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Recap / Kamen Rider Saber Ep 48 When A New Page Opens

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When A New Page Opens.

Original Airdate: August 29, 2021
Written by: Hiroki Uchida
Directed by: Hidenori Ishida

Storious is defeated, Wonder World and Earth are recreated and saved, and peace has been restored. When Touma returns to relax with his friends, each of them forge on on their new paths, with Ryoga challenging Rintaro to a duel concerning the future of the Sword of Logos. Suddenly, a mysterious new monster attacks a girl, forcing Kento and Touma to save her and her two friends. Along the way, they meet two new Riders who are about to start their own story...

Episode tropes

  • Always with You: The three childhood friends the Riders protect proclaim this as they go their separate ways, vowing to remain by each others' side in spirit.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Rintaro is repeatedly trying to confess to Mei, but events and his own inability to spit it out conspire to shut him down every time, so he naturally gets more and more desperate.
  • Beach Episode: The Northern Base Riders and Sophia are enjoying their time at a beach. Subverted, as they're just hanging out at Northern Base decorated to look like a beach.
  • Breather Episode: This episode is comedic and Lighter and Softer than the finale arc before it, and it focuses on our heroes bonding and what they are doing post-Time Skip.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Rintaro's own anxiety and the rampaging Deadman prevent him from confessing to Mei. She eventually gets irritated and tells him to just say it.
  • Crossover: This episode serves as a special crossover with Kamen Rider Revice.
  • Dénouement Episode: After the conflict in the entire series is resolved, this episode takes a look at how our heroes are doing, as well as introducing the next Rider(s).
  • Early-Bird Cameo: George Karizaki makes his debut.
  • Flat "What":
    • The siblings are briefly stunned after walking in on the Northern Base Riders and Sofia enjoying time on the beach inside the Northern Base's main room. Especially Ryoga's face is pure "wtf are you doing, people".
    • Touma and Kento pause when Vice comes flying in and tackles the Batta Deadman. Then again when Revi also basically pops out of nowhere after the Deadman fled and puts some wrestling moves on Vice because he got little too handsy with Touma.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: Vice addresses the viewers directly multiple times, urging them to watch him look cool.
  • Funny Background Event: While Mei reacts to the Riders' battle with the Hopper Deadman, Rintaro can be seen behind her talking to himself and making odd gestures to get her attention.
  • Generation Xerox: Downplayed - Touma and Kento note how the Two Guys and a Girl trio of Junpei, Takuto and Fumi resemble themselves and Luna.
  • Hooked Up Afterwards: Despite his Anguished Declaration of Love attempts, Rintaro and Mei are implied to have gotten together in the end, coming into Touma's bookstore wearing matching clothing much to Kento's shock.
  • Medium Awareness: George gushes about how cool the Riders of the Reiwa Era are.
  • Post-Final Boss: The Batta Deadman serves as the concluding enemy of Saber.
  • Toilet Humor: Vice farts upon landing face down on the ground, followed by Touma and Kento holding their noses while in suit. Even the girl the Deadman was attacking collapses from the stench. Notably, this trait is completely absent in Revice itself, at least, not until that show's final episode.
  • Where It All Began: Touma and Kento encounter the Batta Deadman in the same place where they and Luna first met.

"We're still continuing to spin our own story."
