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Recap / Friends S 2 E 23 The One With The Chicken Pox

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A recurring flame of Phoebe's who is in the navy is resurfacing for a two-week leave. Phoebe has a wonderful time planned for them but those plans are derailed when she catches the Chicken Pox.

Chandler gets Joey a job at his company as an data processor.


  • Bridal Carry: During the end credits Ross attempts to cary Rachel off this way, evoking An Officer and a Gentleman, but she keeps remembering things she needs to do before leaving. After carrying her back and forth several times Ross ends up dumping her on the couch because his back is starting to hurt.
  • Chicken Pox Episode: Phoebe catches the chicken pox from Ben, as she's the only one of the main characters who never had it as a child. Eventually, she gives it to Ryan as well, and Monica ends up duct-taping oven mitts over their hands so they won't scratch themselves.
  • Flipping the Bird: Phoebe does this to Ross after he mocks the oven mitts she and Ryan are wearing. The mitts also mean that the audience doesn't see the gesture, which keeps things network-friendly.
  • G-Rated Sex: Phoebe and Ryan passionately scratching each other while moaning.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Joey says "what a phony" after talking to Jeanette, despite him having made up an entire family, playing a role and telling his co-workers nothing but lies.
  • Inconvenient Itch: Eventually, both Phoebe and Ryan get the chicken pox, and take turns scratching each other.
  • Innocent Innuendo: Which Chandler is unable to joke about because his mouth is full.
    Rachel: So, wait, this guy goes down for like two years at a time?
    [Chandler groans]
    Monica: That'll teach you to lick my muffin.
    [Chandler groans again]
  • Jerkass Ball: Joey holds this. He becomes "Joseph", a put-together but also rather slimy version of himself. He snitches on Chandler.
  • Late to the Punchline: Phoebe realizing that Central Perk's name is a reference to Central Park.
  • Lightning Reveal: Ryan convinces Phoebe that her face can't possibly look as bad as she's claiming. Unfortunately, she takes off the cloth just in time for a bit of lightning, the suddenness of which startles Ryan.
    Ryan: The lightning was an unfortunate coincidence.
  • Neat Freak: Monica to the point of redoing making the bed because Richard didn't do it the exact way she would've done it. Richard actually finds this adorable, even as she goes on about other ways she's obsessive, and she feels relieved that she can be fully neurotic around him. If anything, it's Richard's lack of obsessive habits that makes Monica self-conscious.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: Much to Chandler's irritation, Joey does this to score points with the boss (and at Chandler's expense, no less).
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The An Officer and a Gentleman send-up doesn't have quite the impact that Ross was hoping for, as Rachel has assorted loose ends at Central Perk (e.g. turning out the lights, getting her purse). Ross eventually gets so frustrated that he drops Rachel off on the couch and says he'll meet her upstairs.
  • Shout-Out: The Stinger spoofs the final scene from An Officer and a Gentleman, complete with "Up Where We Belong" playing.
  • Sick Episode: Phoebe catches chicken pox, which ruins her plans with Ryan. Eventually, he gets sick as well. Downplayed as they don't experience any symptoms besides the itch.
  • Smart Ball: Joey points out that "Joseph" isn't in Chandler's department and thus can't be fired by him.
  • A Taste Of His Own Medicine: Since "Joseph" isn't one of his direct subordinates, Chandler can't simply fire him outright, so he opts for this. He spins a yarn about "Chandy" sleeping with "Joseph"'s wife and bragging about it at the office. It works a little too well on Joey.
    Joey: Really?
  • That Came Out Wrong: While bemoaning Richard being too normal, Monica simply shouts, "My boyfriend doesn't have a thing!" Richard alludes to how badly such a statement could be misinterpreted.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Played for laughs when Ross and Rachel walk in on the G-Rated Sex example. Ross says he expected better of a military man.
    • Chandler when he's had enough of Joey's behavior at the office.
      Chandler: I hate Joseph. I think he's a brown-nosing suck-up!
