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Recap / My Little Pony 'n Friends E16: "The Glass Princess 1"

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At Paradise Estate, the ponies are preparing for performing in the Pony Olympics. While everyone is able to use their special talents for a performance, Shady feels bad because she doesn't have any worthwhile skills. As this is happening, a trio of peculiar doglike avians, the raptorians, arrives at Paradise Estate and becomes interested in the clothes the ponies have left to dry. They message their employer, a vain pig sorceress named Porcina, to inform her that they may have found materials with which to repair the magic cloak she uses to turn things into glass to admire herself in. Porcina dismisses the laundry as insufficient, but does develop interest in the ponies' own manes, deciding that once woven into fabric their hair may be just what she's looking for. The raptorians return to Porcina's home to prepare a plan to kidnap the ponies.

Molly, Lickety Split, Heart Throb and Gusty try to cheer Shady up, but have little luck. She leaves in a depressed haze, with Molly following. As the other ponies comment on Shady's poor attitude, the raptorians swoop down from the sky with a net. Despite Gusty's attempts to blow it away, the ponies are quickly grabbed and carried off into the sky, bound for Porcina's home in the Black Mountains.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Vertical Kidnapping: At the end, the raptorians sweep down with a net, snatch the ponies from the air, and fly off into the sky in the space of less than a minute.
  • Villain Song: "Look at Me", where Porcina sings about her vanity and plans to make the whole world admire her and the raptorians confide to each other their plans to betray her once they get what they want out of their deal.
