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Recap / Dragon Ball Z Abridged CV 1

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Cell is standing in the arena for the Cell Gamesnote  admiring both his perfect ring and the calm of the surrounding countryside when suddenly Kazuma Kuwabara from YuYu Hakusho shows up outside the ring, complete with a loud exclamation about how weird the crown on Cell's head looks. Surprisingly enough, Cell ignores the insult and admits that he's grateful for the distraction, as he's gotten bored of simply standing around and waiting for the Cell Games to begin in a week.

Of course, whenever Kuwabara goes someplace Yusuke is likely to be there too, and sure enough Yusuke leaps from... somewhere... and lands inside the ring, where he proceeds to insult Cell some more and ask what his deal is. Cell makes it clear that he will absolutely murder the two of them if they don't leave. Yusuke responds by saying he's there to fight Cell, as Cell's tournament is open invitation, and then both Yusuke and Kuwabara either mention or display their powers.

Cell, amused, asks which one could destroy the planet, Yusuke's "Spirit Gun" or Kuwabara's sword, a question which brings Yusuke up short. Cell asks again, now mentioning how easy such a feat is for him, complete with beginning to charge up some Ki around his finger, apparently ready to blow up the Earth just to demonstrate for the two teenagers.

Yusuke, realizing how out of their league they are, promptly leaves, muttering some more insults for Cell under his breath, all while Cell continues to look on in amusement from inside the ring.

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Tropes include:

  • Actually Pretty Funny: While he never actually laughs, Cell does take a lot of Trash Talk from both Yusuke and Kuwabara with surprising tolerance considering he's a temperamental mass murderer who, among other things, once murdered a reporter in cold blood after talking to the man for hours simply because said reporter forgot to address Cell as "Mr. Perfect Cell." He even calls himself by one of the insults that Yusuke uses! He both begins and ends the interaction with an amused smile despite the heaps of insults the two pile on.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Yes, actually. Both Yusuke and Kuwbara repeatedly insult and ridicule Cell, and they get away with it, albeit only because they don't push the issue any further and leave as soon as they realize they're no match for Cell. Also, Yusuke literally makes a reference to actually flipping off Cell when leaving after Cell explained that Cell only needs to lift a finger to blow up the planet.
    Yusuke: [muttering to himself as he walks away] Pompous green asshole, I'll show you what my middle finger can do.
  • Finger Poke of Doom: Cell casually mentions that he could blow up the planet with a finger, then charges up just a bit of energy around his finger. This is when Yusuke decided that it was time to leave.
  • Flat "What": This is more or less Yusuke's response when Cell brings up the fact that Cell can blow up planets.
  • Foreshadowing: Cell wasn't expecting two teenage heroes to show up to his arena, but they point out, correctly, that Cell's tournament is open invitation. Cell will get many other visits from other heroes and characters that he doesn't expect (both in the Cell vs series and in the series proper) and will come to regret it.
  • The Ghost: While both Hiei and Genkai are mentioned, Yusuke and Kuwabara are the only characters from YuYu Hakusho who actually show up on-screen.
  • Japanese Delinquents: Cell somehow instantly knows the two are this, although the only real clue is Kuwabara's pompadour.
  • Just a Kid: Cell mocks both Yusuke and Kuwabara several times and refuses to take them seriously because of their youth.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Once Yusuke finally realizes exactly how powerful Cell is, he is quick to walk away from the fight.
  • No Indoor Voice: All of Kuwabara’s lines are delivered at full volume. Yusuke is generally much quieter.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Yusuke and Kuwabara do this after Cell reveals just how powerful he is. Yusuke mentions going back to Genkai's, presumably to train and/or try to take another level in badass.
  • Sensing You Are Outmatched: Yusuke eventually does this, although it's a bit belated; he doesn't realize that the monster who slaughtered and ate entire cities before blowing up more cities is out of his league until after Cell announces he could easily blow up the planet too.
  • Smug Super: Cell is this in full force in this episode. He knows that Yusuke and Kuwabara pose about as much of a threat to him as a single ant does to an elephant, and he acts accordingly.

Cell: [smugly amused] They're going to have to take the bus home. Because they're kids.
