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Recap / Letterkenny S 02 E 01 A Fuss At The Ag Hall

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The cold open for season 2 begins with Wayne and Daryl recapping the fight at the end of season 1 through a round of alphabet aerobics. In short, Tyson sucker-punched Wayne, but Wayne recovered, got up and proceeded to win the ensuing fight- though it's not shown- and we get the credits.

At the produce stand, the Hicks minus Katy discuss Wayne's date the night before. It had a rocky start and didn't go well, but Wayne says that the theme for the next few weeks is 'Wayne's looking for love'. Stewart drives up, having changed outfits to something befitting a hipster, and gets chirped by Daryl and Wayne, but when Katy shows up, they stop. Katy greets Dan, the only one who wasn't chirping Stewart, and leaves with her new boyfriend. Reilly and Jonesy drive up after they've left, and Daryl and Wayne proceed to throw their lines from 'Ain't No Reason To Get Excited' back at them, thus telling us that their relationship with Katy ended because she cheated on them, though we don't know with whom.

Reilly and Jonesy leave without responding, and Daryl and Wayne discuss Stewart dating Katy- Wayne doesn't approve, obviously. Dan brings up an upcoming meeting at the Ag Hall; Wayne's reluctant because McMurray runs the meetings, and they can be a chore, especially when Mrs McMurray is there. Dan says that the Ag Hall belongs to everyone and they should be there for the big decisions, but he and Wayne wind up making a bet that Dan will be asleep within five minutes.

We cut to an hour into the meeting- Dan's asleep and snoring incredibly loudly. Everyone looks incredibly bored, especially when Mr and Mrs McMurray spend a lot of time arguing over the best colour for the new doormat. It takes some effort, but Mrs McMurray manages to wake up Dan, who concedes the bet. McMurray brings up a problem- they have too many coathangers in the back, but not enough in the front. He moves that some be moved, but while Wayne agrees, he does so informally, earning himself a lecture about how things should be done with a specific process. Wayne eventually gets so annoyed that he just moves the coathangers without waiting for the motion, which gets him some snark from McMurray. Dan falls asleep again, and they move onto the next point.

After the meeting, the Hicks are approached by local auctioneer Jim Dickens, who is fed up with the slow pace of the meetings. Wayne agrees that the meetings can be annoying, but they do discuss important things. Dickens suggests that Wayne run for Ag Hall president; Wayne thinks it's a tad Shakespearean, but Daryl and Dan think it's a good idea, so Wayne decides to think about it.

At the hockey rink, Reilly and Jonesy are not doing well- they got cut from the Shamrocks and Katy cheated on them. They're now playing for the Letterkenny Irish, the senior hockey team, and don't know any of them; however, at least they don't have to play with Shoresy. They enter the locker room, only to find all their new teammates vigorously enjoying leg day, which isn't a good omen.

At Wayne and Katy's place, Katy asks where their dog Stormy is. Stormy's been penned up for trying to kill her stud again, which Katy finds amusing. Wayne doesn't know why Stormy keeps trying to kill her studs, but he wishes she wouldn't. Dan suggests asking Gail for help with finding a stud, but Wayne says he'll leave it for a while, because MoDean's has burned down.

After a little more discussion, the guys discuss first impressions, and Daryl says that he's been trying out using the lyrics of 90's pop songs as pick-up lines. He sells Wayne on it, but Katy comes out at the wrong time, thinks he was talking to her and flips her shit at him before leaving.

At the basement, Roald and Devon are not amused by Katy's presence. She leaves the boys to talk, and it becomes very clear that Roald and Devon think that Stewart has changed because of Katy and they don't like it. They proceed to have a massive argument about how Stewart and Katy are going to go see The Weeknd, but Roald and Devon have never heard of him, resulting in a lot of confusion. Stewart then pulls out his Epi Pen and stabs Devon with it. Roald stabs Stewart with his own Epi Pen, and the trio keep stabbing each other over and over until they collapse onto the floor.

At the Ag Hall, Dickens has called an emergency meeting, but McMurray says they have to discuss the several issues that have cropped up in the last 24 hours first. However, he doesn't actually cover any of them because he keeps talking about literally everything else. Dickens moves that Wayne become the new Ag Hall president, and everyone except the McMurrays votes in his favour.

At the hockey rink, Jonesy and Reilly try to bond with their new teammates, but to no avail: they suggest trying to get laid, but their new teammates are all happily married; they suggest going out to eat sandwiches, but their new teammates are all gluten-free; and their third suggestion, that they play an especially juvenile game, goes down like a lead balloon.

Back at the basement, Stewart walks in only to be confronted by the rest of the Skids. Devon is leading a coup, and declares that Stewart is out of both the Skids and the basement. They all pull Epi Pens, and Stewart is forced to retreat, after which Roald and Darien throw up.

At the hockey rink, the Irish play Duck, Duck, Goose, but it's just a setup so they can fart on Reilly and Jonesy, who are very dismayed.

The Hicks are at the produce stand when Stewart turns up with a duffel bag. He tells them that he's been kicked out of his home and needs somewhere to stay. Wayne isn't sympathetic, but Katy says that when a man asks for help, you help him, and Stewart adds that if Wayne ever needed help, Stewart would help him. Katy says that he can stay for 48 hours at the most and pulls him into the house. Tyson and another guy then show up, wanting a rematch. After some arguing, Tyson admits that he sucker-punched Wayne, but still wants the rematch. They shake hands, the fight starts, and Wayne knocks Tyson out with a headbutt, ending the episode.
