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Recap / NCISS 15 E 15

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Directed by Thomas J Wright

Written by Jennifer Corbett

The search for Hicks intensifies, as Gibbs and Fornell use whatever means necessary to uncover the evidence they need to put him away once and for all. This includes using information gleaned from his former cellmate, who has quite the unorthodox request in exchange for his services.


  • Affably Evil: Paul Triff.
  • Call-Back: Rule 51note  gets a mention by Gibbs, while Rule 44note  is put into effect when Triff ends up staying at Tim's apartment.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: With Hicks's guilt proved, Gibbs tells Fornell that the FBI is considering rehiring him, but the latter declines, preferring the life as a private investigator.
  • Revealing Cover-Up: McGee doesn't want Triff to learn about his family, so he makes sure to thoroughly clean his apartment before Triff arrives. The cleaning, however, allows Triff to determine that McGee does have kids.
  • Taking the Bullet: Triff is shot by Hicks while saving McGee. He lives, though.
  • Tempting Fate: Inverted. Triff says he doesn't want his apartment covered in movie posters. Guess he didn't know about the prior occupant.
  • Troll: When Tim tries to thank Triff for saving his life from Hicks, Triff then claims that he's willing to be the godfather to the McGee twins. Torres finds that hilarious.
