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Recap / Malcolm In The Middle S 7 E 16 Lois Strikes Back

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Lois gets revenge on four girls (one of which is played by Emma Stone) who pranked Reese. Meanwhile, Hal builds a homemade baseball pitcher, and Dewey takes care of a traumatized Reese.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Berserk Button: Lois can't fathom that neither the Principal nor the authorities will do anything about Reese being humiliated.
  • Chekhov's Gun: While hiding in the garage, Hal starts working on a baseball launcher. After it's finished, Lois and Reese take it to throw paintballs at the last girl before the formal dance.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Subverted. Lois and Malcolm know that Reese is a bully, but they know that the prank came out of nowhere, Reese didn't deserve it this time, and it left him both humiliated and brokenhearted, and nobody cares because it happened to Reese.
  • Heroic BSoD: The prank and the humiliation Reese received were enough to render him depressed and unable to speak for a week. It's only after Lois tells him that she took revenge on three of the four girls that Reese regains his spirits and helps her handle the last revenge.
  • Humiliation Conga: First Reese is led to believe that he had a blind date with a girl named Cindy. As soon as he opens the door, he finds that his date is a pig on a dress and makeup, and the four girls responsible for the prank took photos of him with his "date" and distributed the pictures around the school. Even the Principal is seen laughing at this, to Lois' frustration.
  • Mama Bear: This shows how far Lois is willing to get if one of her children is suffering.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Lois has a moment where she realizes how far she has gotten in her quest for revenge, so she tries to come clean to Reese. However, this makes Reese recover from his depression and encourages Lois to finish the job.
  • Off with His Head!: To take down the second girl on the list, Lois chops off the heads of all her dolls and stuffs them in her locker, each one with doodles on their faces.
  • Only Sane Man: Malcolm is the only one who tries to reason with Lois that taking revenge against the girls is not the correct way to deal with the situation. Lois is not having any of it.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: Hal does a silent and slow escape when he realizes that Lois is out for revenge and nobody will stop her, so he hides in the garage pretending to be busy with a new widget.
  • Traumatic Hair Cut: One of the girls, who takes pride in her beautiful long hair, finds gum on her motorbike helmet when she tries to take it off, but the gum was so bad that the janitor had to chop her hair off with the pruning shears. Lois can't help but smile a bit when she hears Malcolm's recap.
  • Vigilante Man: Since authorities won't do anything because they don't want to help Reese, Lois takes it upon herself to exert revenge on the girls.
