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Recap / DEATH BATTLE! S01E08 - Yoshi VS Riptor

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NOTICE: This is a Recap page, so all spoilers will be left unmarked, per wiki policy. Read ahead only with caution! You Have Been Warned.

Who doesn't like dinosaurs? No one, because they're awesome! There are many fans of both Yoshi, Mario's happy-go-lucky steed, and Riptor, the dino warrior with a killer instinct.

For this episode of Death Battle, it's a dino-fight to the finish as Wiz and Boomstick analyzes their weapons, armos and skills to see who would win a Death Battle.

Yoshi: Yoshi is a cheerful and friendly dinosaur who happens to be one of Bowser's greatest enemies. Yoshi is considered one of the fastest characters in the Mario universe and can jump higher and stronger than Mario. Yoshi is intelligent and has several eggs to be used as projectiles. Yoshi's greatest asset is his stomach. He has a long stretchy tongue and can eat almost anything. Devouring certain things gives him special abilities, and eggs may have special properties based on what he's eaten (or may have an enemy trapped inside if Yoshi ate them).

Riptor: Riptor was genetically engineered to be the perfect combination of human intelligence and animal brutality. His weapons are the teeth, claws, and tail of his body, and he can shoot acid from his mouth. His human emotion and predatory instincts contradict each other, confusing him to the point of blind rage. He prefers to rush in with brutal combos rather than strategize, as he as no training and his instincts are very much a part of him.After an ad from Square Space, IT'S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!

Yoshi happily dances near a pipe, where Riptor pops out. Yoshi looks in horror.


Riptor goes in and brutalizes Yoshi, who is smacked away by Riptor's tail (AWESOME COMBO). Yoshi gets to his feet and throws a few eggs to no effect, including an egg that releases a baby Yoshi...that gets slaughtered. Yoshi is again savagely beaten as Riptor charges in for a second time. Yoshi gets in a few counter-hits (COMBO BREAKER!), like firing a Koopa Shell, however, and eats the acid Riptor spits at him. Laying an egg, he throws it at Riptor's face, which is then covered in acid as a result. Yoshi devours Riptor and ejects him inside an egg off a cliff...and somehow onto Boomstick's car at the bottom.


As Boomstick laments the destruction of his car, the hosts chalk it up that while Riptor was brutal up close, Yoshi's strange arsenal of moves was the key against Riptor's savage attacks. Plus, even if Boomstick's car wasn't conveniently at the bottom of that cliff, Riptor would've been killed off anyway since the acid ate away most of his face.

Boomstick: He (Riptor) just didn't have the stomach for this dynamite dino-fight
Wiz: What?
Boomstick: I'm clever!
Wiz: The winner is Yoshi.

Next time on Death Battle...
