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Recap / Daria S 1 E 02

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After giving Brittany an impromptu tutoring in art, Daria is invited by the head cheerleader to a party, to which she (who is serving as a chaperon for Quinn) and Jane reluctantly attend.

This episode provides examples of:

  • All There in the Script: Sandi. See No Name Given below.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: When they get bored with the party, Daria and Jane take over the guard house to the neighborhood. They make the residents answer ridiculous personal questions and trivia to gain access.
  • Brainless Beauty: Brittany can't seem to grasp basic concepts at school, so she is impressed at Daria's simplified method at explaining how to apply perspective in a drawing class. Later, she allows Jane into the party when she asks her if Jane knows anything about Geometry. Just naming circles, triangles and squares is enough to impress Brittany.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Brittany mentions that the only thing in her house that wasn't ready was the jacuzzi. Much later, Jane gets out of that room, which is getting flooded with foam, and Quinn gets her shoes ruined by the water, forcing Daria, Jane and Quinn to get a ride from Upchuck.
  • Cock Fight: The Three J's descend into this by the end of the episode, to Quinn's horror.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Jane is able to get past the security guard by leaving her scrapbook of life drawings (i.e., naked people).
  • Innocently Insensitive: Brittany, of course.
    Brittany: I promised the other cheerleaders that I wouldn't invite any more really attractive girls.
    Daria: Now I'm especially flattered.
  • Let's Just Be Friends: Quinn says this to the Three J's. Not that it should stop them from taking her places and buying her things, of course. (Don't worry—that continues through the rest of the series.)
  • No Name Given: Sandi, Tiffany and the Popular Girl have a fairly important part in this episode, but none of them are named. Sandi was All There in the Script, however.
  • Noodle Incident: Jane briefly leaves Daria alone to flirt with a guy. Much later, Daria catches her sneaking out of the jacuzzi room with a sock on her shoulder and large amounts of foam filtering from the door. She refuses to go into detail of what happened there.
  • One-Steve Limit: There are apparently three "Tiffany"s at Brittany's party, one of whom turns out to be a major recurring character.
  • Second Episode Introduction: First appearances of Trent, Jodie, Mack, Upchuck, Tiffany, the Three J's and Ms Defoe.
  • Shout-Out: When Upchuck introduces himself to the girls, Daria calls herself "Esmeralda", the name of Jane's maid in Tarzan of the Apes.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Brittany was so grateful to Daria explaining her how drawing perspective works that she invited her to her party, regardless of her social standing.
  • Wild Teen Party: Brittany's party is actually pretty tame, but it's still loud enough that the neighbors call the police.
