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Recap / Iruma Kun Post Amduscias Invitation Chapter

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The Post-Amduscias Invitation Chapter is a cooldown chapter that takes place before the 18th Story Arc of the Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun manga series.

The chapter centers around Iruma interacting with Ali regarding the spirit's new powers after Iruma achieved Rank 5 (Hé), and the inseparable bond that they share.

It consists of chapter 175's content.

Post-Amduscias Invitation Chapter Summary

Chapter 175: Iruma's Partner

Iruma's finally returned home following the Music Festival after-party, which he thinks over how he noticed that Azz was acting odd (not knowing about his run-in with Kirio). Upon entering his home, Opera greets him like usual. Iruma also hears music playing, which turns out to be Sullivan playing Lilith's Red Carpet on their home piano. Sitting down with Sullivan, Iruma goes about having fun with his demon grandpa as the two of them play the piano together. Iruma, Sullivan, and Opera then go about having their own private after-party celebration until Iruma's too exhausted and goes to bed. While lying in bed, Iruma looks to his Ring of Gluttony thinking that he wants to see Ali, who hasn't appeared for awhile now. Falling asleep, Iruma ends up dreaming of Ali leaving his side, and begs it not to go. Upon waking up, Iruma finds himself on his bed lying next to Ali, who's now the size of a normal human.

The sight of the large Ali shocks Iruma, which the ring spirit assures its master that it's still the same old Ali. However, Ali adds that it's now a new version of itself. Knowing that Iruma's confused, Ali gets to explaining what happened. It points out how after Iruma achieved Rank 4 (Daleth), it ended up falling into a deep sleep as if it was Sleeping Beauty. It was then suddenly awakened by Amduscias during the moment said former 13 Crown member chose to play his musical salute with Purson's trumpet after the Music Festival. Upon waking up, Ali realized that Iruma had already achieved Rank 5 (He), which has filled Ali up with new magic power. The ring spirit thanks Iruma for making it capable of using new spells, but Iruma is just glad to know that Ali hadn't actually disappeared. In return, Ali makes it clear that to Iruma, it's not his family, friend, teacher, or love interest. However, given that they can't live without each other within the demon world, he admits that the two of them are very unique partners.

Ali claims that there's no way it can leave Iruma since they're inseparable, which Iruma thanks it in return as the two of them hold shoulders. For convenience, Ali shrinks back down to baby size given that his little version is the one that Iruma's used to. Iruma also notices that due to his rank promotions, Ali's no longer tied to the Ring of Gluttony. The revelation shocks Ali, who races out the window to enjoy the outside world. However, Ali ends up getting forcibly pulled back into the window, and crashes into Iruma; showing that even though Ali isn't tied to the ring anymore, the distance that he can travel is limited. Ali admits that this is proof that they really are inseparable as a final narration is provided that because of Iruma rising up to Rank 5 (Hé), Ali evolved and gained new skills.
