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Recap / Criminal Case: Grimsborough - Case 15: Family Blood

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Aileen Greene, Alden's daughter-in-law, is found beaten to death with a baseball bat and tied to a crib.


  • Abandoned Warehouse: One of the crime scenes is an old factory in the Industrial Area.
  • Amoral Attorney: Despite Scott himself confessing to the murder of his step-mother, his lawyer still tries to appeal Judge Hall's judgement, saying that the case is full of irregularities.
  • Batter Up!: How the victim was killed.
  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: Jones begins to see the Greene family as this.
    Jones: Okay, seriously, what is WRONG with the Greene family? They all sound like cold-hearted monsters!
  • Blackmail: Apart from stalking her, Tom had been blackmailing his ex-wife Aileen for money, since being married to the Greene family meant she was basically a millionaire.
  • By-the-Book Cop: Jones refuses Mrs. Fusslepot's whiskey offer because he's not allowed to drink on the job.
  • Continuity Nod: After you find the "For Sale" sign Alden requested to you.
    Jones: Hey, have you seen the name of the contact? It's Dave Simmons! Remember him?
    Jones: Our second case together... so many memories! ... I just hope there isn't a dead body in THIS house!
  • Control Freak: Jones calls Alden one after discovering he hired a private detective to investigate Aileen.
    Jones: I could have done without Alden Greene putting his nose in this case. The man has got serious control issues.
  • Gilligan Cut: After finding out that the killer wears running shoes, this happens:
    Jones: Mrs. Fusslepot spends her days in the Greenes' home. She could probably fill us in about who in the family wears running shoes.

    Fusslepot: I have no intention of telling you who in this family wears running shoes, officers!
  • Gold Digger: Alden believes Aileen was this.
    Alden: She got arrested for larceny, then divorced and came to Grimsborough to "reinvent" herself... with the help of my son's money, no doubt.
  • Mad Doctor: What Jones seems to think of Dr. Andy Choi.
    Andy: Alright, officers, let me handle this! I'm used to taking care of drug addicts in this city!
    Tom: Haha, this guy's got a tomato for a head! I wanna take a bite!
    Andy: Now, Tom, my head isn't ripe yet. But come with me, I'll take you to a great vegetable garden!
    Jones: ...are doctors really supposed to be as crazy as their patients?
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Alden towards Aileen, believing she only married Paul for his money and not believing she had changed after moving to Grimsborough.
  • Private Detective: Alden hired one to investigate Aileen.
  • Recovered Addict: Aileen used to be a junkie, according to the private detective Alden hired to investigate her.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: According to Alden, his grandson Scott will not spend much time in jail thanks to his lawyers.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: The Greene family.
    Jones: I'm glad I'm not part of the Greene family! The rich can really get away with murder these days!
  • Shout-Out:
  • Stalker with a Crush: Tom Hunt, Aileen's ex-husband, followed her all the way to Grimsborough to beg for another chance.
  • Starting a New Life: After being arrested for larceny, Aileen divorced her husband, recovered from drugs, then moved to Grimsborough to start a new life.
  • Upper-Class Twit: What Jones begins to think everyone in the Financial Center is.
    Jones: I'm really starting to dislike everyone in this part of town, <Player's Name>. They're all more interested about money and reputation than about people!
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Tom's explanation for why he was stalking Aileen. Jones finds it a little hard to believe.
    Tom: I only came to see if she was really happy in her new life! I just wanted to make sure!
  • Wicked Stepmother: Scott saw Aileen as this, thanks to his grandfather's influence. He finally snapped and killer her after he saw Aileen stealing money for her ex-husband.
  • You Did the Right Thing: Alden tells the player this post-investigation after the arrest of his grandson, though it's unclear how sincere it is.
