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Recap / Metalocalypse S 1 E 5 Dethkomedy

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Dethklok undergoes a Genre Shift.
After heckling the prosecution during a lawsuit, Dethklok decides to take a shot at comedy.


  • Anyone Remember Pogs?: The stand-up comedian before Dethklok has a routine consisting entirely of jokes about 1980s cartoon franchises, most of which amount to "Hey, remember The Smurfs?"
  • Biting-the-Hand Humor: At one point, it's revealed that most comedy networks and celebrity comedians are actually controlled by the Tribunal and are designed to produce low-quality garbage incapable of provoking any real change in society. One of said networks is [adult swim].
  • Black Humor: Nathan was apparently aiming for this with his body bag and human brain routine.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: Most of Dethklok's attempts at stand-up comedy fail quite badly.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: In-Universe, Pickles breaks this rule when he and Murderface act out filling up gas in a car. Even the heckler calls him out on it.
  • Double Subversion: Murderface's bucket of crap/brownie mix/crap.
  • The Heckler: One causes Pickles to have a complete breakdown.
  • Heroic BSoD: Pickles for most of the episode.
  • Sand In My Eyes: Pickles throws some into the audience as part of his routine.
  • Shout-Out: During Nathan's twins sketch, he brings out Kuato.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: An old lady's reaction to Nathan's use of a human brain as a prop.
