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Recap / Fear The Walking Dead S 03 E 14 El Matadero

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Season 3, Episode 14:

El Matadero

Written by Alan Page
Directed by Stefan Schwartz

Ofelia falls off the water truck and the others in the group see that she has been bitten. Madison promises that she'll see her father, sells half their weapons so she can rest in the bazaar and spends more to keep her comfortable. Strand criticizes her for wasting resources while a grieving Walker finds honor in observing her last wish. Madison and Nick looks after Ofelia. Madison manages to reach Daniel, but Ofelia dies just as Daniel arrives. Nick goes on a binge of drugs and drinking, wrangling Troy into joining him, eventually wading through a group of walking dead when Nick confesses that he can't go with Madison. The next morning, Daniel agrees to let Madison's group come to the dam but Nick and Troy decide to stay at the bazaar. Elsewhere, Alicia's scavenging attracts the dead who are killed by Diana. The two women initially threaten each other but decide to share the food Alicia found.

