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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S1E12 Power Ranger Punks

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Following a hit-and-run attack by Putties to disrupt a game of volleyball, Baboo spikes the teens' refreshments with a potion he has brewed up to turn the Rangers bad. Kimberly and Billy drink them and immediately turn aggressive towards their friends. The next day, they show up at school in punk attire and start bullying other kids, and Kim even proposes a date to Skull. Meanwhile, Finster constructs a Terror Toad monster to take on the now divided rangers.

Jason, Zack and Trini are confounded by what has happened to their friends until Zordon informs them that Billy and Kim have been poisoned, and they must obtain a "Singing Squash" plant as an antidote. However, the Terror Toad arrives on Earth and the Rangers must fight it. The Terror Toad proves to be a powerful opponent and soon swallows Trini after transforming her into a sphere of energy with a beam emitted from his horn. Meanwhile, Zordon dispatches Alpha to retrieve the Singing Squash and, after a confrontation with some Putties, successfully obtains it. Zack is transformed and eaten as well while Alpha prepares the antidote and cures Billy and Kim of their short-lived punk spell.

After Zordon informs them of the Terror Toad's weakness, Billy and Kim enter battle alongside Jason. Billy and Kim chop off the Toad's horn, but he then proceeds to swallow Jason whole by capturing him with his long tongue. Billy attempts an attack, but he too is swallowed. Kimberly finds herself as the last Ranger standing and is nearly defeated by the Terror Toad and Baboo, but she puts her Power Bow to good use and saves her friends by attacking the monster's now-exposed weak spot in his neck, and then proceeds to destroy him.

Back on the Youth Center, Skull follows up with Kimberly about their date, but she rejects him. Bulk and Skull challenge the teens to a volleyball match, but they end up getting caught in the net.

