but ultimately cut from, "Summer Belongs to You!", and even appeared on the EP soundtrack.
  • Nap-Inducing Speak:
    • While Doof talks about the nepotism of the warthog president, Perry doesn't listen, but instead texts.
    • While waiting for the boys to bring Klimpaloon, Lawrence regales to Love Händel the story of how he and Linda met. Of course, this being a Cloudcuckoolander, it's full of Noodle Incidents. Somehow, Danny and Sherman pay attention, but Bobbi falls asleep. (We don't even realize he's asleep until we hear him snore because his glasses are opaque.)
  • Nepotism: In 1805, the people of Danville elected a warthog as their Mayor and it filled the cabinet with relatives.
    Doofenshmirtz: Except for one chair, which they kept empty so that it wouldn't look... you know... so conspicuous.
  • Noodle Incident: This apparently isn't the first time Doof read the Danville City Charter.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The obsessively cheerful and optimistic Phineas completely becomes furious and livid when he sees Mr. Random's motives for capturing Klimpaloon.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Linda does this when Candace explains to the audience about Random's sinister plan; even when Phineas and Ferb tried to back Candace's claims, Linda still refuses to buy it. Even when Random's true colors have been exposed to the audience, Linda has already left the stage, still unaware of what has happened.
  • Our Slogan Is Terrible: The motto of Random Swimwear is "Be wet... arbitrarily."note 
  • Red Herring: Slamm Hammer. When the kids go to the Himalayas to bring the Klimpaloon, he says he'll "stop at nothing to make sure they don't prove the existence of Klimpaloon". When Mittington Random reveals himself to the kids, Buford says he thought the shadowy figure was Slamm. When they return, the drummer reminds Slamm of what he said about stopping at nothing and Slamm says he "did nothing and stopped".
  • Ship Tease: When Phineas calls Mr. Random a fiend, he embraces Isabella close to him, as the latter smiles warmly. Also, Phineas and Isabella are seen dancing together during "The Ballad of Klimpaloon".
  • Shout-Out:
    • The scene where Buford ignores Phineas's carefully-laid plan and barges into Random's hide-out is a reference to the original "Leeroy Jenkins" video.
    • The scene where the kids see the many horribly disfigured clones of Klimpaloon is a reference to Alien: Resurrection.
  • Skewed Priorities: At first, Candace only wants to bring back Klimpaloon so that she could sing on stage. But later, during the chase, she realizes that the safety of Klimpaloon is more important than her big debut.
  • Sleep Cute: Linda is sleeping on Lawrence's shoulder while they and Love Handël are in the soundproof cage.
  • Special Guest: Jon Stewart, fresh off of stepping down as host of The Daily Show, plays Mr. Random. Also, D.B. Sweeney plays Slamm Hammer.
  • Subverted Catchphrase: Perry rejoins the gang after the effects of the Warthog-inator wear off, but no one acknowledges him.
  • Tempting Fate: A warthog became the Mayor of Danville because the voters back then didn't expect it to be worse than any other Mayors they had before.
  • Third Eye: It's Transcendental Meditation Week at OWCA, so Monogram is dressed as an Indian shaman complete with a literal third eye chakra on his forehead.
  • Totally Radical: Candace and Stacy have a brief conversation in teenage slang.
    Candace: [referring to her Klimpaloon outfit] Check out my klimpy style!
    Stacy: Girl, I have already cashed that check, and I don't even know what that means!
    Candace and Stacy: (giggle) Girl talk!
  • Travel Montage: Invoked by Ferb. The gang use Ernest Shackleberg's journal to locate Klimpaloon and we see the gang (and their yaks) skiing, snowboarding and sledding toward their destination with a cross-dissolved map.
  • Two Words: Ferb and Buford:
    Buford: Isn't anyone gonna talk about how we got here so fast?
    Phineas: Sorry, Buford. We don't have the time for that. Ferb?
    Ferb: Two words: "Travel Montage."
    Buford: I got two words for you: "Cli. Ché."
  • Urine Trouble: When the cloud that Monogram is sitting on begins to rain, Monogram attempts to explain that that is just the cloud.
  • The Voiceless: Norm appears in a flashback but has no lines.
  • Wedgie: During the By the Lights of Their Eyes sequence, Buford attempts to grab Klimpaloon, but accidentally wedgies Baljeet.
