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Recap / Legion S1E1 "Chapter 1"

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You can't get more absurd than mental patients performing a faux Bollywood dance set to French music.

A troubled young man battling mental illness wonders if the visions he experiences are real following a strange encounter with a fellow patient.


  • Accidental Murder: Lenny is accidentally killed by Syd who is in David's body.
  • Big Damn Kiss: David attempts to do this with Sydney, not listening to her mental warning. It turns out to be a literal one when they are thrown back and unexpectedly end up in each other's bodies.
  • Big "NO!": Syd shouts this when she and David accidentally switch bodies in Clockworks.
  • Cheerful Child: Before David began Hearing Voices, his memories show that his boyhood was a happy one.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: The reason for Sydney donning long-sleeved attire and her aversion to physical touch; when she does make skin-to-skin contact with anyone, she causes a mind-and-body swap between them for an unknown amount of time. She ends up in their body, they end up in hers.
  • Happy Birthday to You!: Amy sings "Happy Birthday to You" to David while she visits him at Clockworks.
  • Oh, Crap!: This is Dr. Kissinger's and David's (who's stuck in Syd's body) reaction whey they notice the doors are missing from the patients' rooms. They are especially horrified when they realize that Lenny has been merged into a wall.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: The montage that concludes with David trying to hang himself is set to The Who's peppy "Happy Jack".
  • Tele-Frag: A really gruesome version occurs when Syd enters David's body for the first time and loses control of his power. The mental hospital they were in gets completely reality warped, and poor Lenny gets phased into a concrete wall. David later discovers the Lenny-Wall hybrid and the image is disturbing to say the least.
